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Note: I copied this from a list obtained from Gosling Library in St Johns- Newfoundland Collection several years ago. I have recopied it, so it is prone to errors. I have listed the source-- those in St John’s can view the original copy , if they have questions. Please let me know if you locate an error. (Brenda Young) St. John’s 1833
F Burnham Gill Provincial Archivist Dec 3, 1971
Grand and Special Jurors 1833Alsop, Robert Senior Alsop, Robert, Junior Beck, Thomas Boyd, John Bennett, Thomas(MCP) Brown, Robert Bland, John B Brine, John Senior Brine, Robert, Senior Bowring, Bejamin Brine, Robert Junior Brine John Junior Bulley, John B Boden, William Bowring, Charles Bennett, Thomas Bennett, Charles Boag(ck), James Calver, William Clift, James Cruden, James Carter, P W Dillon, John Doyle, Patrick Dunscomb, John Eales, John Junior Francis, Edward Fergus, James Gaden, Garland C Gaden, William Gill, Joseph Gill, Nicolas Gill, Nicolas Junior Garland, John Brigley Grieve,James1-Special Grieve, Walter Harvey, William I Hawson, Henry Hogan, Timothy Howley, John Hutchings, Monier Howley, Richard-Special Hunt, Charles-Special Jennings, John Jordan, William Job, Robert Job, Thomas Keough, Patrick Kent, James Kydd, William Kent, John Langley, Richard LeMessurier, Peter LeMessurier, Abram Landey, William McGibbon, John Morris, Patrick McLea, Kenneth McBride, James McCallum, Charles Morris, Simon Mudge, Samuel Mudge, Nicholas Murch, Hannibal McGregor, Alexander Marett, D P Makellar, Douglas McWilliam, John Morgan, George Nicholls, John O’Brien, Lawrence Perchard, Richard Junior Rendle John Junior Richards, William Rendell, John M Sinclair, John Shea, John Tobin, James Thompson, John Trimingham, Ralph Thomas, Henry Tremlett, InOB? Thomas, William Winton, Henry Warren, William Senior Warren, William Junior Williams, Thomas Williams, Richard Wilking, N H Warren, John
Petty Jurors St John’s 1833 Allen, Michael Allen, Thomas Anderson, George Ash, William Atkins, Thomas Aylward, James Aylward, William Ashwan, George Aylsbury, Joseph Aylsbury, Michael Allen, Micael Junior (copied from book) Asple Butler, Michael Ball, Thomas Barron, Lawrence Berrigan, John Barter, James Barter, Thomas Bearns, William Biddiscomb, George Bennett, William Blake, Thomas Blake, Patick Bovey, John Bray, Edward Boyd, James Bray, John Brine, Robert Brennan, Michael Brine, James(1) Brine, James (2) Brine, John Brown, Nicholas Brown, Patrick Brown, Philip Buckley, Edward Bulley, John Buchill, William Byrne, William Byrne, Patrick Byrne, Thomas Brennock, Patrick Buckley, William Badson, Charles Breen, Peter Bickham, Thomas Barnes, William Brennan, Edward Barter, John Barney, William Jr Coady, Nicholas Casey, Thomas Colliers, William Creed, Samuel Campbell, Archibal, Carew, George Carew, George Carter, Pascoe Cadwill, William Callahan, Jeremiah Carroll, John Cary, Clement Casey, John Chancey, Lionel Coxson, Mark Junior Clooney, James Clooney, William Cody, James Cody, John Comerford, Richard Collins, Patrick Condon, James Comerford, Michael Conway, Richard Cusack, John Cormack, Patrick Coughlan, Patrick Coxson, David Crosby, John D D Croke, Nicholas Cullen, Nicholas Colbert, Redmond Courtney, Richard Cudihy, James Cullen, James Culleton, John Cumings, Maurice Cummings, Richard Curran, Thomas Culleton, Patrick Comerford, Andrew Cassidy, Patrick Daymond, George Donahy, Cornelius Deady, Martin Downey, Thomas Dicks, John Dooley, Patrick Dooley, Garrett Dooley, Thomas Doran, Patrick Devereax, John Doyle. Patrick Doyle, Thomas Dunn, Michael Dunn, Richard Duffy, Thomas Duggan, Philip Dwyer, Daniel Donovan, Patrick Doherty, Edmund Doherty, Francis Deady, James Daly, Michael Doyle, James Duchemm, Peter Dammorall, Thomas Doyle, Richard Doyle, James, Downey, John Dwyer, John Eagan, Hugh Eager, William Eales, John Eastrom, Thomas England, John English, James Eagan, Daniel English, James Flood, Patrick Farrell, Matthew Foley, Augustine Finn, Edward Ferris, John Forward, George Flannery, Timothy Flahavan, Roger Flahavan, Thomas Foley, Michael Furlong, Patrick Foran, Patrick Fogarty, James Freeman, William Freeney, John Farrell, Maurice Fry, John Funcheon, John Foot, John Fitzpatrick, William Foley, William Flinn, Patrick Furlong, Walter Frenny. Edward Gibbons, John Grace, Richard Glasscott, Thomas Gorman, Michael Gleason, Patrick Grace, Pierce Grady, Jeremiah Gregory, John Grace, Thomas Gray, Michael Hally, James Hamlin, Hugh Hatchett, George Halligan, John Hearn, Thomas Howe, Robert Hennessy, Daniel Howlett, Patrick Hickey, James Horwood, William Haddon, William Houlton, Thomas Hogan, James Harding, John Hamlin, John Hannon, Andrew Hauley, John Hennessey, Thomas Horroban, Thomas Jordon, Patrick Kilty, Andrew Kearney, Owen Kavanagh, Arthur Kelly, John Kelly, Patrick Kearney, Dennis Kielty, Patrick Keefe, Richard Kelly, Timothy Keating, Geoffrey Knight, George Senior Knight, Thomas Kinchila, Dennis Kennedy, Edward Kenney, Patrick Knight, George Senior Kickhaw, John Knight, Thomas Keating, John Kennedy, Edward Kendall, James Knight, John(mariner) Knight, John(ships carpenter) Lacey, James Lang, John M Lawler, Edward Leary, Matthew Lannery, Richard Little, Michael Long, John Lewis, George Lovess, William Lewis, John Langley, Henry Landy, Lawrence Louis, Samuel Molloy, Thomas Martin, Joseph McGrath, Philip McCarthy, Owen, McClarty, Adam McCoubrey, Andrew Murray, Thomas McGrath, David Morrissey, Thomas MacKay, Patrick McGrath, Thomas McNamara, Thomas(1) McNamara, Thomas(2) McNamara, Michael MacCassey, Lawrence McClarty, James Mahar, Patrick Meehan, Michael Mealley, Thomas Maxwell, William Mitchell, John Mealley, Dennis Moore, James McCarthy, William Moore, James K Moore, Michael Morrison, John Moran, Edward Moran, Michael Morrissey, Matthew Motley, Nicholas Mulloy, Michael Mulloy, James Mullowny, Patrick McNelly, Lawrence Murphy, Lawrence Murphy, Joseph Murphy, Peter Mullowny, Thomas Mahar, Thomas Merchant, Valentine Malone, Richard Murch, William Myler, Thomas Mainwaring, Richard Moore, John Murphy, Robert Morley, David McCabe, James McGrath, Thomas(2) McGrath, Dennis Martin, George Nowlan, Dennis Norris, Alexander Neal, Arthur O’Brien, John O’Neal, Adam Osborne, Thomas Owens, Michael Omara, John Pendergast, Michael Parsons, Henry Parker, Robert Parker, William Power, Thomas Pendergast, George Power, Edward Pope, Matthew Power, James(1) Power, John(2) Pitts, Thomas Power, James(2) Power, Edward Power, Edward Power, Patrick Power, John(2) Power, Robert Power, Edmund Quinn, Thomas Quirk, William Quirk, Maurice Quin, Richard Radford, Robert Rossiter, John Rourke, Michael Ryan, Charles Ryan, Stephen Ryall, Thomas Rennell, Edward Rendle, John Rogers, John Scanlon, John Sommers, Philip Scanlon, Michael Shea, William Snellgrove, George Snellgrove, John Stacey, Charles Stewart, Andrew Stafford, Patrick Stafford, Thomas Stentaford, John Shears, Robert Shears, John Stevens, George Sullivan, John(1) Sullivan, John (2) Summers, James Summers, Patrick Sincock, Thomas Sheppard, William Satchwell, Thomas Saunders, John Tarahan, Patrick Tarahan, Thomas Tomson, John Tobin, Lawrence Toroan(?), Joseph Tracey, James Trelegan, Richard Tucker, Thomas Tubrid, james Tyran, John Tobin, Edward Voisey, Richard Vey, Christopher Walsh, Edward Walsh, John(1) Walsh, John(2) Walsh, John (3) Walsh, William(1) Walsh, William(2) Walsh, Patrick Walsh, Thomas Walsh, Richard Walsh, Walter Walsh, Bartholomew Wells, Thomas Westcott, John Whelan, John(1) Whelan, John(2) Whelan, Michael Whelan, Martin White,Lawrence, Woods, John Weatherdon, William Walsh, James Woods, Richard Woods, James Wyatt, John White, William P Wiseman, James Wills, Henry
This page transcribed by Brenda Young (March, 2001)
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