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Marsh Family Bible This "old" Bible is in the possession of Livenia Haggett of Glovers Harbour, Notre Dame Bay. It contains entries from 1916 to 1978, although Birth/Marriage entries, subsequent to 1960, Names included in [ ] indicate the family member who supplied the information. |
Deaths Father died November 1913 [George Marsh] James Marsh died September 30, 1946 age 86 Mr. Stewart Haggett died October 31, 1967 Noah Cassell body found December 18, 1935, buried December 20, 1935 Mr Herbert Forsey Died November 6, 1945 Mrs Edgar Pilgrim died February 17, 1963
Marriages Husband S Dawe Irene married October 19, 1960 [George Marsh] Walter Marsh married September 24, 1961 [Rita Curlew] Graham J Marsh married June 30, 1954 [Ruby Rowsell] |
Births Childrens names Claude Marsh born May 21, 1933
Contributed by David Wells (2008 05)
with permission from Livenia Haggett
Page Revised by Craig Peterman (March 26, 2013 ADT)
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