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List of Methodist Minsters
Who served the Pastoral Charge in Brigus (Conception Bay)
from 1804-1963.



Minister                       Term                Notes

Rev. John Percey         1804-1819    (a native son of Brigus and
                                      the first Newfoundlander
                                      to be ordained).
Rev. Thomas Hickson      1819-1822
Rev. John Haigh          1822-1824
Rev. Richard Knight      1824-1827
Rev. William Ellis       1827-1829
Rev. John Boyd           1829-1831
Rev John Haigh           1831-1832    (returned for second term)
Rev. Geo Ellidge         1832-1834
Rev. John Pickavant      1834-1837
Rev. Ingham Sutcliffe    1837-1838
Rev. Jamed Hennigar      1838-1839
Rev. John McMurray       1839-1842
Rev. John Pickavant      1842-1843    (returned for second term)
Rev. William Faulkner    1843-1846
Rev. John S. Addy        1846-1849
Rev. John Snowball       1849-1852
Rev. W.E. Shenstone      1852-1855
Rev. John S. Phinney     1855-1856
Rev. Samuel W. Sprague   1856-1858
Rev. Thomas Smith        1858-1861
Rev. Adam Nightingale    1861-1862
Rev. Thomas Harris       1862-1865
Rev. W.E. Shenstone      1865-1868    (returned for second term)
Rev. John Waterhouse     1868-1871
Rev. John S. Peach       1871-1872
Rev. Thomas Harris       1872-1875    (returned for second term and
                                      during this time the Church 
                                      which this Church is now
                                      replacing was constructed-in
                                      fact, much of the original
                                      timber is still a part of
                                      this bldg.)
Rev. Charles Ladner      1875-1878
Rev. Joseph Pascoe       1878-1881
Rev. Charles Ladner      1881-1882    (returned for second term)
Rev. John Goodison       1882-1885
Rev. James Dove          1885-1888
Rev. Henry Lewis         1888-1891
Rev. John Pratt          1891-1892
Rev. W.T.D. Dunn         1892-1895
Rev. James Wilson        1895-1898
Rev. George Paine        1898-1903
Rev. Jabez Hill          1903-1904
Rev. James Nurse         1904-1908
Rev. Samuel Snowden      1908-1912
Rev. R.H. Maddock        1912-1916    (during his minstry the
                                      Church built in 1875 by
                                      Rev. Thomas Harris was
Rev. C.A. Whitemarsh     1916-1917
Rev. William Swan        1917-1918
Rev. Oliver Jackson      1918-1923
Rev. Charles Lench       1923-1930
Rev. E. Broughton        1930-1940
Rev. L.A.D. Curtis       1940-1943
Rev. F.H. Guy            1943-1945
Rev. S.R. Cooper         1945-1948
Rev. R.N. Rowsell        1948-1958
Rev. R. Wells            1958-



Compiled by Barbara McGrath (May 11, 1999)

Page last updated Tuesday, 26-Mar-2013 15:04:39 ADT (Craig Peterman)

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