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Emanuals - 1761


The source for the following is GN2/1/A vol # 5 page 205


By William Brown Esq. Representative and Deputy of Thomas Graves Esq. Governor & Commander in Chief in and over the whole Island of Newfoundland

      Where as it appears to me by proper evidence that a place called Emanuals situated in the Bay of Conception was formerly legally possessed by John Garland and since his death has been illegally & clandestinely made use of by several persons who have no pretence whatsoever there to and as His Majestys Law commands that all possessions belonging to any person shall be the property of him and his heirs forever.
      It therefore appears to me that Charles Garland Esq. of Harbour Grace in the said Bay is the true heir at Law to the said place/ his grandfather being the first legal proprietor. I do decree the said place Emanuals to him and his heirs forever and I strictly command that no person or persons whatsoever shall dare attempt to disturb him in the quiet & peaceable possession of the same, as they shall answer the contrary at their peril.

Given under my hand in Harbour Grace September 16 1761
( signed ) William Brown

To Charles Garland Esq.

Transcribers Note    The place referred to as Emanuals is most likely the place now known as Manuals in Conception Bay South.



Page contributed by Keith Brown

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Tuesday March 26, 2013)

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