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Bell Island - (Lance Cove):
Interdenominational Cemetery:
Harbour Main District


While I have tried to record these entries as correct as humanly possible, there could be written and typographical errors. If you find there are errors or omissions please contact me.

This cemetery is located on the Southern side of Bell Island in Lance Cove. The headstones are very near the edge of the cliff, which falls in a sheer drop of about 100' into the water below. One of the headstones is approximately 8 to 10 feet from the edge of the cliff.

Local residents say that this is the oldest cemetery on the Island, however, the oldest monument is for one of the Islands first settlers - Gregory Normore - and is located in the old Anglican cemetery at the top of the hill near the ferry terminal.




CASELY, Robert:
In memory of Robert Casely who died May 03, 1822, aged 40 years
COOPER, Edward:
Sacred to the memory of Edward Cooper who departed this life June 15, 1825, aged 71 years
Behold dear friend as you pass by
Behold the place where I do lie
I hope the Lord with all you bless
And pray to God to grant me rest.

Sacred to the memory of Mary, wife of George Hiscock, who
departed this life August 09, 1825 at Aged 40 years
Great God - Oh what a slender thread
Hangs everlasting things
The eternal stand of all the dead
Upon these feeble servings
Waken Our Lord our sense
To walk our dangerous road
And if our souls are hurried hence
May they be found with God.

KENT, James:
Sacred to the memory of James Kent who died May 27, 1817, aged 22 years 08 months.

KENT, George:
Sacred to the memory of George Kent who died January 12, 1815, aged 17 years
My race is run
Behold and see what death has done
That is the race we all must run
Cease dear friends and weep no more
We are not lost - but gone before.

PITTS, Elizabeth:
Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth, wife of John Pitts, who departed this life October 15, 1820, ----- Aged 40 years.

Farewell my children in this world
I leave you to remain
But hope to meet you all in heaven
With God and Christ to reign
And may the Grace of Christ Our Saviour
And the Father's boundless love
With the Holy Spirit favours
Rest upon you from above.

PITTS, Frances:
Sacred to the memory of Frances Pitts, second daughter of the late John and Elizabeth Pitts, who Departed this life September 28, 1826 in her 14th year of her age.

Lord we confess thy sentence just
That sinful flesh should turn to dust
That we are long should yield our breath
The captives of all conquering death

The Oh ! my soul be not dismayed
But rest thy hope on heavenly aid
That when God summons thou may rise
And spring to life beyond the skies.

PITTS, James:
Here lies the body of James Pitts who died April 30, 1805, aged 70 years - born Kenford, Devonshire, England.

Farewell my wife……

As is my choice to be

PITTS, John:
Sacred to the memory of John Pitts, who departed this life April 09, 1825, aged 42 years. Respected And loved by all who knew him.
No grassy turf e'er greenly grew
Where rest remains more dear
Nor ever beat - a heart more true
Then now lies mouldering here

For husband, father, brother, friend
Our silent tears are shed
And sorrows deepest sighs attend
This mansion of the dead

But resignation meek and mild
Sooths passion into peace
And hope, religions, well thought child
Bids every murmur cease



Transcribed by Barbara McGrath (April 2001)

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