
Presented by the
Newfoundland's Grand Banks Site
to assist you in researching your Family History

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Vital Family Records

The following is an index of Newfoundland Birth, Death, & Marriage information found in the
old Newfoundland Vital Statistics Records.  Families sent these items to the government
to add previously missing information to the early Vital Statistics Records.
They are now part of the collection known as Delayed Births.

Anderson Family Record Shoal Brook, Bonne Bay, Newfoundland 1860 to 1905 Provincial Archives, The Rooms
Badcock Family Record French's Cove, Bay Roberts, Newfoundland 1880 to 1918 Provincial Archives, The Rooms
Bennett Family Record Green's Harbour, Newfoundland 1860 to 1926 Provincial Archives, The Rooms
Coles Family Record Elliston (Bird Island Cove), Newfoundland 1865 to 1906 Provincial Archives, The Rooms
Davis Family Record Safe Harbour, Bonavista, Newfoundland 1883 to 1898 Provincial Archives, The Rooms
Gillespie Family Record Carbonear, Newfoundland 1853 to 1895 Provincial Archives, The Rooms
Gosse Family Bible Record Bay Roberts and Petites, Newfoundland 1853 to 1895 Provincial Archives, The Rooms
Manuel Family Bible Record Loon Bay, Twillingate, Newfoundland 1851 to 1920 Provincial Archives, The Rooms

Page Revised by Craig Peterman (January 18, 2016)

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