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These transcriptions may contain human errors.
As always, confirm these, as you would any other source material.
BUSSEY | Joseph | Mar 10, 1935 | Dec 31, 2000 | Father. Precious memories. | |
BUSSEY | Marina | Oct 23, 1935 | Still Living | Mother. Inscription blocked | |
PARSONS | Andrew | Mar 4, 1945 | Feb 10, 2003 | Husband. | |
PARSONS | Joan | July 7, 1945 | Still Living | Wife. Rest thou patient toiler. Thy work is complete. Nothing matters but salvation. | |
SEARLE | June | June 20, 1937 | Jan 21, 2006 | A mother's love is a blessing. | |
CLARKE | John | ||||
CLARKE | Wayne | Feb 22, 1956 | Oct 16, 2006 | ||
CLARKE | Deris E | Nov 30, 1952 | Still Living | Come follow me�I will give thee rest. | |
LE SHANE | Earl | Mar 31, 1958 | Dec 9, 2006 | ||
LE SHANE | Yvonne | June 10, 1962 | Still Living | Forever in our hearts. | |
HUSSEY | Maxwell W | April 7, 1982 | 70 years | To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die. Erected by wife? And family. | |
LYNCH | Joseph | Oct 19, 1981 | 83 years | He giveth his beloved sleep. | |
CLARKE | Mary Elizabeth (Tetford) | 1922 | 1992 | And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God. | |
CLARKE | Johh | 1914 | 1978 | ||
CLARKE | Edith | 1921 | 1946 | Until we meet again, may the Lord hold you in the hollow of his hand. | |
CLARK | Edith | Dec 25th 1936 (?) | Beloved wife of John Clarke. Inscription bady eroded. | ||
PENNEY | James | 1909 | 1953 | Beloved son of Frances Penney. | |
HILLIER | Caroline F Morgan | 1912 | 1953 | Beloved wife of John H Hillier | |
TUCKER | Wm George | 1875 | 1930 | Father. | |
LYNCH | Agnes | July 12, 1916 | Mar 5, 1931 | A dear daughter. Beloved daughter of Sarah & Joseph Lynch. | |
GRAINGER | Thomas C | 1946 | 1981 | Ever remembered, ever loved by wife Helene and children Christine, Kevin, Keith, Chuck and Karen. | |
MORGAN | Clarence Sr | 1916 | 1987 | A dear father and grandfather. Ever remembered, sadly missed. Thy people shall be my people, Thy God, my God. Ruth 1,16 | |
MORGAN | Gilbert | 1907 | 1985 | Together forever. | |
MORGAN | Sadie Beatrice | 1910 | 1995 | Grace was in their steps, heaven in their eyes. In every gesture dignity and love. | |
CLARKE | Ethel | Dec 19th 1936 | 15 mons | Baby | |
CHAFE | Edwin George | 1890 | 1956 | Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling. Father�.Mother. | |
GOSSE | Elizabeth | 1876 | 1947 | Mother | |
GOSSE | Moses | 1874 | 1952 | Father | |
GREENSLADE | Lillian | Aug 31st 1881 | Dec 2nd 1956 | 75 years | Our dear mother. Take my hand in Thine O Lord. |
DRISCOLL | Rita | April 17, 1921 | Aug 17, 1961 | ||
DROVER | Sarah Jane | 1872 | 1961 | Called home to rest. | |
DROVER | Joseph | Feb 19, 1910 | July 23, 1976 | A dear husband and father. | |
SIMMONS | Jas | 1873 | 1949 | ||
SIMMONS | Frederica Mary | Aug 6, 1907 | July 30, 1994 | ||
SIMMONS | James Patrick | Mar 10, 1914 | Feb 16, 1995 | ||
SAUNDERS | Sarah (Simmons) | 1877 | 1973 | ||
NEWMAN | Cecil | 1913 | 2001 | Father. | |
NEWMAN | Sophia M | 1917 | 1983 | Mother. Always remembered, always loved. | |
CRANE | Gordon | 1927 | 2005 | Sadly missed by all. Rest in peace. | |
CRANE | Margaret | 1936 | Still Living | ||
ELMS | Derek W | 1945 | Still Living | Son. A friend to all. | |
BARNES | Sarah | 1921 | 2005 | Mother. A mother to many. . . | |
PIKE | Elfreda E | 1894 | 1992 | With precious memories. | |
UPSHALL | Susie | Sept 17, 1967 | 64 years | Dear mother. | |
UPSHALL | William | July 5, 1960 | 68 years | A dear husband and father. | |
REID | Matilda Upshall | 1864 | 1955 | and grandmother. Ever remembered, ever loved. | |
HODDER | Frances Jane | Sept 19th 1956 | 77 years | Loving wife and Mother. Called home to rest, beyond the vale of weeping; The loving Father, He has willed it so. | |
HODDER | John G | Nov 22nd 1962 | 93 years | In heaven above safe in the Saviour's keeping, Oh blest abode where sorrow, tears never flow. | |
CLARKE | Stephen H | 1887 | 1958 | ||
CLARKE | Alice M | 1893 | 1970 | Abide with me. | |
SHARPE | Cheryl Ann | ||||
NEWMAN | Doris, Naomi, Verdun, Susan, Albert, Horwood | Children of Cecil & Sophia | |||
DAWE | Esther | April 28, 1928 | 72 years | Beloved wife of Joseph Dawe. Faithful unto death. | |
PENNEY | Eli | 1914 | 1937 | Beloved son of Frances Penney. | |
TUCKER | Kenneth | May 24, 1896 | Oct 26,1983 | ||
KING | Elim | 1899 | 1985 | ||
KING | Emily | 1911 | 2004 | His wife. Peace, perfect peace. | |
HILLIER | John H | 1908 | 1988 | Beloved husband of Caroline F Morgan. | |
BARNES | Betty | ||||
CLARKE | Rebecca | July 22, 1918 | Still Living | Wife | |
CLARKE | Joseph | Oct 24, 1908 | Dec 5, 1991 | A dear husband. Sweet is the rest that comes with dawn at last. | |
SEARS | Catherine | April 12, 1910 | March 17, 1998 | Our dear mother. Ever remembered by the family. Peace, perfect peace. | |
MORGAN | Suzanne | Nov 26, 1893 | Apr 21, 1992 | "To see" at last my heavenly home. Erected by the family. | |
CLARKE | Elsie M (Oliver) | Oct 2, 1908 | Dec 21, 2000 | Ever remembered, ever loved. | |
CLARKE | Arthur | May 30, 1910 | July 15, 1986 | Oldest child of Bob & Susannah Clarke (nee) Janes. Ever remembered, ever loved. | |
HUSSEY | Nathaniel | 1899 | 1984 | He loved the Lord. | |
COOMBS | William | Feb 7th 1939 | 68 years | Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. | |
COOMBS | Ellen | Jan 7, 1963 | 82 years | Ever membmbered by what we have done. | |
LYNCH | Rosetta | July 17, 1913 | Still Living | ||
LYNCH | John C | July 15, 1906 | Dec 5, 1991 | A dear husband and father. ????? Sweet memories ours. | |
DAWE | Eli | Feb 23, 1880 | Feb 11, 1960 | ||
DAWE | Victoria | Oct 9, 1895 | ???? | His wife. | |
TUCKER | Louise | Oct 4th 1959 | 79 years | Asleep in Jesus. Erected by her nephew Kenneth. | |
FORWARD | Levina | 1878 | 1958 | A dear mother. | |
FORWARD | Blanch | 1904 | 1959 | and sister. At Rest. | |
LYNCH | Mary | Dec 10, 1941 | 10 years | ||
LYNCH | Walter | 1927 | 2001 | Forever in our hearts. | |
GOSSE | Lillian M | June 8, 1919 | Still Living | ||
GOSSE | Bertram | Jan 14, 1910 | Mar 17, 1999 | Ever loved, always remembered. | |
PARSONS | Robert C (Robbie) | Dec 7, 1968 | Feb 15, 1996 | Love and memories last forever. | |
GOSSE | Richard | 1901 | 1972 | Brother. | |
PETTEN | Sarah Grace | Dec 5, 1967 | 80 years | Mother. God put his arms around you and whispered "Come to rest". | |
CLARKE | Robert | Oct 25th 1964 | 78 years | Ever remembered by his children. | |
BUTLER | Charles | 1897 | 1963 | ||
BUTLER | Gladys S | 1901 | 1991 | His wife. | |
GOSSE | Susanna J | Mar 5, 1904 | Oct 10, 1988 | ||
GOSSE | William | Aug 26, 1899 | May 18, 1961 | Ever remembered, ever loved. | |
LYNCH | Joseph | Mar 10, 1892 | Feb 18, 1961 | A dear father & Mother. | |
LYNCH | Sarah Ann | Jan 1, 1893 | Feb 15, 1995 | Ever remembered by the family. Called home to rest. | |
DRISCOLL | John | April 18, 1901 | Aug 2, 1985 | ||
PARSONS | Nellie | Aug 20, 1923 | Nov 10, 1993 | In loving memory of a darling wife, mother, grandmother & great grandmother. Ever remembered and sadly missed by husband Charles & family. Called home to rest beyond the vale of weeping. The loving Father, He has willed it so. | |
PARSONS | Charles W | Dec 25, 1916 | Aug 2, 1996 | In loving memory of a dear husband, father, grandfather & great grandfather. Ever remembered & sadly missed by wife Winnifred & the Parsons family. Predeceased by wife Nellie. Called home to rest beyond the vale of weeping. | |
HUSSEY | Robert Sr | Aug 15, 1907 | Dec 15, 1994 | Erected by loving wife Winnifred & family. He died as he lived, trusting in God. Jesus be Thou our glory now and through eternity. | |
HUSSEY-PARSONS | Winnifred G | June 23, 1916 | Sept 5, 2003 | Forever remembered by her family. | |
GOSSE | Martin | 1913 | 1997 | Father. | |
GOSSE | Marjorie | 1917 | 1999 | Mother. Ever remembered, ever loved. | |
O'BRIEN | Corina Marie Clarke | January 20, 1977 | November 9, 2001 | Ever remembered and loved. | |
GOSSE | Effie | Aug 30, 1917 | July 17, 1998 | A dear aunt. Forever remembered, forever loved by the Deering family. Sweet is the rest. | |
GOSSE | Mary | Feb 15, 1918 | Still Living | ||
GOSSE | Charles | Mar 8, 1916 | Jan 31, 2007 | Nothing loved is ever lost. Always remembered by the Gosse Family. | |
CLARKE | Annie L Lynch | 1913 | 2000 | Wed Dec 9, 1934 | |
CLARKE | Archibald | 1913 | 2006 | They died as they lived, trusting in God. | |
CLARKE | Kevin | Oct 19, 1954 | Feb 7, 1997 | Precious thought, His hand is leading. | |
CLARKE | Mark Sr | 1910 | 1995 | Father. | |
CLARKE | Olive | 1918 | 1996 | Mother. Gone but not forgotten. | |
ABBOTT | Elizabeth | May 27, 1919 | July 8, 1955 | ||
ABBOTT | Eli | July 14, 1919 | Nov 16, 1999 | Sweet is the rest. | |
HUSSEY | Baby | 3rd Oct 1985 (?) | Son and Brother. | ||
CLARKE | Anthony Stephen | Aug 11, 1985 | Feb 21, 1986 | Sadly missed, ever loved by Mommy | |
TUCKER | William Thomas | 1904 | 1964 | In God we trust. Erected by his aunt, Revecca Squires. | |
PARSONS | William C | Feb 20, 1966 | 74 years | A tribute of love and remembrance to one we shall never forget. His memory to us is a treasure, his loss of lifetime regret. | |
PARSONS | Margaret | Dec 10, 1976 | 90 years | Ever remembered by two sons, five daughters and their families. Rest in peace. | |
CLARKE | Mark | 1941 | 1976 | ||
CLARKE | Silvy | 1944 | 1976 | At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. Ever remembered by their wives and children. | |
TUCKER | Andrew | 1890 | 1969 | ||
TUCKER | Frances | 1888 | 1968 | At rest. | |
LYNCH | Elizabeth M | Aug 15, 1911 | Dec 10, 1975 | A dear wife and mother. Love is the greatest remembrance family. | |
RIXTON | Jessie | Mar 1, 1979 | 90 years | Rest in peace. Erected by son Jim. | |
FORWARD | Gertrude | Sept 9, 1915 | Feb 15, 1980 | Asleep in Jesus | |
LYNCH | Cecil | Sept 28, 1908 | Oct 17, 1994 | Love is the greatest remembrance family. | |
SHARPE | Archibald | Oct 7, 1906 | Apr 22, 1976 | Rest in peace. | |
PEDDLE | Ethel | Nov 5, 1900 | Mar 16, 1985 | Our dear mother. We shall meet again. | |
HODDER | Lily L | July 9, 1907 | July 22, 1992 | ||
HODDER | Thomas | Sept 15, 1901 | Jan 10, 1987 | Take my hand precious Lord. Lead me home. | |
MURRIN | Elva | ||||
PLOUGHMAN | Ralph | 1930 | 2005 | ||
SIMMONS | Lemmey | ||||
SIMMONS | Margaret | 1909 | 1985 | Asleep. Beloved wife of Lemuel (Lemmie) Simmons. Mother of Ruby, Walter, Dr James, Doris, Nellie | |
UNKNOWN | #1 | Dad. | |||
UNKNOWN | #2 | ||||
UNKNOWN | #3 | ||||
UNKNOWN | #4 | Flowers with marker. | |||
UNKNOWN | #5 | Marker unreadable, badly weathered. | |||
UNKNOWN | #6 | ||||
View of Cemetery | #1 | ||||
View of Cemetery | #2 | ||||
View of Cemetery Sign | #1 |
Originally Contributed by Cyril Fitzgerald (April 2001)
Updated and reformatted by: Mary Rawlinson (2010)
Photographs copyrighted by Don Tate (2007)
Page Last Modified: Wednesday October 26, 2016 (Kevin Reddigan)Newfoundland's Grand Banks is a non-profit endeavor.
No part of this project may be reproduced in any form
for any purpose other than personal use.
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