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Index of Trinity Bay Fishing Rooms
Census of 1800-1801

Bonaventure New Perlican
Catalina Old Bonaventure
English Harbour Old Perlican
Grates Cove ## Rider's Harbour ##
Green's Harbour Salmon Cove
Hant's Harbour Scilly Cove
Heart's Content Ship Cove
Heart's Delight ** Shole Harbour **
Ireland's Eye Trinity
New Harbour Turk's Cove

## Due to the original handwriting, I cannot guarantee that the first letter of this name was the letter 'R'
** Handwriting interpreted by original donor as Th(s) Ole Har(b) however analysis of original document shows that it may be Shoal Harbour, with the interpreted spelling appearing as above.

Page Transcribed by Michael Cooper
Page Revised by Craig Peterman (September 2002)

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