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Researcher: David Farrell -
Address: B1Y3B9
Description: My father was Thomas Farrell born in Baie du Nord in 1891 to William Farrell and Bridget ?
His sister was Philomena Farrell born 1890 and she married Joseph B. Fitzpatrick born about 1883. His father was believed to be William Fitzpatrick.
My father spoke highly about "Teacher Tom Farrell"
but nothing else. Teacher Tom was married to Frances Mary Lundrigan. He and she both died in Sydney NS. I'm trying to connect the families. I believe Teacher Tom's father was Benjamin Farrell and Benj was probably a brother to my father's father but not sure?
Area of Research: Entire Province
Extent of Research: Limited
[February 2021]
Details include :
James FOX :---born about 1786, supposedly Nine Mile House, Tipperary, Ireland ; died Oct.26, 1852, St .John's , but buried over in Harbour Grace in Old RC cemetary, off Water Street & Bennett's Lane, next to his wife, Alice ( McGrath ) FOX ( b. 1792-d.Apr.7,1829 ), daughter of John McGrath.
Emigrated to Harbour Grace, Conception Bay, Nfld. from Ireland about 1810/1812. First mentioned in RC church records on Sept.17, 1813 regarding Baptism of Catherine, daughter of Dan Green and Racheul Gushul.
James FOX was a merchant in Harbour Grace for over 40 years since his arrival in Harbour Grace, circa 1810/1812. Move to St.John's following the great fire in Harbour Grace in 1844 and continued his merchant business with his two sons James amd John until his death in 1852.
James FOX had 5 children; Hon. James, John, Catherine , Joanna and Mary FOX
Area of Research: Conception Bay
Extent of Research: Extensive
Page LastUpdated Saturday March 20, 2021
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