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No. | Name by which the room is normally known | Where Situated | Name & Residence of the claimant | Nature of the Claim | Name & Residence of the Occupant | In what manner held | For what consideration | Date of Entry | Extent of the Room, or other erection, and how to ascertain the boundary |
1 | Geo. Barber's room | On Pond Island | Geo. Barber, | Originally built by claimant's family | Geo. Barber, Greenspd. | Inheritance | " | 27th July | This room has one stage. It is situated in an angle, two sides of which are wash'd by the sea, and from high water mark on the Et. side it extends nearly NW by compafs, thirty six yards, and is bounded on this line by room No. 2. |
Et. end of the | Greenspond | 1805 | |||||||
harbour of Greeenspond | |||||||||
2 | Josh. Barber's room | Do. | Josh. Barber, Pond | Originally built by claimant's family | Josh. Barber, Pond | Inheritance | " | 27th July | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash SE & NW, and is bounded by room No. 1 to the SE and by room No. 3 to the NW, being twenty yards wide. |
1805 | |||||||||
3 | Mary Hutchins's room | Do. | Mary Hutchins, Pond | Originally built by claimant's family | Mary Hutchins, Pond | Inheritance | " | 27th July 1805 | This room has one stage, extends SE & NW fifty six yards along the landwash, is bounded on the SE by room No. 2 and on the NW by room No. 4. |
4 | Philp. Black's | Do. | Phil. Black, | Purchased 1793 | P. Black, Pond | In right of purchase | " | 27th July 1805 | This room has one stage, extends forty eight yards SE & NW along the landwash, is bounded on the SE by room No. 3 and on the NW by room No. 5. |
room | Pond | ||||||||
Lester's lower room | Do. | Benjm. Lester & Co, Pool | Purchased 1782 | B. Lester & Co., Pool | In right of purchase | " | 27th July 1805 | This room has three stages and extends along the landwash two hundred and seventy eight yards SE & NW, bounded on the SE by room No. 4, and on the NW by room No. 6. Two parallel lines running inland from the extremes of the landwash line enclose the stores, houses, flakes, and the whole is bounded backwards by the open country, an advantage equally pofsefsed by every room on the North side of Pond Harbour. | |
5 | |||||||||
6 | Read's room | On Pond Isld, middle of the harbour of Greenspond | Sleat & Read, | Purchased 1802 | Sleat & Read, | In right of purchase | " | 27th July 1805 | This room has three stages, extends along the landwash one hundred and ninety one yards SE & NW, comprises all its buildings between two parallel line running inland from the extremes of the landwash line, is bounded on the SE by room No. 5, and on the NW by room No. 7. |
Pond | Pond | ||||||||
7 | Barry's room | Do. | Edwd. Barry | Purchased 1799 | Barry & Johnson, Pond | In right of purchase | " | 27th July 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash one hundred and twenty yards SE & NW, is bounded on the SE by room No. 6 and on the NW by room No. 8, and includes all its erections between parallel lines running inland from the extremes of the landwash line. |
& | |||||||||
Benjn. Johnson, | |||||||||
Pond | |||||||||
8 | Attwood's room | On Pond Island at end of Pond harbour | Esau Attwood, Pond | Originally built by the claimant 27 years | Esau Attwood, Pond | In right of original pofsefsion | " | 27th July 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash SE & NW one hundred and twenty yards, is bounded on the SE by room No. 7 and on the NW by room No. 9, and includes all its erections between parallel lines running inland from the extremes of the landwash line. |
9 | Saunders's room | Do. | Robt. Saunders, Pond | Purchased 17 years | Robt. Saunders, Pond | In right of purchase | " | 27th July 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash SE & NW one hundred and twenty eight yards, is bounded on the SE by room No. 8, and on the NW by room No. 10, and includes all its erections between parallel lines running inland from the extremes of the landwash line. |
10 | Burry's room | Pond Island, W. end of Greenspond harbour | David Burry Senr., Greenspond | Originally built by claimant 30 years | David Burry Senr., Greenspond | In right of original pofsefsion | " | 28th July 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash SE & NW one hundred and twenty yards, bounded on the SE by room No. 9, and on the NW by room No. 11, and includes all its erections between parallel lines running inland from the extremes of the landwash line. |
11 | McCarthy's room | Do. | John McCarthy, Greenspond | Originally built by claimant 1801 | John McCarthy, Greenspond | In right of original pofsefsion | " | 28th July 1805 | This room has one stage, which stands within the boundary of room No. 12. It extends along the landwash SE & NW nineteen yards, bounded on the SE by room No. 10, and on the NW by the east side of its own stage, and includes its erections between parallel lines running inland from the extremes of the landwash line. |
12 | Windsor's room | Do. | John Windsor, Greenspond | Originally built by claimant 1799 | John Windsor, Greenspond | In right of original pofsefsion | " | 28th July 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash SE & NW fifty seven yards, is bounded on the SE by the east side of the stage of room No. 11, and on the NW by room No. 13, and includes all its erections between parallel lines running inland from the extremes of the landwash line. |
13 | Strotten's room | Pond Island, W. end of the harbour of Greenspond | Thos. Strotten, Greenspond | Originally built by claimant 1802 | Thos. Strotten, Greenspond | In right of original pofsefsion | " | 28th July 1805 | This room has one stage which stands within the boundary of room No. 12 - it extends along the landwash Et. & Wt. thirty five yards, bounded on the Et. by room No. 12 and on the Wt. by unoccupied ground. |
14 | Manuel's room | Do. | Wm. Manuel, Twillingate | Originally built by claimant's family 50 years | Nichs. Kennedy, Greenspond | By lease | ,4 Per Ann | 28th July 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash NNW & SSE twenty yards, bounded on the SE by room No. 15 and by its own stage and unoccupied ground on the NW. |
15 | Lester's upper room | Do. | B. Lester & Co., Pool | Purchased 20 years | B. Lester & Co., Pool | In right of purchase | " | 28th July 1805 | This room has two stages, extends along the landwash NNW & SSE one hundred yards, bounded on the NW by room No. 14 and by the sea to the SE. |
16 | White's room | SW side, on middle part of Greenspond harbour | John White & Edward Pond, Greenspond | Originally built by the claimants 1804 | John White & Edward Pond, Greenspond | In right of original pofsefsion | " | 28th July 1805 | This room has one stage, it extends Et. & Wt. fifty yards and is bounded on all sides by rocks and unoccupied ground |
17 | Kean's room | Ship Island Greenspond harbour | unreadable Kean Esq., Great Britain | Originally built by Kean's family 80 years | Thos. Street, Pool | By lease | " | 28th July 1805 | This room has one stage - a compafs line extending from a post on the North side of the stage door on the bank SSW fr. S thirty yards, then St.W eighty seven yards, then Wt.S twenty yards to high water mark on the Wt . side of Ship Island completely encloses this room. |
18 | Green's room | Ship Island, Greenspond | Thos. Green, Pond | Purchased 2 years | Thos. Green, Pond | In right of purchase | " | 28th July 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash WSW and ENE sixty yards, is bounded on the North side by unoccupied ground and on the South by the sea. |
19 | Crocker's room | Little Grout's Isld., Greenspond | Wm. Crocker, Greenspond | Built by the claimant 1802 | Wm. Crocker, Pond | In right of original pofsefsion | " | 29th July 1805 | This room has one stage, and is bounded on all sides by the sea. |
20 | Ben Carter's room | Ship Island, Greenspond | Benjn. & Joseph Carter, Pond | Originally built by claimant's family 80 years | Benjn. & Josh. Carter, Pond | In right of inheritance | " | 29th July 1805 | This room has one stage - a compafs line extending from a rock in the landwash on the North side of the stage NWt.Wt. eighty two yards, then SWt.S sixty yards, then St.W forty yards to high water mark on the South side of the Island completely encloses this room. |
21 | Burton's room | Do. | Thos. Street, Pool | Purchased from the original proprietor | Thos. Street, Pool | In right of purchase | " | 29th July 1805 | This room has one stage - a compafs line extending from a post on the North side of the stage door of Kean's room SSW fr. W thirty yards, then St.W eighty seven yards, then Wt.S twenty yards to the high water mark that bounds Kean's room on the Wt. side of the Island, then Et.N eighty yards, then ENE forty yards, then Et.N thirteen yards, then N fr. W forty yards, then Nt.E thirty six yards to the water side completely encloses this room, and marks the boundary between it and rooms No. 17 and 22. |
22 | Saml. White's room | East side of Ship Island, Greenspond | Saml. Rolls, Pool | By will of Saml. White | B. Lester & Co., Pool | By lease | " | 29th July 1805 | This room has two stages - a compafs line extending from a rock in the landwash adjoining Burton's room St.W thirty six yards, then St. fr. E forty yards, then Wt.S thirteen yards, then WSW forty yards, then Wt.S sixty yards to the corner of Thos. Green's store, then ESE twenty yards, then SEtE one hundred and twenty yards to the rock on the North side of Carter's stage, completely encloses this room. |
23 | Pig Island room | Pig Island, Pond | John Feltham & Saml. Skiffington, Greenspond | Built by claimants 1802 | Feltham & Skiffington, Pond | In right of original pofsefsion | " | 29th July 1805 | This room has one stage and is bounded on all sides by the sea. It has not extent sufficient to admit a greater quantity of fish than may be caught by one skiff. |
24 | Burry's room | Wt. side of Newell's Isld., Greenspond | Thos. Burry & Co., Pond | Built by claimant's father | Thos. Burry & Co., Pond | " | 29th July 1805 | This room has one stage and occupies an extent along the landwash of one hundred yards in the direction of Et.N by compafs. It is bounded on the North by ground too much exposed to the sea for a safe fishery, and on the South by a considerable extent of unoccupied ground where a large room might be built. The occupants claim the void space and prevent the extention of the fishing thereupon. | |
25 | Brown's room | Wt. side of Newell's Island, Greenspond | Wm. Brown, his brothers & sister, Bonavista | Inherited from their father | John Ducy, Greenspond | By lease | ,4 Per Ann | 29th July 1805 | This room has one stage. The flakes and buildings are bounded on the North by Parker's room, and on the South by a void space unfit for the fishery, being too much exposed to the sea. |
26 | Avery's room | NE corner of Keels | Thos. Walley, Keels | Purchased last year from Avery, the original pofsefsor | Thos. Walley, Keels | In right of purchase | 2d Augt 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash seventy four yards NEtN & SWtS by compafs, bounded on the NE by unoccupied ground, and on the SW by room No. 27. | |
27 | Turner's room | Keels | Wm. Turner, Keels | Originally built by the proprietor 40 years ago | Wm. Turner, Keels | In right of original pofsefsion | " | 2d Augt 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash NE & SW forty two yards, bounded on the NE by room No. 26 and on the SW by a void space where a fishing room formerly stood. |
28 | Hobb's room | Do. | Abram. Hobbs, Keels | Originally built by claimant's family | A. Hobbs, Keels | In right of inheritance | " | 2d Augt 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash forty three yards NE & SW, bounded on the NE by a void space, formerly occupied by a fishery and on the SW by room No. 29. |
29 | Elliott's room | Keels | Chas. Elliott, Keels | Originally built by claimant's family | Chas. Elliott, Keels | In right of inheritance | " | 2d Augt 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash thirty seven yards NE & SW, bounded on the NE by room No. 28 and on the SW by room No. 30. |
30 | Fitzgerald's room | Do. | Edwd. Fitzgerald, Keels | Originally built by claimant's family | Edwd. Fitzgerald, Keels | In right of inheritance | " | 2d Augt 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash sixty three yards NE & SW, bounded on the NE by room No. 29 and on the SW by a hill not proper for a fishery. |
31 | Bullock's room | Turkish shore, Keels | Jas. Alwood, Open Hole | Originally built by the family of claimant's wife | Jas. Brian, Keels | Tenant at will | ,50 Per Ann | 2d Augt 1805 | This room has one stage and has an insular situation by occupying the entire of a small beach in the direction of SE and NW. |
32 | Ray's room | King's Cove | Jas. Ray, King's Cove | Built by the claimant 1801 | Jas. Ray, King's Cove | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 3d Augt 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash one hundred yards Et. and Wt., bounded on the Et. by unoccupied ground, not calculated for the extention of the fishery, and on the Wt. by room No. 33. |
33 | Welshe's room | King's Cove | Thos. Welsh, King's Cove | Built by the claimant 1800 | Thos. Welsh, King's Cove | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 3d Augt 1805 | This room has one stage, extends one hundred yards along the landwash Et. and Wt., bounded on the Et. by room No. 32 and on the Wt. by unoccupied ground. |
34 | Sullivan's room | Do. | Jas. Sullivan, King's Cove | Clear'd & built by claimant 20 years | Jas. Sullivan, King's Cove | In right of original pofsefsion | " | 3d Augt 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash one hundred yards Et. & Wt., bounded on both sides by unoccupied ground. |
35 | Dick's room | Do. | Wm. Dick, King's Cove | Built by the claimant 1802 | Wm. Dick, King's Cove | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 3d Augt 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash Et. and Wt. fifty yards, bounded on the Et. by unoccupied ground and on the Wt. by room No. 36. |
36 | Brown & Handcock's room | Do. | Wm. Brown & Henry Handcock, King's Cove | Built by the claimants 1804 | Wm. Brown & Henry Handcock, King's Cove | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 3d Augt 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash Et. and Wt. sixty five yards, bounded on the Et. by room No. 35 and on the Wt. by room No. 37. |
37 | Handcock's room | Do. | Richd. Handcock, King's Cove | Originally built by claimant's family | Richd. Handcock, King's Cove | In right of inheritance | " | 3d Augt 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash E and Wt. seventy yards to a pond, then So. seventy yards along the harbour beach, bounded on the E by room No. 36, and on the Wt. by a pond, and on the So. by Edward Green's flake. |
38 | Green's flake | On the beach, King's Cove | Edwd. Green & Richd. Handcock, King's Cove | Built by the claimants 1804 | Ed. Green & R. Handcock, King's Cove | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 3d Augt 1805 | A single flake extending along the landwash beach No. and So. seventy yards, constitutes the whole of the annex'd number. It is built for curing fish brought from the North shore, is bounded on the No. by room No. 37 and on the So. by room No. 39. |
39 | Aylward's room | Do. | Jas. Aylward & Wm. Aylward, King's Cove | Originally built by claimant's family | Jas. & Wm. Aylward, King's Cove | In right of inheritance | " | 3d Augt 1805 | This room has one stage, extends No. & So. thirty yards, then Et. and Wt. to any distance the proprietor choses. It is bounded on the No. by Green's flake, on the So. by room No. 40, and on the Wt. by woods. |
40 | Ryan's room | Do. | Patk. Ryan, King's Cove | Built by the claimant after having been many years vacated by a former proprietor | Patk. Ryan, King's Cove | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 3d Augt 1805 | This room has one stage. It is situated upon broken ground on a hill, bounded on the No. by room No. 39, on the SE by room No. 41 and on the SW by the open country. |
41 | Green's room | King's Cove South side | Edwd. Green, King's Cove | Built by the claimant | Edd. Green, King's Cove | In right of original pofsefsion | " | 3d Augt 1805 | This room has one stage, stands upon hilly and broken ground, is bounded on the NW by room No. 40, and on the SE by inaccefsible rocks which admit no extention of the fishery. |
42 | Stockly's room | Stockly's Cove, Barrow Harbour | Josh. Lane, Barrow harbr. | Inherited from the original proprietor | Jos. Lane, Barrow Harbour | In right of inheritance | " | 6th Augt 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the entire of a small beach, bounded on each side by unoccupied and hilly ground. |
43 | Lester's room | Do. | B. Lester & Co., Pool | Built by the claimant 1805 | B. Lester & Co., Pool | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 6th Augt 1805 | This room has one stage with a capacious store house for fish. It is bounded on all sides by inaccefsible rocks, and was built to accommodate vefsels sent hither to load. |
44 | Lester's Old store | Do. | B. Lester & Co., Pool | Built by the claimant | B. Lester & Co., Pool | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 6th Augt 1805 | A storehouse with a rigging loft built to accommodate vefsels sent hither to load and refit constitutes the whole of the annex'd number. |
45 | John Abbott's room | Bayly's Cove, Bonavista | John Abbott, Bonavista | Originally built by the claimant's family | J. Abbott, Bonavista | In right of inheritance | " | 9th Augt 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash Nt.W and St.E one hundred and forty six yards, and from So. extremity of this line Et.S twenty seven yards, then Nt.E to any extent the proprietor chooses. It is bounded on the No. by unoccupied ground unfit for a fishery, on the So. by the stage of room No. 46, and on the Et. by the same room. |
46 | Steph. Lander's room | Bayly's Cove, Bonavista | Steph. Lander, Bonavista | Built by the claimant's family | Steph. Lander, Bonavista | In right of inheritance | " | 9th Augt 1805 | This room has one stage which stands to the Wt. of John Abbott's stage. From the Wt. corner of Abbott's stage it extends along the landwash Et.S sixty three yards, then No. to any extent. From the Et. corner of Abbott's stage it extends Nt.E upon which line it is bounded by Abbott's new house and flake. On the Wt. it is bounded by room No. 45 and on the Et. by room No. 47 and a garden belonging to room No. 48. |
47 | Pladwell's room | Do. | Hannah Pladwell, Bonavista | Left by the claimant's husbd. | Wm. Pladwell, Bonavista | By permifsion from Hannah Pladwell | " | 9th Augt 1805 | This room has one stage - extends along the landwash Et.S and Wt.N eight yards and the flake is erected behind the room No. 48. It is bounded on the Wt. by room No. 46 and on the Et. by room No. 48. |
48 | Mesh's room | Do. | Rachl. Mesh, Bonavista | Left by claimant's husband | Moses Keels & Richd. Mesh, Bonavista | Rented from the claimant | " | 9th Augt 1805 | This room has one stage - extends along the landwash Nt.W and St.E fifty two yards. It is bounded on the No. by room No. 47 and on the So. by the fishhouse of room No. 49. The flake runs between two parallel lines from the extremes of the landwash line |
49 | Stepn. Abbott's room | Bayly's Cove, Bonavista | Sarah Abbott, Bonavista | Left by the claimant's husbd. | Sarah Abbott, Bonavista | In right of inheritance | " | 9th Augt 1806 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash No. & So. one hundred and twenty three yards, bounded on the No. by room No. 48 and on the So. by the fishhouse of room No. 50. The flakes and erections stand between parallel lines running Et. from the extremes of the landwash line towards the country. |
50 | Slate's room | Do. | John Abbott, Bonavista | Willm. Hicks & Co., Bonavista | By lease | ,4 Per Ann | 9th Augt 1806 | This room has one stage, extends No. and So. along the landwash ninety yds, bounded on the No. by a fishhouse of room No. 49, on the So. by unoccupied ground where a fishery formerly stood. | |
51 | Mockbeggar's room | Bonavista | Saml. Rolls, Pool | Inherited by will from Saml. White | B Lester & Co., Pool | By lease | ,35 Per Ann | 10th Augt 1806 | This room has three stages, extends along the landwash No. & So. two hundred and twenty yards, bounded on the No. by the sea and on the So. by a void space where a ship's room formerly stood. The stores and other erections stand between parallel lines running Et. from the extremes of the landwash line. |
52 | Beaumond's flake | Mockbeggar, Bonavista | John Beaumond, Bonavista | Built by the claimant 1804 | J. Beaumond, Bonavista | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 10th Augt 1805 | The annex'd number consists only of a flake for curing fish brought from the Northern French shore. It extends along the beach No. & So. thirty six yards, bounded on the No. by a void space where a ship's room once stood, and on the So. by a void space. |
53 | Ryder's room | Newman's point, Bonavista | B. Lester & Co., Pool | Devolved to the claimant for a debt | Thos. Woodford & Richd. Dyke, Bonavista | By lease | ,10 Per Ann | 10th Augt 1805 | This room has one stage which bounds it on the So.. From the stage it extends along the landwash NW fifty yards, then Wt.N to the rocks on Newman's point. The store, flakes are bounded by Mockbeggar marsh. |
54 | Brown's room | Bonavista | Jos. Brown & Co. and their brothers and sisters | Built originally by the claimant's family | John Bland, Bonavista | By lease | ,12 Per Ann | 10th Augt 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash No. & So. thirty yards, bounded on the No. by a void room called Tilly's room, and on the So. by the oilhouse and store. The flakes and other erections are comprised between two parallel lines running Et. from the extremes of the landwash line. |
55 | Burton's room | Do. | Stepn. Burton & his brothers | Built originally by claimant's family | S. Burton and Humber Green | In right of inheritance | " | 10th Augt 1805 | This room has no stage. The beach and flake extend along the landwash So. from the store of room No. 54, fifty six yards and on the So. it is bounded by a line Et. & Wt. of room No. 56. |
56 | Rolle's room | Bonavista | John Bland, Bonavista | Purchased from the former proprietor | J. Bland, Bonavista | In right of purchase | ,30 | 11th Augt 1805 | This room has one stage. A compafs line extending from Burton's room along the landwash So. forty yards, then SE forty yards to the stage, then NE forty yards to the Wt. side of Mifflin's room, then No. to the South side of Burton's room fifty six yards, then Wt. to the landwash completely encloses this room. |
57 | Walkham's room | Do. | Solomn. Mifflin, Bonavista | Partly purchased and partly built by the claimant's family | S. Mifflin, Bonavista | In right partly of purchase & partly of inheritance | " | 11th Augt 1805 | This room has two stages. A line extending from the bank over the western stage So. fifty six yards, then ENE fifty nine yards, then E eighty two yards, then So.Et one hundred yards to Walkham's brook completely encloses this room. The No. line divides it from Rolle's room, the ENE line from Burton's room and the St.E line from Newell's room. Within the boundary of this room stands a house with a small garden, inhabited by the widow Rolles. The house was built by the widow's husband and has with the garden, been held more than twenty years by her family, as a pofsefsion entirely independant of Walkham's room. |
58 | Newell's room | Bonavista | Thos. Newell & Giles Hosier, Bonavista | Originally built by the claimant's family | G. Hosier, Bonavista | In right of inheritance & by private arrangement | " | 12th Augt 1805 | This room has one stage. From the corner of the bridge at Walkham's brook it extends No.E seventy six yards which line divides it from Walkham's room, then Et.S one hundred and sixteen yards, then So.W to the harbour pond eighty four yards, then WNW to the bridge at Walkham's brook one hundred yards, then SSW along the harbour beach one hundred and thirty two yards, where it is bounded by Mayne's flake. |
59 | Mayne's store | Do. | John Mayne, Bonavista | Built by the claimant 1804 | J. Mayne, Bonavista | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 12th Augt 1805 | The annex'd number consists of a fishstore built in part over the harbour pond, behind the fishstore of room No. 58, and is distant from any fishing room. |
60 | Fovey's room | Do. | James Fovey, St. John's | Originally built by the claimant | John Mayne, Bonavista | By lease | ,9 Per Ann | 12th Augt 1805 | This room consists of a stage, formerly an island stage, but now landed upon the beach of room No. 58, and a flake erected upon the harbour pond, to which there is a pafsage thro' room No. 58. |
61 | Hooper's room | Do. | Stepn. Hooper, Bonavista | Originally built by the claimant | Richd. & Thos. Ryder, Bonavista | By lease | ,10 Per Ann | 20th Oct 1805 | This room consists of a stage, formerly an island stage, but now landed upon the beach of room No. 58, and of a flake erected upon the harbour pond, to which there is a pafsage thro' room No. 58. |
62 | Mayne's flake | Bonavista | John Mayne, Bonavista | Built by the claimant 1805 | John Mayne, Bonavista | In right of building and pofsefsion | 20th Oct 1805 | The annex'd number consists of a flake erected for the purpose of drying fish brought from the North shore. It extends along the beach from Newell's flake SSW sixty two yards, bounded on the South by a void called Dewy's room. | |
63 | Dewy's store & dwelling house | Do. | John Green, Trinity | Built by a lefsee | John Bullen, Bonavista | By lease | ,4 Per Ann | 20th Oct 1805 | The annex'd number consists of a store house and dwelling house which are the only remaining vestiges of the fishing room called Dewy's room. |
64 | Shambler's room | Do. | Built originally by the claimant's family | B. Lester & Co., Pool | By lease | ,30 Per Ann | 20th Oct 1805 | This room has two stages. From the void space called Dewy's room it extends along the landwash SSW one hundd. and fifty nine yards to the Northern boundary of Kean's room. The stores, flakes, and houses are comprised between parallel lines from the extremes of the landwash line. | |
65 | Kean's room | Do. | Captain Kean of the Navy | Originally built by the claimant's family | Thos. Street, Pool | By lease | 20th Oct 1805 | This room has two stages. From Shambler's room which bounds it on the No. it extends along the beach WSW ninety yards then StW back to waste or garden ground, bounded on the Wt. by Skiffington's room. The stores and other erections lay on the back of the landwash line. | |
66 | Skiffington's room | Bonavista | Thos. Street, Pool | Purchased by the claimant | Thos. Street, Pool | In right of purchase | 20th Oct 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash from the South boundary of Kean's room WNW fifty nine yards. The erections are comprised between parallel lines running SSW from the extremes of the landwash line. | |
67 | White's room | Do. | Chas. Saint, Bonavista | Purchased by the claimant | C. Saint, Bonavista | In right of purchase | 20th Oct 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash from the W boundary of Skiffington's room Wt. forty seven yards, then StW to the back vacant ground. The erections use all to the Eastward of this line. | |
68 | Cole's room | Do. | B. Lester & Co., Pool | Purchased by the claimant | Wm. Cole, Bonavista | 20th Oct 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash from the Wt. boundary of White's room Wt. forty yards, then SSW to the back ground. The flakes and other erections stand to the Eastward of this line. | ||
69 | Ford's room | Do. | B. Lester & Co., Pool | Purchased by claimant | G. Ford, Bonavista | 20th Oct 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash from the Wt. boundary of Cole's room WNW seventy yards, then SSW to the back ground. The flakes and other erections stand to the Eastward of this line. | ||
70 | Old Room | Corneil, Bonava | B. Lester & Co., Pool | Purchased by the claimant | B. Lester & Co., Pool | In right of purchase | " | 20th Oct 1805 | This room has one stage, extends along the landwash from Ford's room Wt. sixty seven yards, then St.E towards the open country - bounded on the Wt. by unoccupied ground. The stores range St.E from the landwash line. |
71 | Brown's room | Do. | Josh. Brown his brothers and sister, Bonava. | Originally built by the claimant's family | Jos. Brown & Co. Bona. | In right of inheritance | 20th Oct 1805 | This room has one stage, extends from a brook that bounds the void space to the Wt. of Old room, along the landwash sixty seven yards, then SWt.S forty six yards, then SE fifty seven yards, then SWt.S to the open country; bounded on the Wt. by unoccupied ground formerly a fishing room. | |
72 | Cobb's room | Do. | Jos. Brown, Bonavista | Purchased at a public sale by order of the Surrogate court which attach'd it for debt 25th Oct 1805 | John Kelly Senr. & Co., Bonavista | By lease | ,10 Per Ann | 26th Oct 1805 | This room has one stage, to which there is a pafsage thro' Brown's room, behind the landwash line of which it extends NWt.W thirty yards, then SE to the back of Brown's flake eighty two yards, then SWt.S towards the open country which line divides it from Brown's eastern flake below his dwelling house. |
73 | Stockly's room | Pinchard's Isld., Bonavista bay | Saml. Stockly & Co., Pinchard's Island | Built by the claimant 1802 | Saml. Stockly & Co., Pinchard's Isld. | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 26th Oct 1805 | This room has one stage, extends Et. & Wt. along the landwash of a small beach bounded on all sides by unoccupied ground and occupies fifty yards on the landwash line. |
74 | Hick's room | Do. | Edwd. Hick's & John Norris, Pinchard's Isld. | Built by the claimants 1802 | Edwd. Hicks & Co., Pinchard's Isld. | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 26th Oct 1805 | This room has one stage. It extends along the landwash NNE and SSW fifty yards and is bounded on each side by unoccupied ground. |
75 | Burry's room | Do. | David Burry, Pinchard's Isld. | Built by the claimant 1801 | David Burry, Pinchard's Isld. | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 26th Oct 1805 | This room has one stage. It extends along the landwash NNW and SSE thirty yards, bounded on each side by unoccupied ground. |
76 | Dick's room | Pouch Isld., Do. | John Dick, Pouch Island | Built by the claimant 1803 | John Dick, Pouch Island | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 26th Oct 1805 | This is a solitary room with one stage and occupies an unlimited extent in the landwash no other fishery being kept upon the Island. |
77 | Over's room | Tickle cove, Do. | Hen'y Over, Tickle cove | Built by the claimant 1806 | Henry Over, Tickle cove | In right of building and pofsefsion | 6th July 1806 | This room has one stage. The flake extends Et. and Wt. along a beach fifty yards and the stage and houses to the Eastward of the beach on the side of a hill. It is bounded on the Wt. by unoccupied beach and on the Et. by a hill, and behind the beach by a pond. | |
78 | Parker's room | Wt. side of Newell's Island, Greenspond | John Parker, Greenspond | Built by the claimant 1806 | John Parker, Greenspond | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 20th Augt 1806 | This room has one stage. It is bounded on the North by unoccupied ground, and on the South by Brown's room. |
79 | Black's room | Gooseberry Isld., Greenspond | Heny. & Patk. Black, Gooseberry Island | Inherited from their ancestors | Heny. & Patk. Black, Gooseberry Island | In right of inheritance and pofsefsion | " | 21st Augt 1806 | This room has one stage. It is bounded on all sides by unoccupied ground, no other fishery being kept upon the Island. |
80 | Picket's room | Vere Island, Greenspond | John Picket & Co., Vere Isld. | Purchased from the original owner | John Picket & Co., Vere Isld. | In right of purchase and pofsefsion | " | 23d Augt 1806 | This room has one stage. It is bounded on all side by unoccupied ground on the North side of the Island. |
81 | Lane's room | Do. | Roger Lane & Co., Vere Island, Greenspond | Originally built by the proprietor | Roger Lane & Co., Vere Isld. | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 23d Augt 1806 | This room has one stage. It is bounded on all sides by unoccupied ground and stands on the Wt. side of the Isld. |
82 | Norris's room | Pinchard's Isld., Greenspond | John Norris, Pinchard's Isld. | Built by the proprietor | John Norris, Pinchard's Isld. | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 24th Augt 1806 | This room has one stage. It is bounded on all sides by unoccupied ground there being no other fishery near enough to interfere with it. |
83 | Bourne's room | Grout's Island, Greenspond | John Bourne, Greenspond | Purchased | John Bourne, Greenspond | In right of purchase and pofsefsion | " | 24th Augt 1806 | This room has one stage and is entirely insulated so that no other fishery can interfere with its boundary. |
84 | Kelly's room | Broad cove, Bonavista bay | John Kelly & John Hogan, Broad cove | Built by the claimants 1805 | Kelly & Hogan, Broad cove | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 27th Augt 1806 | This room has one stage. It stands on the North side of the beach and is the only fishery in Broad cove. |
85 | Quintum's room | Red Cliff Isld. | John Quintum & his brothers, Red Cliff Isld. | Originally built by the claimant's father | John Quintum & his brothers, Red Cliff Isld. | In right of original pofsefsion | " | 27th Augt 1806 | This room has two stages and pofsefsing an insular situation is in no danger of encroachment from other fisheries. |
86 | Clinch's room | Salvage | John Clinch, Salvage | Built by the claimant | John Clinch, Salvage | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 27th Augt 1806 | This room has one stage. It is bounded on the South by Haskell's room, and on every other side by unoccupied ground. |
87 | Haskell's room | Do. | Haskell & Boon, Salvage | Built by the claimants | Haskell & Boon, Salvage | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 28th Augt 1806 | This room has one stage. It is bounded Northward by Clinch's room and on every other side by unoccupied ground. |
88 | Dick's room | Do. | Wm. Dick, Salvage | Built by the claimant 1806 | Wm. Dick, Salvage | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 28th Augt 1806 | This room has one stage. It is bounded on all sides by unoccupied ground. |
89 | Grey's room | Flat Island | Grey & Collins, Flat Island | Built by the claimants 1806 | Grey & Collins, Salvage | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 28th Augt 1806 | This room has one stage, and there is no other fishery within its neighbourhood to interfere with its boundary. |
90 | Bullock's room | Open hole, Bonavista bay | Jas. Alwood, Open hole | Originally built by his wife's family | Jas. Alwood, Open hole | In right of his wife | " | 28th Augt 1806 | This room has one stage. It is bounded Northward by Gould's room and on every other side by unoccupied ground. |
91 | Gould's room | Do. | John & Luke Gould, Open hole | Originally built by the claimants | John & Luke Gould, Open hole | In right of building and pofsefsion | " | 28th Augt 1806 | This room has one stage. It is bounded Southward by Bullock's room and on every other side by unoccupied ground. |
Check the compass directions and occupant's first name for this entry |
Page Transcribed by Wayne Pike (August 2000)
Page Revised May 2003 (Don Tate)
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