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An Alphabetized Directory of the People, Places and Vital Dates, Volume 3 Edited by Noel Montgomery Elliot; These files are found at the Maritime History Archives (MHA), Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NF. |
NB1 | Extracts from the 1851 Federal Census of Westmorland County, Microfilm #C996-C998, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NB2 | Extracts from the 1851 Federal Census of Northumberland County, Microfilm #C995 & C996, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NB3 | Extracts from the 1851 Federal Census of York County, Microfilm #C998, C1717 & M5221, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NB4 | Extracts from the 1851 Federal Census of Charlotte County, Microfilm #C994 & C995, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NB5 | Extracts from the 1851 Federal Census of Kings County, Microfilm #C995, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NB6 | Extracts from the 1851 Federal Census of Victoria County, Microfilm #C996, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NB7 | Extracts from the 1871 Federal Census of Fredericton (City), York County, Microfilm #C10381, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NB8 | Extracts from the 1871 Federal Census of Kings County, Microfilm #C10377-C10379, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NB9 | New Brunswick Directory for 1871, The Genealogical Research Library, Toronto, 1984 |
NB10 | Early New Brunswick Probate Records 1785-1835, R. Wallace Hale, Heritage Books Inc., Bowie, Maryland, 1989 |
NB11 | Researching Your Ancestors in New Brunswick, Canada, Robert F. Fellows, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N. B., 1979 |
NB12 | Yesteryear - Kings County Marriages, Register A, 1812-1844, Ruby M. Cusack, 47 Jean Street, Saint John, N. B., E2J 1J8 |
NB13 | Yesteryear - St. John County Marriages, Register C, 1839-1847, Ruby M. Cusack, Saint John, N. B. |
NB14 | Yesteryear - Index to Death Roll of the St. John Globe, 1897-1926, (extracts 1897-1899), Ruby M. Cusack, Saint John, N. B., 1987 |
NB15 | Collections of the New Brunswick Historical Society (No. 4), Saint John, N. B., 1899 |
NB16 | Extracts from the 1851 Federal Census of Albert County, Microfilm #C994, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NB17 | Extracts from the 1851 Federal Census of Carleton County, Microfilm #C994, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NB18 | Extracts from the 1861 Federal Census of Gloucester County, Microfilm #C1001-C1002, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NB19 | Extracts from the 1851 Federal Census of Alnwick Parish, Northumberland County, Microfilm #C995, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NB20 | Extracts from the 1851 Federal Census of Restigouche County, Microfilm #C996, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NB21 | |
NB22 | Extracts from the 1851 Federal Census of Saint John County, Microfilm #M557 & M5221, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NB23 | Extracts from the 1851 Federal Census of Sunbury County, Microfilm #C996, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NB24 | |
NB25 | Extracts from the 1851 Federal Census of Westmorland County, Microfilm #C996-C998, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NB26 | Extracts from the 1851 Federal Census of York County, Microfilm #C998, C1717 & M5221, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NB27 | The Loyalists of New Brunswick, Esther Clark Wright, P. O. Box 710, Wolfville, N. S., B0P 1X0, Lancelot Press, Hantsport, N. S., 1981 |
NB29 | Extracts from the 1861 Federal Census of the Parishes of Carleton and Dundas, Kent County, Microfilm #C1002, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
McAlpine Publishing Company, Saint John, N. B., 1896
NB28 | Saint John, Saint John County |
NB30 | Albert County |
NB31 | Carleton County |
NB32 | Charlotte County |
NB33 | Gloucester County |
NB34 | Kent County |
NB35 | Kings County |
NB36 | Madawaska County |
NB37 | Northumberland County |
NB38 | Queens County |
NB39 | Restigouche County |
NB40 | Saint John County |
NB41 | Sunbury County |
NB42 | Victoria County |
NB43 | Westmorland County |
NB44 | York County |
NB45 | Régistres des missions du Nouveau Brunswick (Petcoudiac, Chipoudy, etc.) 1753 à 1757, Cahiers No. 3, Colonial Record Office, Paris, France |
NB46 | Extracts from the 1861 Federal Census of Harcourt Parish, Kent County, Microfilm #C1002, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NB47 | Extracts from the 1861 Federal Census of Palmerston Parish, Kent County, Microfilm #C1002, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NB48 | Extracts from the 1861 Federal Census of Richibucto Parish, Kent County, Microfilm #C1002, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
NBCDA3 | The Penguin Book of Canadian Verse, Ralph Gustafson, Penguin Books Canada Limited, Markham, Ontario, 1980 |
NBONT30 | Emigration - The Advantages of Emigration to Canada, William Cattermole, Simpkin and Marshall, London, England, 1831 |
NBPB1 | The Peter Robinson Settlement of 1825, Bill LaBranche, Total Graphics Limited, Peterborough, Ontario, 1975 |
NBY02 | The Town of York 1815-1834, Edith G. Firth, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1966 |
NF1 | A "Who was Who" of Families Engaged in the Fishery and Settlement of Newfoundland 1660-1840, K. Matthews, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NF, 1971 |
NF2 | McAlpine’s St. John’s City Directory for 1908, McAlpine’s Publishing Company, Halifax, N. S., 1908 |
NF3 | Newfoundland Directory for 1871, The Genealogical Research Library, Toronto, 1984 |
NF4 | The Croucher’s of Newfoundland (prior to 1900), Art van Kesteren, 6 Lansdowne Place, St. John’s, NF, 1993 |
NF5 | Glovertown in Pictures, Stanley Sparkes, Glovertown, NF, 1986 |
NF6 | Who’s Who in and from Newfoundland 1927, R. Hibbs, St. John’s, NF, 1927 |
NF7 | Through Peril, Toil and Pain, Naboth Winsor, St. Matthew’s Anglican Church, Pinchard’s Island, Bonavista Bay, NF, 1980c |
NF8 | Families of the South Arm of Bonne Bay, 1800's-1930's, Roy M. Osmond, Woody Point, NF, A0K 1P0, 1987 |
NF9 | Gleanings form the Sun, Genealogical Abstracts from the Twillingate Sun, Michael A. Bromley, 1988 |
NF10 | 1677 Census of St. John’s Harbour, Newfoundland |
NF11 | 1794-1795 Census of St. John’s Harbour, Newfoundland |
NF12 | And They Stayed!, a selection of St. John’s Family Histories, Margaret Mullins, Newfoundland & Labrador Genealogical Society, 1989 |
NF13 | Gravestone Inscriptions from the Anglican Cemetery, Topsail, Edward-Vincent Chafe, Newfoundland & Labrador Genealogical Society, St. John’s, NF, 1985 |
NF14 | Baptismal Records, 1794-1837, Carbonear, Newfoundland Marriage Records, 1794-1848, Carbonear, Newfoundland |
NFCDA3 | The Penguin Book of Canadian Verse, Ralph Gustafson, Penguin Books Canada Limited, Markham, Ontario, 1980 |
NFCDA6 | Handbook of Indians of Canada, Geographic Board of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, 1913 |
NFEN96 | Emigrants from England to the American Colonies 1773-1776, Peter Wilson Coldham, Genealogical Publishing Company Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, 1988 |
NFPQ472 | Family Names of the Island of Newfoundland, E. R. Seary, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NF, 1980 |
LB2 | Cemetery Records, North West River, Labrador, Newfoundland & Labrador Genealogical Society, St. John’s, NF, 1985 |
LB3 | Cemetery Inscriptions from Labrador, "Them Days", Newfoundland & Labrador Genealogical Society and Them Days, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador, 1985 |
LB4 | Cemetery Records, Cartwright, Labrador, Newfoundland & Labrador Genealogical Society, St. John’s, NF, (n. d.) |
LB5 | Cemetery Records, Forteau, Labrador, Newfoundland & Labrador Genealogical Society, St. John’s, NF, (n. d.) |
LB6 | Cemetery Records, Davis Inlet & Sango Bay, Labrador, Newfoundland & Labrador Genealogical Society, St. John’s, NF, (n. d.) |
LB7 | |
LB8 | |
LB10 | Cemetery Records, Hopedale, Labrador, Edward Chafe, Newfoundland & Labrador Genealogical Society, St. John’s, NF, 1985 |
LB9 | Cemetery Records, Mudlake, Labrador, Newfoundland & Labrador Genealogical Society, St. John’s, NF, (n. d.) |
LB11 | Cemetery Records, North River, Labrador, Newfoundland & Labrador Genealogical Society, St. John’s, NF, (n. d.) |
LB12 | Cemetery Records, Pinware, Labrador, Newfoundland & Labrador Genealogical Society, St. John’s, NF, (n. d.) |
LB13 | Cemetery Records, Red Bay, Labrador, Newfoundland & Labrador Genealogical Society, St. John’s, NF, (n. d.) |
LB14 | Cemetery Records, West Ste. Modeste, Labrador, Newfoundland & Labrador Genealogical Society, St. John’s, NF, (n. d.) |
LB15 | 1847 Census of Labrador, Colonial Record Office, Paris, France |
NS1 | Census of Nova Scotia - 1827, Allan C. Dunlop, Public Archives of Nova Scotia, Halifax, N. S., 1979 |
NS2 | Bradstreet’s Reports of the Dominion of Canada, The Bradstreet Company, New York, 1878 |
NS3 | Planters and Pioneers, Esther Clark Wright, Lancelot Press Limited, Hantsport, N. S., 1978 |
NS4 | Nova Scotia Directory for 1871, The Genealogical Research Library, Toronto, 1984 |
NS5 | Nova Scotia Vital Statistics from Newspapers, 1769-1812, Terrence M. Punch, Genealogical Committee of the Nova Scotia Historical Society, Halifax |
NS6 | Nova Scotia Vital Statistics from Newspapers, 1813-1822, Terrence M. Punch, Genealogical Committee of the Nova Scotia Historical Society, Halifax |
NS7 | Nova Scotia Vital Statistics from Newspapers, 1823-1828, Jean M. Holder, Genealogical Committee of the Nova Scotia Historical Society, Halifax |
NS8 | Genealogical Research in Nova Scotia, Terrence M. Punch, Petheric Press Limited, Halifax, N. S., 1978 |
NS9 | Cape Breton Ships and Men, John P. Parker, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Toronto, 1980 |
NS10 | The Annapolis Valley Whitmans, C. B. Whitman, Weston, Ontario, 1971c |
NS11 | The Staples Family of Staples Brook, Garth E. Staples, P. O. Box 2296, Charlottetown, P. E. I., C1A 8C1, 1986 |
NS14 | Report and Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society for the Years 1882-1883, Vol. 3, Halifax, N. S., 1883. (Journal of Col. John Winslow, Boston, MA) |
NS16 | Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1749-1768, St. Paul’s Church, Nova Scotia, Jean M. Holder, Genealogical Association of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society, Halifax, N. S., 1983 |
NS17 | L’Acadie de mes Ancetres, Yvon Léger, Editions du Fleuve, 533 rue Cherrier, Montréal, PQ, H2L 1H2, 1989 |
NS18 | see McAlpine’s Nova Scotia Directory below |
NS19 | Gravestones of Acadie, William Inglis Morse, A. Smith & Company, London, England, 1929 |
NS20 | Historical and Genealogical Record of the First Settlers of Colchester County, Thomas Miller, A. & W. MacKinlay, Halifax, N. s., 1873 |
NS21 | A Geography and History of the County of Digby, Isaiah W. Wilson, Mika Publishing Company, Belleville, Ontario, 1975 |
NS22 | Newport, Nova Scotia - A Rhode Island Township, John Victor Duncanson, Mika Publishing Company, Belleville, Ontario, 1985 |
NS23 | Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society for the Years 1892-94, Volume VIII, Nova Scotia Historical Society, Halifax, N. S., 1895 |
NS24 | History of Inverness County, Nova Scotia, J. L. MacDougall, Mika Publishing Company, Belleville, Ontario, 1972 |
NS25 | Cemetery inscriptions for Lunenburg County, South Shore Genealogical Society, 198-. |
NS26 | Census of District of Pictou - 1818, Allan C. Dunlop, Public Archives of Nova Scotia, Halifax, N. S., 1979 |
NS27 | Cemetery Inscriptions for Queens County, South Shore Genealogical Society, 198-. |
NS28 | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia Genealogies, George S. Brown, Genealogical Publishing company Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, 1993 |
McALPINE’s Publishing Company, Halifax, N. S., 1896
NS18 | Halifax, Halifax County |
NS29 | Annapolis County |
NS30 | Antigonish County |
NS31 | Colchester County |
NS32 | Cumberland County |
NS33 | Digby County |
NS34 | Guysboro County |
NS35 | Halifax County |
NS36 | Hants County |
NS37 | King’s County |
NS38 | Lunenburg County |
NS39 | Pictou County |
NS40 | Queens County |
NS41 | Shelburne County |
NS42 | Yarmouth County |
NS43 | Cape Breton County |
NS44 | Inverness County |
NS45 | Richmond County |
NS46 | Victoria County |
NS47 | Magdalen Islands |
NS49 | Registre A, Cahier No. 1, Acadia, 1679-1686, P. Claude Moireau, Colonial Record Office, Paris, France |
NS50 | The Census Rolls of Cape Breton Island, 1818, Public Archives of Nova Scotia, Halifax, N. S., 1981 |
NSCDA3 | The Penguin Book of Canadian Verse, Ralph Gustafson, Penguin Books Canada Limited, Markham, Ontario, 1980 |
NSEN96 | Emigrants from England to the American Colonies 1773-1776, Peter Wilson Coldham, Genealogical Publishing Company Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, 1988 |
NSONT26 | Jessup’s Rangers as a Factor in Loyalist Settlement, E. Rae Stuart M. A., from Three History Theses, published under the auspices of The Ontario Department of Public Records and Archives, Toronto, 1961 |
NSPQ449 | Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Vol. 1, 1000 A. D. to 1700 A. D., Les Presses de l’Université Laval and University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1966 |
NSPQ463 | L’Acadie des Ancetres, Bona Arsenault, Le Conseil de la Vie francaise en Amérique, Université Laval, Québec, P. Q., 1955 |
NSPQ470 | The History of Grand-Pré (Fourth Edition), The Home of Longfellow’s “Evangeline”, John Frederic Herbin, Barnes & Co., St. John, N. B., (n. d.) |
NPQ472 | Family Names of the Island of Newfoundland, E. R. Seary, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NF, 1980 |
NSPQ474 | Madawaskan Heritage, Leo G. Cyr, Bethesda, Maryland, 1985 |
PE1 | Prince Edward Island Directory for 1871, The Genealogical Research Library, Toronto, 1984 |
PE2 | William Schurman, Loyalist of Bedeque, Prince Edward Island and his Descendants, Ross Graves, Summerside, P. E. I., 1973 (two volumes) |
PE3 | L’Acadie Des Origines 1603-1771, Léopold Lanctot, Les Editions du Fleuve, C. P. 539, Succursale Cote-des-Neiges, Montreal, P. Q., H3S 2V3, 1988 |
and Book of Useful Information for 1889-90,
The Frederick’s Publishing Company, Charlottetown, P. E. I., 1889
PE4 | Charlottetown, Queen’s County |
PE5 | Queen’s County |
PE6 | Prince County |
PEEN96 | Emigrants from England to the American Colonies 1773-1776, Peter Wilson Coldham, Genealogical Publishing Company Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, 1988 |
PEGL2 | Sketches Illustrating the Early Settlement and History of Glengarry in Canada, J. A. MacDonnell, Wm. Foster, Brown & Co., Montreal, 1893 |
PEPQ449 | Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Vol. 1 1000 A. D. to 1700 A. D., Les Presses de l’Université Laval and University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1966 |
PEPQ473 | Rustico, une paroisse Acadienne de l’Ile du Prince-Edouard, J. Henri Blanchard, 1938c Republished 1979 by Francis-C. Blanchard |
PEV03 | Extracts from the 1861 Federal Census of Mariposa Township, Victoria County, Ontario, Microfilm #C1076, Federal Archives, Ottawa |
This page Contributed by Barbara McGrath and Transcribed by Ivy Benoit (April, 2001)
Page last updated March 26, 2013 (Craig Peterman)
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