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Collection Description Location
BARR, James C. Merchant/Military Officer, St. John's Military appointments, 1919, 1940, 1953, original MG 373
ELLIS, Eric Business Manager/Military Officer, St. John's Diaries, correspondence, etc., ca. 1914-1919, original MG 7 F.A. 168
FORT WALDEGROVE Fortified battery, St John's Harbour Records re: staffing of the battery, 1916-1918, original MG 562
FROST, C. Sydney Bank Official /Military Officer, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia Unofficial historian of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment - collection consists of 34 sections relating to Regiment, e.g. Burial site of deceased members, typescript of the War Diaries, etc., ca. 1914-1922 MG 9
FURLONG, Edward T. Store Manager/Censor/Corps Executive Typescript, Minute Books, Catholic Cadet Corps, 1905-1914, original MG 385 F.A. 185
GRANDY, Captain Roy Stanley Military Officer Military related items, World War I and II, original MG 386 F.A. 186
GREAT WAR VETERANS ASSOCIATION Organization formed at the end of the war for the benefit of ex-servicemen, 1919-1949, original MG 592
HIGGINS, Gordon Barrister/Politican Records of the G.W.V.A. and Newfoundland Patriotic Association, ca. 1921-1962, original MG 336 F.A. 193
JACKSON, H.M. and NICHOLSON, Col. G.W.L. Military Historians Information on the Royal NewfoundlandRegiment, ca. 1914-1919, original and copy MG 23
JEFFERS, G.W. Catalina Letter to George Pomeroy, Newfoundland Regiment, October 1917, original MG 356
KELLY, John Scrapbook of World War I items, ca. 1914-1919, original MG 737
MANNING, RAYMOND Civil Servant, St. John's The Gazette of the 3rd London General Hosptial, Wandsworth. 3 bound volumes. October 1916 to July 1919 The letters of MAYO LIND, St. John's, 1919 MG 288 F.A. 126
MURPHY, Captain Leo C. Military Officer/Journalist World War I documents relating to the Royal Newfoundland Regiment and the Royal Naval Reserve, ca. 1914-1919, original and copy MG 439 F.A. 182
NEWFOUNDLAND BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE Correspondence, preliminary list of names, etc., ca. 1967-1969, original and copy MG 656
NEWFOUNDLAND ROYAL NAVAL RESERVE Seaman's certificate book, ca. 1925-1935, original MG 709
NICHOLSON, Col. G.W.L. Military Historian, Ottawa Typescript copies of chapters, of, The Fighting Newfoundland relating to Newfoundland's participation in World War I, ca. 1964, typescript MG 438
PATRIOTIC ASSOCIATION OF NEWFOUNDLAND Records re: Royal Newfoundland Regiment, 1914-1949, original MG 632 F.A. 100
PATRIOTIC ASSOCIATION OF THE WOMEN OF NEWFOUNDLAND Various records, ca. 1914-1950, original MG 635 F.A. 158
PATTERSON, Major Reginald Grant Military Officer/Surveyor, St. John's Appointments, letters, newspaper clippings, 1915-1949, original and copy MG 429
RODGER, William Soldier, St. John's Military items, ca. 1914-1919, original MG 450
TAIT, Major, R.H. (Bert) Military Officer/Solicitor, St. John's Items relating to the Royal Newfoundland Regiment, 1914-1919, original MG 26
WELLMAN, L/C Thomas Soldier, St. John's Items relating to the Royal Newfoundland Regiments, 1914-1919, copy MG 702
WHITE, Edwin Greenspond Scrapbook re: World War I soldiers, 1914-1919, original and copy MG 401
WINTER, H.H. (Dick) Businessman, St. John's Material relating to the, National War Memorial ca. 1924, original MG 79
WORLD WAR I Scrapbook Scrapbook relating to War I, and veterans' World scrapbooks, 1914-1918, 1928-1931, original MG 713 F.A. 106
Collection Description Location
ELLIS, Eric Maps of World War I MG 7 F.A. 168
FROST, C. Sydney Yarmouth, Nova Scotia Maps of World War I MG 9
TAIT, Major P.H. (Bert) St. John's Maps of World War I MG 26
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Newfoundland Plans of Newfoundland War Memorial, St. John's and Beaumont Hamel, France by Rud Cochius RG 4.3 (GN 4) F.A. available at Reference Desk

Transcribed by Barbara McGrath (May 1999)

Page last updated Friday, 04-May-2007 14:49:41 ADT (Craig Peterman)

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