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Francis Rowe Family Bible |
Marriages |
Marriages |
Francis Rowe, son of James Rowe and Mary Murphy, to Catherine Murphy, daughter of John Murphy and Margaret Lyons married August 8, 1898 |
Francis Rowe, oldest son of James Rowe and Mary Murphy was married on the fourth of July, 1905 to Johanna M. Brennan, second daughter of Dan'l Brennan and Johanna Boland by Rev. F. McGinnis in the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Verdun. |
Births |
Births |
James Alphonsus Rowe, born May 7, 1899 - baptized May 8 by the Rev. Father Carol Rowe, Sept. 16, 1959 to Frank and Teresa Rowe. Susan Rowe, born Aug. 31 1956 to Teresa and Frank Rowe. |
Michael Brennan Rowe, born on 19th of January, 1907, baptized on 20th by Rev. Father Elliot in Our Lady Dolors (sic) Church, Verdun, son of Francis Rowe and Johanna Brennan. Joseph Francis Daniel Rowe, born on Feb. 28, 1908, baptized at Our Lady of Dolors Church, Verdun by Rev. Father Elliot, assistant priest, son of Francis Rowe. John William Rowe, born on April 21, 1910, baptized by Rev. Father Filiatrault at Our Lady of Dolors Church, Verdun. |
Deaths |
Deaths |
John W. Rowe, Oct.19, 1933, age 23 yrs. 6 mos. Francis Rowe, Sept. 22, 1951, age: 83 years [Newspaper obit for James Rowe died Feb. 29, 1977]
[Newspaper obit for Frank J. Rowe died Sept. 22, 1951] |
Transcribed and Contributed by John Rowe (2011)
Page Revised by Craig Peterman (March 26, 2013 ADT)
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