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(this is crossed out & 1050 is written alongside)

GB 0

1.                    5 Geo IV. Cop 51 Act for Newfoundland Fisheries June 3, 1824

2.                    5 Geo IV. Cop 67 Act for Celebration of marriage June 17, 1924

GB 1 ADM. 1, 36, 52

1.                    Account of Buchans travels Interior 1819-20

2.                    J. T. Duckworth to J. W. Croker Oct. 25, 1811.  Report on expedition to Beothucks.

3.                    Log of H. M. S. Grasshopper, December 2, 1819 - June 2, 1820

4.                    Log of H. M. S. Grasshopper, June - Dec. 1820 (sloop Buchan)

5.                    Master Roll H. M. S. Adonis Jan. 1 - Feb. 28, 1811 Exploits Expedition

GB 1/1 ADM

1.                    Letter Book 1782-1796 Wm. Lechmere

2.                    Agreement between the Admiralty and James Tobin re the renting of property on the south side of St. John’s July 30, 1846

3.                    Letter patent appointing Sir John Harvey, vice admiral in and over Newfoundland Mar. 5, 1847

GB 1 ADM 1 (Box 3)

1.                    Sir Hugh Palliser to Philip Stephons.  Report on Newfoundland Nov. 1767 G. B. 1/ADM 1/470

2-6.          GB 1/ADM 1/470 1771, 1772, 1773, 1774, 1775

7-12.        GB 1/ADM 1/471 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780, 1781

13-15.      GB 1/ADM 1/472 1782, 1783, 1786, 1789

16.           GB 1/ADM 1/474 1800

17-19.      GB 1/ADM 1/475  1802 convey signals, 1803, 1804

20.           GB 1/ADM 1/476  1806

21-22.      GB 1/ADM 1/477  1810, 1812

23-25.      GB 1/ADM 1/478  1813, 1814, 1815

26.           GB 1/ADM 1/470-478   Misc.

GB 1/ADM 1     (Box 1)

1.                    GB 1/ADM 5.1/60 Log H. M. S. Nigeria 1766

2.                    GB 1/ADM 1/471  List of vessels and officers 1780-81

3.                    GB 1/ADM 1/472  List of vessels Nfld. 1791

4.                    GB 1/ADM 1/472  List of ships and signals 1799-1800

5.                    GB 1/ADM 1/475  List of prizes Nfld. 1803

6.                    GB 1/ADM 1/477  General correspondence Duckworth 1812

GB 2/1

1.                    Record Book of Royal Engineers 1833-1842

GB 2/1

1.                    Record Book of Royal Engineers 1774-1779

2.                    Record Book of Royal Engineers 1783-1792

GB 2/1

1.                    Record Book of the Royal Engineers 1827-1829

2.                    Letter Book 1812-1814

3.                    Letter Book 1799-1812


GB 2/2

1.                    Ration Book 1849-1857 (Royal Engineer Dept.)

GB 2/2

1.                    Pay Bills ordinance works 1831-1835

2.                    Account Book (Pay Bills) Engineers office 1839-1845

GB 2/3

1.                    List of persons employed by the (R. E. P.)? 1867-1870

2.                    Rough check book 1848-1850

3.                    Public Service Time Keeper 1859-1864

GB 2/4

1.                    Royal Engineers office St. John’s, Nfld., Demands, Deliveries, Contracts 1847-1856

GB 2/5

1.                    Reports on Forts 1811-1816, 1827

GB 3 B. M.

1.                    Article:  Giant Squid in Newfoundland

GB 4

1.                    CO 194/22              State of Fort William 1748-1749

2.                    CO 194/22              Correspondence 1709-04, 1709

3.                    CO 194/23              J. Taylor 1709

4.                    CO 194/23              Memorial of John Collins et. A1 1709

5.                    CO 194/26              Correspondence recapture St. John’s 1762

6.                    CO 194/35              Righ’d. Edwards 1780

7.                    CO 194/35              Council of War St. John’s 1780

8.                    CO 194/42              Return of Ordinance 1806

9.                    CO 194/49              Dr. Carson’s Whale Scheme August 1810

GB 5

1.                    Papers relating to the Island of Newfoundland 1824

2.                    Reports on the State of the Trade in Newfoundland 1793

3.                    Reports on Newfoundland Trade 1793

GB 5

1.                    Great Britain - House of Commons Governors visit to Micmac Indians - Bay D’Espoir 1908

2.                    Great Britain Parliamentary papers.  Further Correspondence relating to the Newfoundland Fisheries Question 1908

3.                    Great Britain (Parliamentary Papers) 1847.  Newfoundland and Quebec correspondence re: Fires in St. John’s and Quebec

GB 6

1.             Letter of William Pitt to the Privy Council 1785

GB 6/1-A

1.                    Draft of Instructions to Hill, Governor of Newfoundland, March 28, 1876

2.                    Draft of Letters Patent March 28, 1876

3.                    Dormant Commission...appointing the chief justice... to administer the Government Dec. 1, 1902.

GB 6/1-B

1.             Appointment of Harvey 1843 and LeMarchant 1849 Governors of Newfoundland.

GB 6/1-C

1.             Appointment of Prescott 1840 and Harvey 1841 Governors of Newfoundland

GB 6/1-D

1.             Cockrone deputed seal Geo IV.

GB 6/1-D

1.             Instructions to K. B. Hamilton 1852, LeMarchant 1845

GB 7

1.                    Orderly Book of Capt. Graham’s Company His Majesty’s Newfoundland Regiment of Foot 1780-1783.  As kept by Lt. John Dun 26 November 1780 - 7th February 1782.

2.                    Great Britain War Department - Eight Army News #75 Vol. 3 Dec. 24, 1943

3.                    Great Britain War Office - Bestowing of the Name Royal to the Newfoundland Regiment.

GB 7 W. O.


1.                    W. O. 55/1557 Castle Graves 1774

2.                    W. O. 42/59-63 various requests for pensions.  Survivors of officers 1823-1862

3.                    W. O. 55/1621 Correspondence St. John’s 1832

4.                    W. O. 55/2344 List of B. O. workshops etc. St. John’s N. D.

5.                    W. O. 55/2637 List of B. O. property St. John’s May 1831

6.                    W. O. 55/2802 List of b. O. property St. John’s May 11, 1841

7.                    W. O. 55/2988 List of B. O. property St. John’s August 1851

8.                    W. O. 78/2493 List of B. O. property St. John’s August C 1805

9.                    W. O. 44/156, 157, 158, 160.   Returns of Ordinance 1814, 1817, 1819, 1820, 1822

10.                 W. O. 34/16 W. O. 121/1762 Correspondence General

11.                 W. O. 1545-1860 (?)

GB 7/1/1/a St. John’s

1.             Adjutants Letter Book of Royal Newfoundland Companies April 1653 - November 1860

GB 7/1/A/a

1.                    Halifax Headquarters General Orders received by the Royal Newfoundland Companies April 1861 - November 1862.

2.                    Ditto 1862-1867

3.                    Ditto 1847-1857

GB 7/1/A/a St. John’s

1.                    Garrison Orders St. John’s Newfoundland Jan. 1867 - July 1867

2.                    Garrison Orders St. John’s Newfoundland Aug. 1862 - Oct. 1863

GB 7/1/A/a St. John’s

1.                    Detachment Order Book Royal Canadian Rifles St. John’s Newfoundland Jan. 1866 - June 1867

2.                    Regimental Order Book - The Royal Newfoundland Companies September 1857 - January 1859

GB 8

1.                    Pamphlet: Visits of Mr. Atllee and of Parliamentary mission to Newfoundland 1942-1943.  Constitutional and Post War reconstruction Development.

1.                    Leaflet: Commission appointing John Henry Gorvin to be a member of the Commission of Government in Nfld. To succeed Robert Benson Ewbank May 31, 1939

1.                    Commission appointing Sir Wilfred Wentworth Woods a member of the Commission of Government in Nfld. To succeed Thomas Lodge 15 January 1937.

2.                    Commission appointing Ira Wild a member of the Commission of Government in Nfld. To succeed John Hubert Penson 14 Feb. 1941.

1.                    Commission appointing Herbert Lench Pottle a member of the Commission of Government in Newfoundland Sept. 19, 1947.

1.                    Commission appointing Herman William Quinton a member of the Commission of Government in Newfoundland to succeed Harry Anderson Winter 1 Jan. 1947.

1.                    Commission appointing Richard Lewis Malcolm James a member of the Commission of Government in Newfoundland to succeed Ira Wild 12 Sept. 1946.

1.                    Commission appointing William Henry Flinn to succeed Peter Douglas Hay Dun as a member of the Commission of Government in Newfoundland 28 Sept. 1945.

1.                    Commission appointing Sir George Ernest London a member of the Commission of Government in Newfoundland to succeed Sir Wilfred Wentworth Woods 5 Sept. 1944.

1.                    Commission appointing Harry Anderson Winter a member of the Commission of Government in Newfoundland to succeed James Alexander Winter 29 May 1941.

GB 10 #1195/31

1.                    Memorandum regarding liberty of inhabitants of the United States of America to take fish in Newfoundland waters.

2.                    Pamphlet: List of accessions to repositories in 1957.

3.                    Bulletins of the National register of Archives 1948-1957.

GB 11/A British Cabinet Papers

1.             British Cabinet Papers C 1922

GB 11/1 British Cabinet Papers

1.             British Cabinet Papers 1923

GB 11/B War Reports #75-99

A.            War Reports c 1918.


GB 1 / 2

1.             Log book with sketches H. M. S. Pegasus 1786

GB 4 C. O. 194

1.             Alberti transcripts

CO 43/49 - 66

1.             Entry Books.  Domestic correspondence vol. 1.  April 1810 to October 1825.

CO 43/76 - 81

1.             Entry Books.  Domestic correspondence vol. III March 1832 to September 1835.


See Finding Aid Page 4-10.


GB 5

Proceedings and debates of the British Parliaments respecting North America volumes 1-V.

GB 11/A

British Cabinet Papers 1938.

GB 11/B

War Reports         1917-1919


GB 13

Historical manuscripts commission Stuart Papers volumes 1, 11, VI, & VII

GB 13

Historical manuscript commission.  Earl of Egmont 5 volumes.

GB 13

Historical manuscript commission marquis of Salisbury part VIII-XII.

GB 13

Historical manuscripts commission.  American manuscripts in the Royal Institution of Great Britain volumes I-IV.

GB 13

Historical manuscripts commission marquis of Lothian Rye and Hereford Corp., Capt. Loder Symonds, Mr. E. R.  Wadehouse and others; Mrs. Stopford Sackville; Marques Townsend.

GB 13

Historical manuscript commission.  House of Lords 1678-1688, 1692-1693 and manuscripts in various collections volume VI.

GB 13

Historical manuscripts commission, marquis of Salisbury Parts I, III, VII.

GB 14

Historical manuscripts commission.  Earl of Dartmouth Vols. I-III.

GB 13

Historical manuscripts commission.  Duke of Portland Vols. III, VI-X.

GB 13

Historical manuscripts commission.  Duke of Ruthland vols. I-IV.

GB 13

Historical manuscripts commission.  J. B. Fortescue vols. II, III, V, VIII.

GB 13

Historical manuscripts commission.  Lord Polworth vols. I, II.

GB 13

Historical manuscripts commission.  Marquis of Salisbury Parts XIII & XIV.

GB 13

Historical manuscripts commission.  J. B. Fortescue vols. IX & X.

GB 14

Foreign office North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration of the Hague.

GB 14

Foreign office North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration of the Hague.

GB 14

Foreign office North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration of the Hague.

GB 14

Foreign office North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration of the Hague.

GB 15

Imperial meetings 1921 5 vols. (Notes)

GB 15

Imperial conference 1923 4 vols. (Records) memoranda & papers.

GB 15

Colonial conference 1887 Report  3 vols.

GB 15

Imperial conference 1930 Records 11 vols. Papers notes.

GB 15

Imperial conference 1926 Papers Reports Notes 12 vols.

GB 15

Imperial and Economic conference 1923 4 vols.  (Notes, Papers)

GB 15

Imperial and Economic conferences 1923, 1930, 1932.

S                     Imperial conference 1930 Summary of Proceedings

S                     Imperial conference 1930 Appendices to the Summary of Proceedings.

S                     Imperial conference 1923 Record of proceedings and documents.

S                     Imperial conference 1930 statistical abstract for the several British overseas Dominions and protectorates for each of the years 1913, 1922, 1927.

S                     Imperial Economic Conference 1932 Report of the Conference.

This page transcribed by Ivy Benoit (June 2001)

Page last updated March 26, 2013 (Craig Peterman)

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