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Names of Protestant Families
In Bonne Bay and on the Coast
from Trout River down
(A list and commentary compiled by the
Reverend U. Z. Rule based on 1872 data)
A List and Commentary Compiled by the
Reverend U. Z. Rule in Preparation for his Successor
Source of Material: Diocesan Synod of Western Newfoundland Archives 2012
This list has been transcribed by John G. Edgar from the original which is reposed in Anglican Diocese of Western Newfoundland Archives. To distinguish from Rule's original question marks (?), the transcriber question marks are noted as (t?). When text is crossed out, it means Rule had it crossed out. "CE" and "M" stand for Church of England and Methodist. The original document is 9 x 14 folded in half to 7 x 9 with each of the resulting four pages divided into 3 columns for what amounts to twelve 3 x 7 pages. The Rev. Rule's script is very, very fine. Trout River
CE Mrs. Crocker from B of I her husband was from England she is mother & mother-in-law of all in the place CE George Crocker CE W. Crocker CE Luke Crocker CE Charles Crocker CE James Weller CE S----- (Stuart?) Holloway England, unmarried Bonne Bay
Woody Point
CE Joseph Mudge England 2 miles below the room
________ M Taylor Carbonear M Tough Carbonear _______ CE *1Eli Roberts BB Brother in law of CE Eli Ellesworth Western Shore CE Michael Eisan NS – many years in the Bay. His wife dead. Daughter of Mudge. CE Sam. Parsons CE Mark Roberts S. John's. England CE John Roberts England an old settler CE *Mark Roberts BB CE *Sam Roberts BB CE James Welton West. Shore CE Julien Chimeré France CE Luke (Organ t?) S. John's Island Son in law of CE George Keanes S. John's Island CE Moore brothers Prince Edward Island Unmarried # "Here lives (Albert Levis t?)2 from Port au Choix. RC. Wife's mother a protestant. Children come to school: receive precisely the same instruction as other children CE Sol. Welton Western Shore CE John Roberts S. John's Son of Mark R. CE Thos. Ayr West. Sh. CE John Dicks Channel CE Henry Dicks Channel CE Thos. Reid} {England CE George Hatcher} {England CE Rob. Lewis} {England (.) "A family here whose name I forget. Just came. I think Meth." CE Jacques (Drugout t?) France CE Joseph (Lunniggan t?) Conception B. CE Matt. Paine BB CE Philip Paine BB Bed ridden. Imbecile (Someone, not Rule, has pencilled in what looks like "Died summer 1873") CE John Murphy N.S. C E Widow (of) Charles Hinds S. Georges Bay Originally RC. Married a Church of England man and I have baptised all the children. (Someone, not Rule, has pencilled in "Gone to Port au Choix") CE Harris Labrador. England CE Bailey Topsail _ ____________________________________ Birchy Head
M W. Anderson West Sh CE W. Lewis England M Luke Anderson West Sh M Matthews West Sh M Major West Sh Has been a long time in the bay. Have baptised some of his children. Comes to ch. sometimes & pays. M Perry M Sillars preaches CE Childs Labrador – England CE John Quick Wife daughter of Childs Have baptised the children M H. Parsons CE W. Barnes West. Sh. Long time in the bay CE His son-in-law I have omitted a little below. I forgot his name. John Snook CE W. Rake (wife from S. John's Island?) Captain W. Rake deserted his wife in spring of 1871 Mr. H is M} Hawkins Mrs. H. is CE} CE James Baullem Carbonear} Left for Conception Bay} M Rich. Halfyard Conception Bay Conducts services CE Privel Preble United States Has always been away when I have been in Bonne Bay so that I have not seen him but once and that a very long time ago. M Rideout Conc. B} Preaches, lost at sea} CE Joseph Hodge Carbonear Son-in-law of CE Alfred White Carbonear CE Duncan Laing Carbonear Son-in-law of White CE Levi White Carbonear CE James Laing M Fred Follett Carb. CE Archibald Laing M Albert Johnson Carb. CE James Goosney Labrador M Mrs. Butt Carb. Almost a churchwoman. Have baptised their last child. (Some t?) time in the Bay. M John Dwyer Carb. Son-in-law of Mrs. Butt CE Jesse Young Port au Choix CE Ab. House Daniel's H. CE W. Young S. John's Island CE Jo. Keanes S. John's Island CE Thos. Young S. John's Island These are the last up. I have omitted two Methodist families who had just built under Birchy Head but were not quite settled, whose names I forget. Also two families, one of them Moor; who are building about a mile below Birchy Head. And two who were going to build near the Young's, who were not in the Bay when I was there. _ _________________________________________________ Coming down on the opposite side.
First there's a number of Irish people, all of whose names I do not know. Then, M David Winsor Greenspond (or near) M John Thorn (Thoms t?) Son-in-law of Winsor ditto CE John Babcock CE Isaac Snow CE James Springland or, Spignel3 CE G. White Son –in-law of CE W. Thoms (Thomas t?) M Eli Hann Greenspond M G. Tucker ? M Thos. Hann Greenspond M Jesse Hann ditto M Ch. Winter ditto M John Hann ditto The Hann's were churchmen. I have baptised one if not both of Winter's children. The one I am certain of was in Lark Harbour. RC W. Jones His wife of the C. of E. Has been much hurt by his relatives on acc. of religion. On that acc. her husband removed from B. of I. where they are. The first child baptised by the R. P.4 is dead. The second I baptised last summer. M George Watt (single) Conc. B. CE Burden R. Davis (t?) I forget whether Meth. or R.C. M Ch. Taylor Labrador. Conc. B. M Sam Kennedy Lab. Conc. B. M Thos Rumbold Lab. Conc. B. CE Jos. Chulker (t?) Salmon River CE John Reid son of W. Reid sen Congr. Jim Reid W. Reid sen Then is a son-in-law of Mr. Reid M --------Sam Rideout. I forget where he lives. Gad's H.
CE Mrs. Samms} {St. John's Island CE Mrs. Organ} {Mrs. O. and B. are CE Mrs. Burridge} {sisters of Mrs. Samms' husband. ________________________________________________ Norris Point
CE Mrs. Organ} { Mother of Mrs. Samms} { CE Mrs. Organ, jun} {S. John's Island5 Daughter-in-law of Mrs. Organ sen} {Very respectable people CE Uriah Organ, son of Mrs. Organ sen} { CE Mrs. Harding West. Sh. CE Matt. Smith West Sh. CE Whittle West. Sh. CE Dolimount West. Sh. CE John Smith West. Sh. ________________ CE George Decker Lobster Cove _________________ CE {W. Humber BB {James and Jesse CE Ph. Paine BB In Wild Cove At the north entrance of Bonne Bay is Rocky Harbour
CE W. Paine Cow Head CE James Decker England Father-in-law of Paine and Young CE Manuel Decker Son of James CE W. Young ___________________ CE ? West Sh. CE ? West Sh. CE ? West. Sh. A wretched drunkard! Well-disposed children, much to be pitied, as also is an apprentice from Jersey, John Enwood (t?), a boy well-brought up. CE Andrew Ellsworth West. Sh. Lobster Cove
CE Jesse Decker England A decent old man if it were not for drink. A very respectable wife and family. Father-in-law of CE Edwin Paine Green Point CE Robert Paine ? Green Point
CE Josiah Paine A poor old sot. (t?) Has a very respectable wife and children well- brought up by their mother. Father of the settlement. CE Josiah Paine (jun.) Gr. Pt. CE Charles Dodd S. John's Broom Point
CE. Mrs. Short & son CE W. Gilley son-in-law of Mrs. S. S. Paul's River
CE Elias Gifford England "The Hermit" Cow Head
R Charles Benoit S. George's Bay Wife d. Of W. Hutchins Or rather of his wife (illegitimate) Turned after the marriage some years ago I have baptised the last children. CE Ch. Paine C.H. My host CE Heulin Western Sh. CE Ch. Vincent C.H. CE W. Hutchins sen England CE W. Hutchins jun C.H. CE John Paine C.H. R John Benoit His wife d. of Hutchins. Bapt. His last child (hypoth.) Parsons Pond
CE Mrs. Paine B. of I. CE Sam Paine (her son) Daniel's H.
CE Mr. Biggins England CE Mrs. House (Transcriber Note: "John House" is pencilled in here, but not by Rule.) CE Brophy N.S. CE Guichard6 France CE Perry CE Mar Flower's Cove CE S. Short (unmarried) Transcriber's note: Pencilled in, but not by Rule: "Thos. Wealan" "Moses Kennedy" "Felix McCarthy" "Jos. Brown" Belburns
CE Levi House England I think. Transcriber's note: Pencilled in are "Levi House" "Wm. House" River of Ponds
CE David House Daniel's H. CE Ch. Paine Cow Head ? James Chennix Transcriber's note: Pencilled in, but not by Rule is "William Perry, Mrd John House's d." Joseph Clarke, a widower
There may possibly be in one of the registers, a list of the names of families further down the coast till we get into the Flower's Cove Mission. This list I obtained of Commander Knowles of the Lapwing. 1 Rule's * here and below refers to "Son of John Roberts". 2 Transcriber's note: Likely, "Lavers" later. 3 Rule said this. 4 Transcriber's note: Likely an abbreviation for "Roman Priest". 5 Transcriber's note: Rule indicated all three were from St. John's Island and all were very respectable people. 6 Rule made note: "Guichard and Mar are RC but they have married C. of E. women and practorially are Protestants. |
Contributed by Alexander Payne (April 2012)
Page Last Modified May 02, 2012 (Don Tate)
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