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MUN Student Research
Newfoundland History
Bennett, C. F. - The Man: A Paper on the Social & Business Aspects of Bennett's Life |
L. Gillam |
103-D-5-3 |
Brown, Leo |
C. Ford |
103-A-2-1 |
De Sousa, Arthur |
K. Samuelson |
103-A-2-12 |
Doyle, James (Sr.) |
A. Doyle |
103-A-2-3 |
Fighter from Fermeuse |
R. Stroud |
103-A-2-10 |
Furey, Charles James |
C. Maloney |
103-A-2-9 |
Gillingham, William |
W. Gillingham |
103-A-2-4 |
Gisborne, Frederick N.: Explorer & Entrepreneur |
M. Roil |
103-A-2-15 |
Goodyear, T. H. (Capt.) |
G. Tucker |
103-A-2-5 |
Grenfell, Sir Wilfred |
M. Sinnott |
103-A-2-19 |
Kearney, Michael - Shipbuilder & Genius |
A. Kearney |
103-A-2-17 |
Ledrew, Winifred |
A. Sharpe |
103-A-2-14 |
Morris, Edward Patrick: 1886-1900 |
J. P. Greene |
103-A-2-18 |
Murphy, Leo Joseph (1888-1959) - Politician & Merchant of the Twentieth Century |
A. Murphy |
103-A-2-11 |
O'Brien, Edward Joseph (Monsignor) |
B. Mullaly |
103-A-2-6 |
Petite, Gerry |
V. Tubman |
103-A-2-7 |
Pippy, Chesley Alwyn (Sr.) |
K. J. Pike |
103-A-2-16 |
Ryan, Patrick T. |
K. Philpott |
103-A-2-2 |
Walsh, Andrew |
G. Walsh |
103-A-2-8 |
Aids to Navigation at Cape Race, NF, 1856-1886 |
B. Porrett |
103-A-3-13 |
Broadcasting and the National Convention |
E. Ozon |
103-A-3-15 |
Commission Government (Attitude of St. John's Newspapers Toward It) |
R. Gulliver |
103-A-3-2 |
Doyle Bulletin |
C. Doyle |
103-A-3-3 |
Evening Telegram, 1879-1966 |
E. Barrett |
103-A-3-10 |
Evening Telegram's Attitude Towards Sir Richard Squires |
M. Comerford |
103-A-3-9 |
Gisborne, Frederick Newton & the Newfoundland Electric Telegraph Company, 1851-1854 |
G. N. Horvath |
103-A-3-12 |
Newfoundland Newspapers |
M. Harrington |
103-A-3-4 |
Newfoundland Patriot, 1838-1842 |
S. Ryan |
103-A-3-5 |
Newfoundland Patriot's Role in the Political History of Newfoundland |
S. Manual |
103-A-3-6 |
Newfoundland Patriot's Effect on Newfoundland Politics (1832-1840) |
R. Parsons |
103-A-3-8 |
Newfoundland, 1838-1842 |
G. Collins |
103-A-3-7 |
Telecommunications in NF (1849-1949) |
I. L. Dickinson, F. Drover, C. Furlong, J. Heneghan |
103-A-3-14 |
Telegraph & Female Telegraphists in NF |
P. Bradbrook |
103-A-3-11 |
Utilization of Radio by Joseph R. Smallwood in Gaining Confederation with Canada for Nfld.: Radio Shaped Their Minds |
E. Ozon |
103-A-3-1 |
Adam's Cove |
H. Stanford |
101-A-1-2 |
Adam's Cove |
E. Parsons |
101-A-1-1 |
Alexander Bay (Attempted Industry) |
F. Borden |
103-A-4-1 |
Anchor Point - Eddies Cove East |
R. Genge |
104-D-1-1 |
Aquaforte |
C. Ryan |
101-A-1-4 |
Aspen Cove |
Unknown |
101-A-1-3 |
Badger |
L. Maddox |
101-A-2-41 |
Baie Verte |
B. W. Rowe |
101-A-2-47 |
Baie Verte Peninsula |
D. G. Tilley |
104-D-2-1 |
Barr'd Islands |
E. Witcher |
101-A-2-1 |
Barr'd Islands (Review from 1800-1830 as seen through the Slade Ledger for that Period) |
O. Hewitt |
103-D-5-10 |
Bartlett's Harbour |
A. Caines |
101-A-2-42 |
Battle Hr. Fishery in late 18th Century |
L. Jenkins |
103-B-3-5 |
Bay Bulls |
M. Walsh Chang |
101-A-2-3 |
Bay Bulls |
E. Lynch |
101-A-2-2 |
Bay d'Espoir (Morrisville) |
E. Legge |
102-A-1-9 |
Bay de Vieux Area (Red Island) |
R. Kendell |
104-D-19-2 |
Bay de Verde |
G. Riggs |
101-A-2-4 |
Bay du Nord |
R. Hanem |
101-A-2-45 |
Bay of Islands |
M. Walsh Chang |
101-A-2-5 |
Bay of Islands (McIvers) |
W. Park |
102-A-1-1 |
Bay of Islands (Gilliam's) |
S. Park |
101-C-2-6 |
Bay of Islands (Woods Island) |
W. Parsons |
102-B-5-8 |
Bay Roberts |
M. Blackmore |
101-A-2-6 |
Bay Roberts |
D. Churchill |
101-A-2-8 |
Bay Roberts |
D. Badcock |
101-A-2-7 |
Bay Roberts (Fishery & Shipping) |
K. J. Mercer |
103-C-1-36 |
Bay Roberts (Marriages with the Anglican Parish) |
H. Hammon |
104-A-3-1 |
Bay Roberts - Port-de-Grave |
D. Churchill |
104-D-2-2 |
Bay St. George - Codroy Valley Area (Port-au-Port) |
G. Smith |
104-D-17-5 |
Bell Island |
R. J. Galway |
101-A-2-10 |
Bell Island |
Unknown |
101-A-2-9 |
Bell Island |
D. Woodford |
101-A-2-13 |
Bell Island |
B. Thorne & T. J. Gushue |
101-A-2-11 |
Bell Island |
B. J. Kavanagh |
101-A-2-12 |
Bell Island (Lance Cove) |
L. C. Rees |
101-A-2-38 |
Bell Island (Wabana Iron Ore Mines) |
J. Bennett |
103-A-4-28 |
Bell Island Mines, 1894-1912 |
H. F. Crane |
103-A-4-44 |
Bell Island Mine |
G. Bartlett & W. Whalen |
103-A-4-2 |
Bellburns |
E. House |
101-A-2-14 |
Belleoram |
A. H. Dominix |
101-A-2-15 |
Bellevue, 1949 |
V. Walsh |
101-A-2-44 |
Birchy Bay |
S. Canning |
101-A-2-16 |
Bishop's Cove |
G. Clarke |
101-A-2-17 |
Bishop's Falls |
C. Saunders |
101-A-2-19 |
Bishop's Falls |
B. Reid |
101-1-2-48 |
Bishop's Falls |
C. Lannon |
101-A-2-18 |
Blaketown |
E. Bishop |
101-A-2-20 |
Bonavista |
D. Bradley |
101-A-2-46 |
Bonavista Bay (Flat Island) |
E. Hiscock |
101-C-1-4 |
Bonavista Bay (Found Cove) |
R. Gaulton |
102A-4-23 |
Bonavista Bay (Happy Adventure) |
N. Powell |
101-D-1-18 |
Bonavista Bay (Hare Bay) |
N. Saunders |
101-D-1-8 |
Bonavista Bay (King's Cove) |
E. Ricketts |
101-D-3-3 |
Bonavista Bay (King's Cove) |
M. Devine |
101-D-3-2 |
Bonavista Bay (Newtown Fishery) |
K. Perry |
103-C-1-38 |
Bonavista Bay (Open Hall) |
E. Long |
102-A-3-4 |
Bonavista Bay (Red Cliffe) |
W. Muggridge |
102-A-5-10 |
Bonavista Bay (Traytown) |
F. Borden |
102-B-2-9 |
Bonavista Bay (Trinity) |
C. Ackerman |
102-B-2-10 |
Bonavista Bay Fishery & Settlement from 1731-1793 |
W. Oldford |
103-B-3-11 |
Bonavista Bay Fishery & Settlement from 1795-1836 |
W. Oldford |
103-B-3-12 |
Bonavista Bay Fishery, 1836-1911 |
E. S. Hapgood |
103-B-3-10 |
Bonavista Bay Fishery 1699-1730 |
W. Oldford |
103-B-3-8 |
Bonavista Bay Shipping, 1861-1879 |
H. Strickland |
104-B-4-2 |
Bonne Bay - Flower's Cove (Settlement on the French Shore) |
E. Mudge |
104-D-2-3 |
Botwood |
O. Nichols |
101-A-2-22 |
Botwood |
D. Boone |
101-A-2-21 |
Botwood |
Woolridge |
101-A-2-23 |
Bragg's Island |
L. Goulding |
101-A-2-39 |
Branch |
E. English |
101-A-2-24 |
Bridgeport |
G. Peddle |
101-A-2-25 |
Brig Bay |
W. Samson |
101-A-2-43 |
Brigus |
S. Tilley |
101-A-2-40 |
Brigus |
Unknown |
101-A-2-26 |
Brigus |
D. Leamon |
101-A-2-28 |
Brigus (Seal Fishery Decline, 1868-1884) |
D. Landrigan |
103-C-1-14 |
Brigus Fishery Between 1836 and 1921 |
T. W. Fry |
103-C-1-32 |
J. Chafe |
101-A-2-27 |
Bristol's Hope |
S. Lynch |
101-A-2-29 |
Brownsdale |
W. Pike |
101-A-2-30 |
Bryant's Cove |
J. D. Parsons |
101-A-2-31 |
Buchans |
F. Forsey |
101-A-2-32 |
Bull Cove |
W. Bartlett |
101-A-2-33 |
Burgeo |
D. Vatcher |
101-A-2-34 |
Burgeo - La Poile |
C. Rose |
104-D-2-4 |
Burin Peninsula |
M. Watton |
104-D-2-5 |
Burlington |
A. Hodder |
101-A-2-35 |
Burnside |
A. Oldford & R. Hunter |
101-A-2-36 |
Burnt Point |
E. O. Milley |
101-A-2-37 |
Calvert |
E. Condon |
101-B-1-1 |
Calvert |
W. Ledwell |
101-B-1-3 |
Calvert |
P. Densmore |
101-B-1-2 |
Campbellton |
N. Hillier |
101-B-1-4 |
Cape Broyle |
F. Hartery |
101-B-1-5 |
Cape Broyle |
J. Efford |
101-B-1-33 |
Cape Broyle |
Sr. M. O'Brien |
101-B-1-7 |
Cape Broyle - RESTRICTED |
R. Keough |
101-B-1-6 |
Cape Race (Aids to Navigation, 1856-1886) |
B. Porrett |
103-A-3-13 |
Carbonear (Population from 1850-1909) |
P. Finn |
104-A-3-3 |
Carbonear (Population from 1850-1880) |
P. Finn |
104-A-3-2 |
Carbonear (Rorke Fish & Coal Co.) |
J. Hornell |
103-D-5-18 |
Carbonear (Rorke Fish & Coal Co.: The End of Their Saga) |
J. Harrington |
103-D-5-17 |
Carbonear (Shipping for the Years 1861-1889) |
P. Finn |
104-B-4-4 |
Carbonear District (Salmon Cove) |
L. Hobbs |
102-B-1-35 |
Carbonear Merchants, 1850-1950 |
A. Reid |
103-D-5-4 |
Carmanville |
G. S. Snow |
101-B-1-35 |
Cat Harbour |
B. Parsons |
101-B-1-8 |
Cat's Cove Riot |
Barbara Sloane |
103-D-4-2 |
Catalina |
W. R. Langor |
101-B-1-9b |
Catalina (Ye Olden Times) |
E. Tilley |
101-B-1-9a |
Cavendish |
R. Johnson |
101-B-1-11 |
Cavendish |
D. F. Fowlow |
101-B-1-10 |
Cavendish & Whiteway, Trinity South (Genealogy) |
C. Jerrett |
17-C-1-23 |
Champneys (Trinity Bay) |
G. Budden |
101-B-1-32 |
Change Islands (The Decline of the Labrador Floater Fishery) |
R. Morgan |
103-C-1-47 |
Channel (Port-aux-Basques) |
L. Forsey |
101-B-1-12 |
Channel (Port-aux-Basques) |
R. Prosser |
101-B-1-13 |
Chateau Bay (Henley Harbour, Labrador) |
L. Budgen |
101-D-1-11 |
Clarenville |
R. Stringer |
101-B-1-14 |
Clarke's Beach |
D. H. Dawe |
101-B-1-15 |
Clattice Harbour |
W. Parsons |
101-B-1-16 |
Codroy (Fishing Settlement before 1900) |
A. O'Quinn |
101-B-1-17 |
Codroy Valley |
M. O'Gorman |
104-D-3-2 |
Codroy Valley |
R. Downey |
104-D-3-1 |
Codroy Valley Area (Port-au-Port, Bay St. George) |
G. Smith |
104-D-17-5 |
Coley's Point |
B. Badcock |
101-B-1-18 |
Coley's Point |
A. Bowering |
101-B-1-19 |
Colinet (Logging Industry) |
J. McDonald |
103-A-4-32 |
Come-By-Chance |
C. G. Allen |
101-B-1-20 |
Comfort Cove |
C. White |
101-B-1-21 |
Conception Bay (Gull Island Fishing Community) |
P. McCann |
101-C-2-28 |
Conception Bay (Head of) |
M. Doyle |
104-D-3-3 |
Conception Bay (Holyrood) |
Sr. S. Hynes |
101-D-1-13 |
Conception Bay (Kelly's Island & Little Bell Island) |
W. J. Reid |
101-D-3-1 |
Conception Bay (Lower Island Cove) |
H. Rogers |
101-D-4-12 |
Conception Bay (Victoria) |
R. Burke |
102-B-4-3 |
Conception Harbour |
M. Dalton |
101-B-1-22 |
Conception Harbour, 1700-1982 |
A. Richard |
101-B-1-34 |
Conaigre Bay (Seal Cove) |
C. Loveless |
102-B-1-33 |
Conne River - RESTRICTED |
P. John |
101-B-1-30 |
Corner Brook |
D. Sharpe |
101-B-1-27 |
Corner Brook |
B. O'Reilly |
101-B-1-26 |
Corner Brook |
S. A. Lake |
101-B-1-25 |
Corner Brook |
K. J. Garnier |
101-B-1-24 |
Corner Brook (Sir Richard Squires - His Part in the Development) |
P. King |
104-A-2-32 |
Corner Brook Mill, 1922-1930 |
D. Hackett |
103-A-4-18 |
Corner Brook Pulp & Paper Mill |
P. King |
103-A-4-5 |
Corner Brook: Bowater's Pulp & Paper Co. Ltd. |
H. Butt |
103-A-4-3 |
Corner Brook: Bowater's Paper Mill in Newfoundland |
B. Tiller |
103-A-4-4 |
Corner Brook: Political History |
A. Collins |
104-A-2-9 |
Creston South - RESTRICTED |
R. Baxter |
101-B-1-31 |
Cupids (Stories) |
W. Akerman |
101-B-1-28 |
Curling |
W. Randell |
101-B-1-29 |
Daniel's Cove |
M. F. Vey |
101-B-2-2 |
Daniel's Cove |
M. H. Coombs |
101-B-2-1 |
Daniel's Harbour |
W. Payne |
101-B-2-3 |
Dark Cove |
K. Goulding |
101-B-2-4 |
Dark Cove, Middle Brook & Gambo |
B. Saunders |
101-B-2-5 |
Deadman's Cove |
R. Genge |
101-B-2-6 |
Deer Island |
D. Crewe |
101-B-2-7 |
Deer Lake |
J. Hollett |
101-B-2-8 |
Dildo |
R. F. Gosse |
101-B-2-9 |
Doting Cove Area (Musgrave Hr.) |
L. Hicks |
102-A-1-18 |
Dunville |
L. Wilson |
101-B-2-11 |
Dunville |
E. G. King |
101-B-2-10 |
Eastport Peninsula |
C. Mitchim |
104-D-5-1 |
Elliston |
P. Crewe |
101-B-3-1 |
Elliston |
H. Murray |
101-B-3-2 |
Elliston |
F. Pearce |
101-B-3-3 |
Englee |
Fillier |
101-B-3-5 |
Englee |
H. Gillard |
101-B-3-4 |
English Harbour |
I. Penney |
101-B-3-6 |
Epworth, Placentia Bay |
L. Manning |
101-B-3-7 |
Exploits |
B. Butt |
101-B-3-8 |
Exploits Bay (Lawrenceton, Notre Dame Bay) |
E. Perry |
101-D-4-17 |
Exploits Bay Area |
R. Woolridge |
104-D-5-2 |
Exploits' Names, Part I |
G. Crosbie |
101-B-3-9 |
Ferryland |
R. Crane |
101-C-1-1 |
Ferryland |
Sr. E. Moore |
101-C-1-2 |
Ferryland |
R. White |
101-C-1-3 |
Ferryland (Criminal & Civil Cases in the - & Placentia Court Records) |
B. Payne |
103-D-4-3 |
Ferryland (Lord Baltimore's & Sir David Kirke's Attempt to Establish a Colony & Why They Failed) |
N. Gillingham |
103-D-7-6 |
Ferryland Colony (Lord Baltimore) |
W. Dohey |
104-A-1-5 |
Flat Island, Bonavista Bay |
E. Hiscock |
101-C-1-4 |
Fleur De Lys |
K. Regular |
101-C-1-5 |
Flower's Cove |
Y. Beaufield |
101-C-1-6 |
Fogo |
E. Walbourne |
101-C-1-7 |
Fogo (A Study of John Slade & Co. Ledger, 1782-1792 |
B. Hewitt |
103-D-5-11 |
Fogo (Shipping, 1861-89) |
I. Miller |
104-B-4-5 |
Fogo (Merchant Fishermen Relationship in the Nfld.'s Credit System - Study of J. W. Hodge & Co., 1892-1906) |
J. Arnold |
103-D-5-15 |
Fogo Island (Population Growth & the Economy: A Case Study) |
D. Freake |
101-C-1-17 |
Fogo Island (Social & Economic Background as Interpreted from the Slade Fogo Ledgers, 1783-1792) |
G. Horvath |
103-D-5-12 |
Fogo Island (The Ships, 1818-1853) |
I. Miller |
104-B-4-6 |
Fogo Island (The Decline of the Fishery & Agriculture in Tilting) |
H. Greene |
103-C-1-27 |
Fogo, Twillingate & Dependencies |
C. R. Chaulk |
104-D-6-1 |
Fogo-Twillingate (Fishery in the District, 1882-1887) |
P. Short |
101-C-1-13 |
Fogo-Twillingate (Trends in the Development of the Fishery & Settlement) |
K. Collins |
101-C-1-12 |
Fortune |
F. G. Douglas |
101-C-1-9 |
Fortune |
J. Dobson |
101-C-1-8 |
Fortune Bay (Hr. Breton) |
W. Vallis |
101-D-1-15 |
Fortune Bay (Little Bay East) |
H. Scott |
101-D-4-7 |
Fortune Bay (Seal Cove) |
O. Langdon |
102-B-1-15 |
Fortune Bay (Stone's Cove) |
L. Pope |
102-B-1-31 |
Fortune, Hermitage Bay |
J. Dollimount |
104-D-6-2 |
Fox Harbour, Placentia |
E. Spurvey |
101-C-1-10 |
Fox Roost |
N. C. Walters |
101-C-1-11 |
Francois |
J. Dollimont |
101-C-1-15 |
Freshwater, Placentia Bay |
H. Murphy |
101-C-1-16 |
Furby's Cove (Hermitage Bay) |
C. Simms |
101-C-1-14 |
Gambo |
M. Pond |
101-C-2-1 |
Gambo, Dark Cove & Middle Brook |
B. Saunders |
101-B-2-5 |
Gander |
J. Baker |
101-C-2-2 |
Gander Bay |
B. C. Porter |
101-C-2-3 |
Gander Bay (An Outport Study With Emphasis on Wing's Point) |
M. T. Head |
102-B-5-5 |
Gander Bay (Main Point, Notre Dame Bay) |
E. Hillier |
102-A-1-2 |
Garden Cove, Placentia Bay |
D. Stacey |
101-C-2-4 |
Gaultois |
C. Rose |
101-C-2-5 |
Gilliam's, Bay of Islands |
S. Park |
101-C-2-6 |
Glovertown |
R. Feltham |
101-C-2-8 |
Glovertown |
H. Stroud |
101-C-2-10 |
Glovertown |
Unknown |
101-C-2-7 |
Glovertown |
W. Lane |
101-C-2-9 |
Grand Bank (Record of Births, Deaths, & Marriages as Compiled from the Records of the Methodist Church) |
A. F. Buffett |
104-B-1-11 |
Grand Bank |
B. Moulton |
101-C-2-11 |
Grand Bank |
T. M. Snook |
101-C-2-12 |
Grand Bank: The Place & Its People |
A. F. Buffett |
104-B-1-12 |
Grand Falls |
P. Melvin |
101-C-2-16 |
Grand Falls |
A. N. Ludlow |
101-C-2-14 |
Grand Falls |
B. Murphy |
101-C-2-17 |
Grand Falls |
A. Dymond |
101-C-2-13 |
Grand Falls |
V. Marsh |
101-C-2-15 |
Grand Falls (Municipal Election since 1961) |
R. Kelly |
101-C-2-29 |
Grand Falls - Church and School History |
J. A. Southcott |
101-C-2-18 |
Grand Falls Pulp & Paper Mill |
A. George |
103-A-4-12 |
Grate's Cove |
R. C. Snelgrove |
101-C-2-19 |
Grate's Cove, Trinity Bay |
V. R. Snelgrove |
101-C-2-20 |
Grate's Cove, Trinity Bay (Fishing Industry) |
H. W. Hodder |
103-C-1-1 |
Great Burin |
E. Bonnell |
101-C-2-21 |
Great Harbour Deep |
W. A. Pittman |
101-C-2-30 |
Green Bay (Jackson's Cove) |
B. Knight |
101-D-2-2 |
Green Bay, Nfld. (The Fight for Confederation) |
W. Pynn |
104-A-2-58 |
Green Island Cove, 1800-1972 |
P. Mitchelmore |
101-C-2-22 |
Green's Harbour, Trinity Bay |
M. G. Rowe |
101-C-2-23 |
Greenspond |
F. Cluett |
101-C-2-24 |
Greenspond |
A. Whalen |
101-C-2-25 |
Grole |
E. Taylor |
101-C-2-27 |
Grole |
J. Fudge |
101-C-2-26 |
Gull Island, Conception Bay (Fishing Community) |
P. McCann |
101-C-2-28 |
Hant's Harbour |
T. Archer, W. Corcoran, W. Eddy, J. Etheridge, R. Forsey & A. Kirby |
101-D-1-20 |
Happy Adventure, Bonavista Bay |
N. Powell |
101-D-1-18 |
Harbour Breton, Fortune Bay |
W. Vallis |
101-D-1-15 |
Harbour Buffett |
B. Wareham |
101-D-1-1 |
Harbour Deep |
J. Murcell |
101-D-1-2 |
Harbour Grace |
D. K. Regular |
101-D-1-5 |
Harbour Grace |
F. C. Moriarity |
101-D-1-4 |
Harbour Grace |
K. McCormack |
101-D-1-3 |
Harbour Grace (Building of the Railway, 1875-1884) |
G. W. Wells |
103-A-4-14 |
Harbour Grace (Criminal & Civil Law courts between 1815-1830) |
P. J. Tobin |
103-D-4-15 |
Harbour Grace (Great Fire of 1892) |
J. Babb |
101-D-1-19 |
Harbour Grace (Munn Company Commercial History) |
D. Regular |
103-D-5-6 |
Harbour Grace (Seal Fishery, 1850-1892) |
Bro. K. Coady |
103-C-1-16 |
Harbour Grace (Ships & Shipowners, 1861-1889) |
Bro. K. Coady |
104-B-4-7 |
Harbour Grace Affray |
K. Jerrett |
103-D-4-4 |
Harbour Grace Affray: Its Effects Upon Newfoundland |
S. Hayward |
103-D-4-5 |
Harbour Grace Economy |
T. M. Loder |
103-A-4-13 |
Harbour Grace in the 1860s |
G. Hogan |
101-D-1-23 |
Harbour Grace Island (Temporary & Permanent Houses) |
P. Snow |
101-D-1-22 |
Harbour Main |
A. Strapp |
101-D-1-7 |
Harbour Main |
J. Byrne |
101-D-1-6 |
Harbour Main (An Analysis of the Election of 1861 in the Electorial District) |
M. Furey |
104-A-2-53 |
Hare Bay, Bonavista Bay |
N. Saunders |
101-D-1-8 |
Hawk's Bay, St. Barbe District |
E. Broaders |
101-D-1-9 |
Heart's Delight, Trinity Bay |
J. C. Sooley |
101-D-1-10 |
Henley Harbour, Chateau Bay, Labrador |
L. Bugden |
101-D-1-11 |
Hermitage (Social, Economic, Political & Educational History) |
R. Blake |
101-D-1-17 |
Hermitage Bay (Fortune) |
J. Dollimount |
104-D-6-2 |
Hermitage Bay (Furby's Cove) |
C. Simms |
101-C-1-14 |
Hermitage Bay (New Harbour, 1822-1973) |
R. Durnford |
102-A-2-9 |
Hermitage Fishery |
R. Blake |
103-C-1-33 |
Herring Neck, Notre Dame Bay |
B. Woodford |
101-D-1-16 |
Hickman's Harbour, Trinity Bay |
R. Clarke |
101-D-1-12 |
Hickman's Harbour, Trinity Bay |
L. Vardy |
101-D-1-24 |
Holyrood, Conception Bay |
Sr. S. Hynes |
101-D-1-13 |
Horwood |
G. Necho |
101-D-1-21 |
Horwood, Notre Dame Bay |
S. B. Penney |
101-D-1-14 |
Humber River |
S. Mullins |
104-D-8-1 |
Humber Valley |
L. C. Hounsell |
104-D-8-2 |
Isthmus of Avalon (Settlements bounded by Trinity Bay) |
E. Rowe |
104-D-9-1 |
Jackson's Arm, White Bay |
D. Puddister |
101-D-2-1 |
Jackson's Cove, Green Bay |
B. Knight |
101-D-2-2 |
Jersey Side, Placentia Bay |
L. Walsh |
101-D-2-3 |
Joe Batt's Arm |
G. A. Brown & R. D. Newman |
101-D-2-5 |
Joe Batt's Arm |
W. Jacobs |
101-D-2-6 |
Kelly's Island & Little Bell Island, Conception Bay |
W. J. Reid |
101-D-3-1 |
King's Cove, Bonavista Bay |
M. Devine |
101-D-3-2 |
King's Cove, Bonavista Bay |
E. Ricketts |
101-D-3-3 |
King's Cove, Bonavista Bay |
D. Whalen |
101-D-3-4 |
King's Cove, Bonavista Bay |
B. Stratton |
101-D-3-6 |
King's Island, Tack's Beach, Placentia Bay |
D. Reid |
101-D-3-5 |
L'Anse au Loup, Labrador South (From the Time of the First Settlers Onwards) |
M. Belben |
101-D-4-15 |
L'Anse au Loup (History of Business Establishment, 1773-1935 & Family History of the O'Brien's There) |
L. O'Brien |
103-B-2-15 |
L'Anse-Aux-Meadows |
G. Anderson |
101-D-4-18 |
L'Anse-Aux-Meadows (The Vikings) |
L. Bussey |
104-A-1-6 |
La Manche (Southern Shore) |
L. Harris |
101-D-4-1 |
La Scie |
D. G. Tilley |
101-D-4-2 |
Labrador (Early Explorations & Development of Industrial Resources) |
T. Kennedy |
103-A-4-43 |
Labrador (Henley Harbour, Chateau Bay) |
L. Bugden |
101-D-1-11 |
Labrador and Various Communities |
J. J. Lethbridge |
104-D-12-1 |
Labrador Fishery (Decline) |
R. Murphy |
103-C-1-4 |
Labrador Fishery, 1862-1877 |
M. Shears |
103-C-1-5 |
Labrador Fishery at Wesley (History of the Inshore & Seal Fishery) |
E. Winsor |
103-C-1-3 |
Labrador Floater Fishery (Female Labour) |
G. Hogan |
103-C-1-51 |
Labrador Floater Fishery with Special Emphasis on Change Islands (Decline) |
R. Morgan |
103-C-1-47 |
Labrador Migratory Inshore Fishery Fishery During the 1940s |
R. Chambers |
103-C-1-35 |
Labrador South (L'Anse au Loup - From the Time of the First Settlers Onwards) |
M. Belben |
101-D-4-15 |
Ladle Cove |
F. M. West |
101-D-4-3 |
Lance Cove (Bell Island) |
L. C. Rees |
101-A-2-38 |
Lawn (History, 1929-1980 from an Economic Perspective) |
R. Tarrant |
101-D-4-22 |
Lawn (Early Settlers up to 1914) |
R. Tarrant |
101-D-4-23 |
Lawrenceton |
T. Tetford |
101-D-4-21 |
Lawrenceton, Exploits Bay, Notre Dame Bay |
E. Perry |
101-D-4-17 |
Lead Cove, Trinity Bay |
C. Button |
101-D-4-4 |
Lewisporte |
L. Lambert |
101-D-4-6 |
Lewisporte |
Unknown |
101-D-4-5 |
Little Bay East, Fortune Bay |
H. Scott |
101-D-4-7 |
Little Bay Islands |
Assorted |
101-D-4-14 |
Little Bell Island (Kelly's Island, Conception Bay) |
W. J. Reid |
101-D-3-1 |
Little Catalina (Life for Outport Women) |
M. Dalton |
101-D-4-20 |
Little Catalina: Involvement in the Labrador Fishery |
P. Eddy |
103-C-1-7 |
Long Harbour, Placentia Bay |
J. Ottenheimer |
101-D-4-8 |
Long Island, Notre Dame Bay |
N. Paddock |
101-D-4-9 |
Lourdes (Resettlement) |
M. Sheppard |
101-D-4-16 |
Lourdes, Port Aux Port Peninsula |
E. J. Sheppard |
101-D-4-10 |
Lourdes, Port Aux Port Peninsula |
M. M. Sheppard |
101-D-4-11 |
Lower Island Cove, Conception Bay |
H. Rogers |
101-D-4-12 |
Lumsden North |
J. Melindy |
101-D-4-19 |
Lumsden North |
G. Robins |
101-D-4-13 |
Main Point, Gander Bay, Notre Dame Bay |
E. Hillier |
102-A-1-2 |
Marystown |
N. Farrell |
102-A-1-19 |
Marystown |
Unknown |
102-A-1-3 |
Marystown |
A. Hanrahan |
102-A-1-4 |
Marystown (Mortier Bay) |
R. Farrell |
102-A-1-20 |
McIvers, Bay of Islands |
W. Park |
102-A-1-1 |
Melrose |
S. Hanlon |
102-A-1-15 |
Merasheen - History from 1890-1967 (RESTRICTED) |
Sr. A. Wilson |
102-A-1-5 |
Merasheen Island, Placentia Bay |
V. Hann |
102-A-1-16 |
Middle Brook, Dark Cove, and Gambo |
B. Saunders |
101-B-2-5 |
Miltown to Bay D'Espoir |
M. C. Sutton |
104-D-13-1 |
Mitchell's Brook (Salmonier, Mt. Carmel, St. Catherines) |
F. Power |
104-D-20-3 |
Monkstown, Placentia Bay |
J. Monk |
102-A-1-6 |
Moreton's Harbour, New World Island, Notre Dame Bay |
R. Jenkins |
102-A-1-7 |
Moreton's Harbour, New World Island, Notre Dame Bay |
L. Small |
102-A-1-8 |
Morrisville, Bay d'Espoir |
E. Legge |
102-A-1-9 |
Mortier Bay |
J. L. Keating |
102-A-1-11 |
Mortier Bay, Placentia Bay |
W. Brake |
102-A-1-10 |
Mount Carmel (Salmonier, St. Catherines & Nitchell's Brook) |
F. Power |
104-D-20-3 |
Mount Pearl |
S. Lester |
102-A-1-12 |
Muddy Hole 1834-1866 - Musgrave Hr. 1866 |
R. W. Guy |
102-A-1-14 |
Musgrave Harbour |
L. Hicks |
102-A-1-17 |
Musgrave Harbour |
P. P. Hicks |
102-A-1-13 |
Musgrave Hr. 1866 (Muddy Hole 1834-1866) |
Unknown |
102-A-1-14 |
Musgrave Harbour, Doting Cove Area |
L. Hicks |
102-A-1-18 |
New Chelsea |
G. Belbin |
102-A-2-8 |
New Harbour (Hermitage Bay, 1822-1973) |
R. Durnford |
102-A-2-9 |
New Perlican, Trinity Bay |
R. Piercey |
102-A-2-1 |
New World Island (Moreton's Harbour, Notre Dame Bay) |
R. Jenkins |
102-A-1-7 |
New World Island (Moreton's Harbour, Notre Dame Bay) |
L. Small |
102-A-1-8 |
Newtown |
C. Tuck |
102-A-2-2 |
Newtown, Bonavista Bay (Fishery) |
K. Perry |
103-C-1-38 |
Newtown Fishery |
A. Vincent |
102-A-2-7 |
Norman's Cove |
S. Piercey |
102-A-2-3 |
Norris Arm |
L. Budgell |
102-A-2-4 |
Northern Bay |
G. J. Howell |
102-A-2-5 |
Northern Bay |
E. O'Flaherty |
102-A-2-6 |
Northern Bay (Economic History) |
C. Dale |
102-A-2-10 |
Notre Dame Bay (Moreton's Harbour, New World Island) |
L. Small |
102-A-1-8 |
Notre Dame Bay (Moreton's Harbour, New World Island) |
R. Jenkins |
102-A-1-7 |
Notre Dame Bay (Port Anson) |
H. Rice |
102-A-4-9 |
Notre Dame Bay (Three Arms Island) |
R. Skanes |
102-B-2-17 |
Notre Dame Bay (Main Point, Gander Bay) |
E. Hillier |
102-A-1-2 |
Notre Dame Bay (Long Island) |
N. Paddock |
101-D-4-9 |
Notre Dame Bay (Horwood) |
S. B. Penney |
101-D-1-14 |
Notre Dame Bay (Herring Neck) |
B. Woodford |
101-D-1-16 |
Notre Dame Bay (Lawrenceton, Exploits Bay) |
E. Perry |
101-D-4-17 |
Oderin |
M. McGrath |
102-A-3-1 |
Old Perlican |
H. Barrett |
102-A-3-2 |
Old Perlican (Social & Economic Development of the Fishery since the 1870s) |
D. Barrett |
103-C-1-11 |
Old Perlican, Trinity Bay |
H. G. Hopkins & N. R. Lockyer |
102-A-3-3 |
Open Hall, Bonavista Bay |
E. Long |
102-A-3-4 |
Pacquet |
C. Norman |
102-A-4-1 |
Parker's Cove |
S. Synard |
102-A-4-27 |
Parker's Cove |
A. Power |
102-A-4-29 |
Pass Islands |
J. Parsons |
102-A-4-2 |
Piccadilly |
C. Tourout |
102-A-4-3 |
Placentia |
P. Kelly & M. Greene |
102-A-4-4 |
Placentia (A Study of the Census Years 1857-1921) - RESTRICTED |
D. Bussey |
104-A-3-9 |
Placentia (An Analysis of Criminal & Civil Cases in the Ferryland & Placentia Court Records) |
B. Payne |
103-D-4-3 |
Placentia (Fox Harbour) |
E. Spurvey |
101-C-1-10 |
Placentia (French Colony, 1660-1713) |
C. Winsor |
102-A-4-5 |
Placentia (Lord Baltimore's & Sir David Kirke's Attempt to Establish a Colony in Ferryland & Why They Failed) |
N. Gillingham |
103-D-7-6 |
Placentia & It's Fortifications |
M. Lynch |
102-A-4-25 |
Placentia (Lord Baltimore & the Ferryland Colony) |
W. Dohey |
104-A-1-5 |
Placentia Bay |
G. L. Wareham |
104-D-17-3 |
Placentia Bay (Dunville) |
L. Wilson |
101-B-2-11 |
Placentia Bay (Dunville) |
E. G. King |
101-B-2-10 |
Placentia Bay (Epworth) |
L. Manning |
101-B-3-7 |
Placentia Bay (Freshwater) |
H. Murphy |
101-C-1-16 |
Placentia Bay (Garden Cove) |
D. Stacey |
101-C-2-4 |
Placentia Bay (Jersey Side) |
L. Walsh |
101-D-2-3 |
Placentia Bay (King's Island, Tack's Beach) |
D. Reid |
101-D-3-5 |
Placentia Bay (Long Harbour) |
J. Ottenheimer |
101-D-4-8 |
Placentia Bay (Merasheen Island) |
V. Hann |
102-A-1-16 |
Placentia Bay (Monkstown) |
J. Monk |
102-A-1-6 |
Placentia Bay (Mortier Bay) |
W. Brake |
102-A-1-10 |
Placentia Bay (Port Elizabeth) |
M. Smith |
102-A-4-22 |
Placentia Bay (Red Island) |
M. McCarthy |
102-A-5-4 |
Placentia Bay (Westside) |
C. G. Allen |
104-D-17-1 |
Placentia Bay Area |
D. Stacey |
104-D-17-2 |
Placentia - The English |
C. Winsor |
102-A-4-5 |
Plate Cove East |
Sr. T. Ryan |
102-A-4-7 |
Pleasantville, 1950-1982 |
G. May |
102-A-4-32 |
Pool's Cove |
L. Williams |
102-A-4-8 |
Port Anson, Notre Dame Bay |
H. Rice |
102-A-4-9 |
Port Aux Port Peninsula (Lourdes) |
M. M. Sheppard |
101-D-4-11 |
Port Aux Port Peninsula (Lourdes) |
E. J. Sheppard |
101-D-4-10 |
Port Blandford |
M. Greening |
102-A-4-15 |
Port Elizabeth, Placentia Bay |
M. Smith |
102-A-4-22 |
Port Hope Simpson |
N. Earle |
102-A-4-33 |
Port Rexton |
E. Barnes |
102-A-4-26 |
Port Saunders |
D. Lavallee |
102-A-4-30 |
Port-Au-Choix (Maritime Archaic Indian Sites) |
P. Noseworthy |
104-A-1-11 |
Port-au-Port, Bay St. George - Codroy Valley Area |
G. Smith |
104-D-17-5 |
Port-au-Port Peninsula |
K. Lawlor |
104-D-17-4 |
Port-Au-Port |
P. A. Comeau |
102-A-4-10 |
Port-Au-Port |
K. Lawlor |
102-A-4-11 |
Port-Au-Port |
Sr. E. Quinlan |
102-A-4-13 |
Port-Au-Port |
W. Lee |
102-A-4-12 |
Port-Aux-Basques (Channel) |
L. Forsey |
101-B-1-12 |
Port-Aux-Basques (Channel) |
R. Prosser |
101-B-1-13 |
Port-Aux-Choix |
M. St. Choix |
102-A-4-14 |
Port-De-Grave |
O. Anstey |
102-A-4-17 |
Port-De-Grave |
G. Andrews |
102-A-4-16 |
Port-De-Grave |
W. E. Dawe |
102-A-4-18 |
Port-De-Grave (Bay Roberts) |
D. Churchill |
104-D-2-2 |
Port-De-Grave Shipping from 1860-1885 |
D. Bussey |
104-B-4-110 |
Portugal Cove |
N. Moores |
102-A-4-19 |
Portugal Cove |
D. Smith |
102-A-4-20 |
Portugal Cove Region |
P. Laurie |
104-D-17-6 |
Pouch Cove |
L. Noseworthy |
102-A-4-31 |
Pouch Cove |
C. Hudson & V. Barnes |
102-A-4-21 |
Pound Cove, Bonavista Bay |
R. Gaulton |
102-A-4-23 |
Purcell's Harbour, Twillingate Island |
S. Colbourne |
102-A-4-28 |
Pushthrough |
W. Kendell |
102-A-4-24 |
Ragged Islands |
H. Brown |
102-A-5-1 |
Ramea |
S. Keeping |
102-A-5-2 |
Ramea (Development of Education from its Beginning to the Present Day) |
E. Warford |
103-B-1-11 |
Random Area |
R. Clarke |
104-D-19-1 |
Random Island |
H. Walters |
102-A-5-3 |
Red Cliffe, Bonavista Bay |
W. Muggridge |
102-A-5-10 |
Red Island - Bay de Vieux Area |
R. Kendell |
104-D-19-2 |
Red Island, Placentia Bay |
M. McCarthy |
102-A-5-4 |
Renews |
Sr. S. Guerin |
102-A-5-5 |
Renews |
M. Harte |
102-A-5-6 |
Rocky Harbour |
J. M. Parsons |
102-A-5-7 |
Roddickton |
F. Adams |
102-A-5-8 |
Rushoon |
G. Cheeseman |
102-A-5-9 |
Salmon Cove, Carbonear District |
L. Hobbs |
102-B-1-35 |
Salmonier (Mount Carmel, St. Catherines & Mitchell's Brook) |
F. Power |
104-D-20-3 |
Salmonier (St. Joseph's, St. Mary's Bay) |
G. Daley |
102-B-1-3 |
Sandy Cove |
A. T. Matchim |
102-B-1-12 |
Sandy Cove |
C. Matchim |
102-B-1-13 |
Sandy Point |
B. Ledwell |
102-B-1-14 |
Seal Cove, Connaigre Bay |
C. Loveless |
102-B-1-33 |
Seal Cove, Fortune Bay |
O. Langdon |
102-B-1-15 |
Seal Cove, White Bay |
M. Watton |
102-B-1-16 |
Seldom-Come-By |
R. Penney |
102-B-1-17 |
Shearstown |
A. Mercer |
102-B-1-18 |
Shearstown (Social Economics, 1850-1945) |
M. Mercer |
102-B-1-34 |
Shoal Harbour |
D. B. Mills |
102-B-1-19 |
Sibley's Cove |
G. Squires |
102-B-1-21 |
Sibley's Cove |
Unknown |
102-B-1-20 |
Sibley's Cove |
E. Thistle & K. Kellegher |
102-B-1-22 |
South Coast Settlement, 1727-1814 |
E. F. Slaney |
104-B-1-3 |
South Coast Settlement to 1836 |
E. F. Slaney |
104-B-1-4 |
Southern Shore (La Manche) |
L. Harris |
101-D-4-1 |
Southport, Trinity Bay |
K. Smith |
102-B-1-42 |
Spencer's Cove |
I. Spurrell |
102-B-1-23 |
Springdale |
F. R. Clarke |
102-B-1-25 |
Springdale |
Unknown |
102-B-1-24 |
Springdale |
M. Mehaney |
102-B-1-26 |
Springdale |
F. Rice |
102-B-1-37 |
Springdale |
J. Clarke |
102-B-1-39 |
Springdale |
W. J. Goudie |
102-B-1-41 |
Springdale |
G. Peters |
102-B-1-27 |
Springdale |
D. Hamlyn |
102-B-1-36 |
Springdale |
D. Pratt |
102-B-1-28 |
Springdale (The Effect of Industries & Businesses on Its Economic Development) |
R. Jacobs |
102-B-1-40 |
St. Barbe District (Hawk's Bay) |
E. Broaders |
101-D-1-9 |
St. Brendan's |
A. F. Ryan |
102-B-1-1 |
St. Catherines (Salmonier, Mount Carmel & Mitchell's Brook) |
F. Power |
104-D-20-3 |
St. Georges |
W. Watton |
102-B-1-2 |
St. Georges (Census Division Four) |
P. A. Comeau |
104-D-20-4 |
St. Georges Bay: The Growth in Settlement, 1783-1850 |
H. C. Brown |
104-D-20-1 |
St. John's East |
V. Barnes |
104-D-20-2 |
St. Joseph's, Salmonier, St. Mary's Bay |
G. Daley |
102-B-1-3 |
St. Lawrence |
M. Edwards, A. Drake & L. Robere |
102-B-1-4 |
St. Lawrence |
A. Turpin |
102-B-1-5 |
St. Lunaire |
M. Bussey |
102-B-1-6 |
St. Mary's |
Unknown |
102-B-1-7 |
St. Mary's |
Sr. E. Whalen |
102-B-1-8 |
St. Mary's Bay (Salmonier, St. Joseph's) |
G. Daley |
102-B-1-3 |
St. Philip's |
Unknown |
102-B-1-9 |
St. Stephen's & St. Peter's River |
E. A. Hayward |
102-B-1-10 |
St. Thomas |
P. Laurie |
102-B-1-11 |
Stag Harbour |
B. Sheppard |
102-B-1-29 |
Stephenville |
W. Bennett |
102-B-1-38 |
Stephenville (Economic Development) |
R. Byrnes |
103-A-4-27 |
Stephenville Crossing |
N. Shea |
102-B-1-30 |
Stone's Cove, Fortune Bay |
L. Pope |
102-B-1-31 |
Summerford - RESTRICTED |
C. Wheeler |
102-B-1-32 |
Tack's Beach |
M. Bolt |
102-B-2-1 |
Tack's Beach (King's Island, Placentia Bay) |
D. Reid |
101-D-3-5 |
Terra Nova |
R. Reid |
102-B-2-2 |
Three Arms Island, Notre Dame Bay |
R. Skanes |
102-B-2-17 |
Tilting |
S. Dwyer |
102-B-2-3 |
Tilting |
D. Greene |
102-B-2-4 |
Tilting, Fogo Island (The Decline of the Fishery & Agriculture) |
H. Greene |
103-C-1-27 |
Topsail |
L. Grandy |
102-B-2-5 |
Topsail, Chamberlains, Manuels |
E. Hyde |
104-D-21-2 |
Tor's Cove |
C. J. Power |
102-B-2-8 |
Torbay |
Sr. T. Ryan |
102-B-2-7 |
Torbay since 1850 |
W. Brophy |
102-B-2-6 |
Traytown, Bonavista Bay |
F. Borden |
102-B-2-9 |
Trinity Bay (Champneys) |
G. Budden |
101-B-1-32 |
Trinity Bay (Grate's Cove) |
R. C. Snelgrove |
101-C-2-19 |
Trinity Bay (Grates Cove) |
V. R. Snelgrove |
101-C-2-20 |
Trinity Bay (Grate's Cove Fishing Industry) |
H. W. Hodder |
103-C-1-1 |
Trinity Bay (Green's Harbour) |
M. G. Rowe |
101-C-2-23 |
Trinity Bay (Heart's Delight) |
J. C. Sooley |
101-D-1-10 |
Trinity Bay (Hickman's Harbour) |
R. Clarke |
101-D-1-12 |
Trinity Bay (Hickman's Harbour) |
L. Vardy |
101-D-1-24 |
Trinity Bay (Lead Cove) |
C. Button |
101-D-4-4 |
Trinity Bay (New Perlican) |
R. Piercey |
102-A-2-1 |
Trinity Bay (Old Perlican) |
H. G. Hopkins & N. R. Lockyer |
102-A-3-3 |
Trinity Bay (Southport) |
K. Smith |
102-B-1-42 |
Trinity Bay (The Effects of Queen Anne's War) |
D. W. Langor |
103-D-6-7 |
Trinity Bay - South Side |
E. Rowe |
104-D-9-1 |
Trinity, Bonavista Bay |
C. Ackerman |
102-B-2-10 |
Trinity South (Genealogy of Cavendish & Whiteway) |
C. Jerrett |
17-C-1-23 |
Trinity, Trinity Bay |
G. Squires |
102-B-2-12 |
Trinity, Trinity Bay |
E. King |
102-B-2-11 |
Twillingate |
Unknown |
102-B-2-13 |
Twillingate |
A. Hawkins |
102-B-2-15 |
Twillingate |
G. H. White |
102-B-2-16 |
Twillingate |
B. Baggs |
102-B-2-14 |
Twillingate (Fishery of Fogo District, 1882-1887) |
P. Short |
101-C-1-13 |
Twillingate (The Trends in the Development of the Fishery & Settlement) |
K. Collins |
101-C-1-12 |
Twillingate & Dependencies (Fogo) |
C. R. Chaulk |
104-D-6-1 |
Twillingate Island (Purcell's Harbour) |
S. Colbourne |
102-A-4-28 |
Upper Gullies |
Unknown |
102-B-3-1 |
Upper Island Cove (Geography of the Fishing Grounds) |
R. Bishop & N. Greeley |
103-C-1-42 |
Upper Island Cove |
M. F. Young |
102-B-3-2 |
Valleyfield |
M. Burton & O. Burton |
102-B-4-1 |
Victoria |
E. Antle |
102-B-4-2 |
Victoria, Conception Bay |
R. Burke |
102-B-4-3 |
Victoria, Internment Camp |
P. Clarke |
103-D-6-15 |
Wesleyville |
C. Bishop |
102-B-5-1 |
Wesleyville |
E. Winsor |
102-B-5-11 |
Wesleyville (History of the Inshore Fishery, Seal Fishery & Labrador Fishery) |
E. Winsor |
103-C-1-3 |
West Bay Through the Eyes of Mrs. Nancy (Benoit) AuCoin (O'Quinn) |
J. Flynn |
102-B-5-12 |
West Port, Western Bay |
J. Gillingham |
102-B-5-10 |
Western Bay |
C. E. Slade |
102-B-5-2 |
Whitbourne |
A. Spurrell |
102-B-5-4 |
Whitbourne |
Unknown |
102-B-5-3 |
Whitbourne |
B. Larner |
102-B-5-13 |
White Bay (Jackson's Arm) |
D. Puddister |
101-D-2-1 |
White Bay (Seal Cove) |
M. Watton |
102-B-1-16 |
White Bay (Woodstock) |
Z. Sacrey |
102-B-5-9 |
Whiteway, Trinity South, Cavendish (Genealogy) |
C. Jerrett |
17-C-1-23 |
Windsor |
R. Oldford & E. P. Power |
102-B-5-6 |
Wing's Point (An Outport Study of Gander Bay with Emphasis on Wing's Point) |
M. T. Head |
102-B-5-5 |
Winterton |
F. Pinhorn |
102-B-5-7 |
Witless Bay, 1900-1950 (The Inshore fishery) |
J. Maloney |
103-C-1-45 |
Woods Island in Bay of Islands |
W. Parsons |
102-B-5-8 |
Woodstock, White Bay |
Z. Sacrey |
102-B-5-9 |
This page Contributed by Barbara McGrath and Transcribed by Ivy Benoit (April, 2001)
Page last updated Friday, 04-May-2007 14:49:41 ADT (Craig Peterman)
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