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1. Erected by Michael Rourke IMO Simon Hayes, Ardmore, Waterford, Ireland February 25, 1859 Age 64. 2. Erected by Anne IMO Pat Crimmins her beloved husband died July 1850 age 64yrs. Ardmore, Waterford, Ireland 3. By Richard Mackey IMO Frances. Mt. Uniche?? Cork, Ireland December 29, 1847 also IMO daughter Anastasia died 1847 age 12yrs 4. John Byrne January 1, 1858 Age 65 5.John, James and Dan Hennessey IMO Ellen Hennessey, March 9, 1859 Age 56
This Page contributed by Judy Barker and transcribed by Barbara McGrath
Page Revised: August 2002 (Don Tate)
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