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Inscriptions from Various Bell Island Cemeteries
(Names A - K)


While I was home on Bell Island this summer I took a lot of pictures of headstones there. Some didn't turn out very clear and because I was with someone else that is not interested in genealogy I felt rushed when I was taking the pictures and some of them have pieces of grass or flowers that blocked some of the information on several of the headstones. I'm typing the inscriptions below for the ones that I can read the only problem is I can't remember which cemetery some of the pictures were taken. Most were taken at St. Michael's Roman Catholic, the one's of Normore's were from the Old Cemetery, then some of the others were taken at the cemetery Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Cemetery, there are also some from the two other cemeteries on the Island as well. One across from the arena and the other across the street from a store but I don't remember the names or religion of the two cemeteries. Anyway here's some of the inscriptions from those headstones.
For a view of the cemetery.




Fight The Good Fight is written at the top of this headstone
then it reads: In Loving Memory Of
John Dawe
Son Of
Isaac and Sarah Bartlett
Who Died May 30,1901
there's more writing at the bottom but I can't make it out.



In Loving Memory
Beloved Wife Of Oliver Bennett
Died Sept. 4, 1922

His Children
In Loving Memory
William Bennett
Died July 10, 1919
74 Yrs and  ? Mos.
Peace Perfect Peace With/Loved Ones Far Away
In Jesus Keeping We Are/Safe And ????.
(The last word looks like They but I'm not sure so I'll just put question marks there)

Loving Memory
Beloved Wife Of
Will Bennett
Who Fell Asleep
10 of Aug. 1907
55 Years.
Them Also Which Sleep
In Jesus Will God Bring
With Him. 1 Thess IV 14
Sleep In Jesus Perfect Rest???.
There is another 3 lines of writing but I can't make it out.



BLACKMORE /Albert E. Blackmore/Able Seaman/Royal Navy WW2/1915-1958/Lest We Forget.



BOONE //Gordon/Oct. 29, 1918/Mar. 1, 1986 on the same headstone across from Gordon is BOONE /Mary V./Apr. 29, 1916/Jan. 17, 1993

BOONE /We Shall Meet Again at the top of the headstone then it reads: Mother/In Loving Memory/Of/Florence Boone/Born April 8th 1887/Died May 28th 1961/Aged 74 Years/Another Link Is Broken/In Our Household Band/But A Chain Is Forming/In A Better Land/Erected By Her/Sons & Daughters.

BOONE //May A./1913-1952/William E./1911-1992/Rest In Peace.

BOONE /RIP/Harry Boone/Age/72/Yrs.

BOONE /RIP/Herbert Boone/Born/Sept. 1/1947/Died/April 16/1991.



BOWDRING /Harold Bowdring/Jan 14/1963/Age 43



BRAZIL /John J. Brazil/Seaman/Royal Navy WW2/? July 1977 Age 59
(the date looks to me to be the 3rd.)

BRAZIL /Bernard L. Brazil/July 15, 1931/Dec. 20, 1989/Ever Remembered Ever Loved/Erected By Daughter And Sons.

BRAZIL /Mary Brazil/Mar. 27, 1931/June 4, 1989/Though Death Divides Fond Memory Clings/Erected By Husband And Family.

BRAZIL /In Loving Memory Of/Lynn Ann Brazil/1963-2000/Forever Loved By/Lewis, Christopher & Brothers. Under the craving of a Quill in a ink holder is the letters N.T.A.

BRAZIL //Helen/Aug. 5, 1907/Mar. 31, 1984/Mother We Shall Meet Again.

BRAZIL //Thomas W./19?7-1994 across from Thomas on the same headstone

BRAZIL /Edith M./1923-????. The date of death is not listed yet, so I assume that Edith is still living. There is another line of writing on the bottom but the shadow from the headstone makes it impossible to read.

BRAZIL /Thomas William Brazil/Royal Navy WW2/1917-1994/Lest We Forget.

BRAZIL /In/Loving Memory/Of/Bernetta Brazil/Died May 19, 1963/Aged 48 Years/From Our Happy Home And Circle/God Has Taken One We Love/Borne Away From Sin And Sorrow/To A Better Land Above/Erected By Husband/And Children.



BURKE /Born/March/22/1928/William Burke/Died/??/3/1995/Aged/67.

BURKE /Michael/1881-1962/Christine/1899-1978/Ever Remembered Ever Loved.

BURKE /In Loving Memory/Of/Benedict Burke/Sept. 1, 1921-April 26, 1964/

BURKE /Norbert/May 27, 1953-March 5, 1974/Rest In Peace.



BURTON /Baby Burton/Died/Aug. 16, 1903/Aged 2½ Months/Gone To ???. There was more writing but the headstone was deeper into the ground and I couldn't read what it said.



BUTLER /Jane Butler/18?5-1965/Age 89/Rest In Peace.

BUTLER /Mary M./1908-1955/Age 46 and across was Thomas J./1908-1979/Age 71 and below both names Rest In Peace/Mom And Dad

BUTLER /In Loving Memory Of/James Joseph/Feb. 16, 1901-Oct. 8, 1980/Ever Remembered Ever Loved.

BUTLER /In Loving Memory/Of/Julia Butler/Beloved Wife Of/James Butler/Born Aug. 29th,1903/Died Sept. 9th,1962/Father, Let Thy Grace Be Given/That We May Meet In Heaven

BUTLER /In Loving/Memory Of/Gertrude/Butler/26 Oct. 1940/30 Mar. 1997.

BUTLER /In Loving Memory/Of/Madonna E./Butler (Cave)/10 June 1957/9 Aug. 1987

BUTLER /Edward/1923-1992

BUTLER /Peter J./Born March 26, 1910/Died April 11, 1945/Erected By Wife And/Family

BUTLER /William T./July 28, 1929/Sept. 24, 1999 across on the same headstone

BUTLER /Florence P./Aug. 24, 1932/      and below both names Married August 28, 1954
(This William married my aunt Florence Byrne)

BUTLER /William T./1915-1992 across on the same headstone

BUTLER /Cecilia/1916-2000 and below both names We Shall Meet Again.



BYRNE /In Loving Memory Of/Jeannette Byrne/Born Dec. 22, 1964/Killed Oct. 7, 1972/The Call Was Sudden, The Shock Severe, To Part With One We Loved So Dear.

BYRNE /Oct./23/John Byrne/1/9/5/7(1957)

BYRNE /In/M/e/m/o/r/y/Of/John Byrne/1910/1956

BYRNE /May/24/'67/Barbar Ann Byrne/July/16/'67

BYRNE /In Loving Memory Of/Our Dear Parents/Bridget/Died April 18, 1969/Age 62 Years, across on the same headstone Lawrence/Died Jan. 3, 1936. Age 35 Years
(This couple was my grandmother and grandfather on my father's side.)

BYRNE /Theresa Byrne/1931-1951/May She Rest In Peace.
(This was my aunt she was the daughter to Bridget and Lawrence Byrne)

BYRNE /Gloria In Excelsis Deo is written at the top of the headstone. Erected/By/Her Loving Husband/James Byrne In Memory Of/His Loving Wife/Susanna Byrne/Who Died Jan. 9th, 1940/Aged 61 Years/Also His
BYRNE/Daughter/Annie/Died May 8th, 1935/Aged 21 Years/R.I.P./Sacred Heart Of Jesus Have/Mercy On Their Souls.
(This was Bridget's father, mother and sister.)

BYRNE /In Loving Memory Of/James E. Byrne/Born Oct. 29, 1893/Died March 31, 1969 and across on the same headstone Lucy Byrne/Born Jan. 8, 1898/Died Feb. 9, 1972

BYRNE /Father/Ronald P./1929 and across on the same headstone Mother/Loretta M./1931-1994 and written below both names On The Wings Of A Snow White Dove.

BYRNE /This is a three part headstone. On the first part: Husband/Joseph M./1915-1998
the middle section: BYRNE/You Are Gone But Not Forgotten/Never Will Your Memory Fade/Sweet Thoughts Will Ever Linger/Around The Grave/Where You Are Laid 
the third section: Wife/Phoebe B./1921-

BYRNE /In Loving Memory Of/Father/Joseph J./1817-1982 on same headstone Mother/Annie Mary/1921-1991 and below both names Not Lost To Memories Or To Love/But Safe In Our Fathers Home Above.

BYRNE /Patrick J. Byrne/Born Aug. 10, 1906/Died Jan. 26, 1972/God Be With You Till/We Meet Again

BYRNE /In Loving Memory Of/A Dear Husband And Father/Nicholas Byrne/Died Nov. 29, 1974/Age 65 Years/God Be With You/Until We Meet Again/Erected By His Wife Mary.
(Nicholas was son of James and Susanna Byrne and the brother to Bridget Byrne, so he was my father's uncle)

BYRNE /In/Loving Memory/Of/Veronica Byrne/Died Dec. 16, 1978/Aged 38 Years/She Died As She Lived/Trusting In God.

BYRNE /Daughter/Elizabeth/Died Dec. 26, 1958/Aged 32 Years/Son Gerald/1917-1943  across on the same headstone Husband/James/Died Jan. 4, 1959/Aged 78 Years/Mother/Maria/1886-1979 and written on the base Erected By Wife, Mother and Family.

BYRNE /In/Loving Memory/Of/Gerald F. Byrne/Died Aug. 29, 1987/Aged 46 Years/Though Death Divides,/Fond Memory Clings.



CAHILL /In Loving Memory Of A Dear /Wife & Mother/1916 Martha 1981/1899

CAHILL /Charles/1988/To ???? ?? The Hearts Of Those We Love Is Not To Die.
(Martha was my mom's mother and Charlie her step-father)

CAHILL /Martin J./1918-1996/Ever Remembered Ever Loved

CAHILL /Dawn/Marie/Mar. 101974/Aug. 17, 1994/CAHILL /Your Memory Is Our Inspiration

CAHILL /Husband/William J./29 June 1921/2 Dec. 1996 on same headstone
CAHILL /Wife/Marie G./14 Feb. 1925 written below both names Married June 10, 1947

CAHILL /This headstone is three hearts, the first heart reads Husband/Cyril J./July 18, 1915 the middle heart reads Son/M. George/Jan. 23, 1942/May 19, 1997 and the third heart reads Wife/Enid M./June 7, 1921 just below all three hearts is written CAHILL and below that on the base it reads Happy Are Those Who Have Been Invited To/The Wedding Feast Of The Lamb.

The following two headstones were located in the same plot.
Right Side
CAHILL /Gerald/Aug 10, 1921/Sept 2, 1985/In memory A Daily Thought/In Heart A Silent Sorrow.
Left Side
CAHILL /Michael/Died Dec. 3, 1951/Aged 63 Years
Margaret/Died Nov 15, 1976/Aged 87 Years
Below both names ??? Live With Us in Memory/??? Forever More.



COBB /In Loving Memory/Of/Stanley J. Cobb/Died Feb. 11, 1968/Age 68 Years/Rest Father, Rest In Quiet Sleep/While We In Sorrow O'er Thee Weep

COBB /Harriet Cobb/Sept. 1, 1908/Feb. 27, 1982/Ever Remembered Ever Loved

COBB /In Loving Memory Of/Edward (Moe)Cobb/Died Jan. ?, 1987/Age 55 Years/
Our Loved One Sleeps Here/Erected By His Children

COBB /In Loving Memory Of/Jean Cobb/Died Oct. 20, 1967/Age 25 Years/Our Loved One Sleeps Here/Erected By Husband/And Children



COLE /Patrick J./May 9, 1920 - October 14, 1994

COLE /Dorothy M./March 1, 1951 - June 1974

COLE /Patrick Jr. /born 1952 - 1954

COLE /William J./May 8, 1911/Sept. 24, 1987 on same headstone Mary F./Sept. 23, 1912/June 26, 1988 written below both names Ever Remembered Ever Loved
(William was the brother to Martha Cahill my grandmother and Mary maiden name Byrne was the sister to Bridget Byrne my grandmother.)

COLE /Edward J./May 10, 1927/March 25, 1999/Rest Father, Rest In Quiet Sleep/While We In Sorrow O'er Thee Weep
(Edward was my mother's uncle.)

COLE /Mary E./1937-1992/Ever Remembered, Ever Loved By Son Tommy/And Her Family/(LAURIE)  COLE
(Mary was the wife to Thomas Cole my mother's uncle.)

COLE /In Loving Memory Of/James M./1884-1965 on same headstone Ellen M./1898-1988 below both names I believe it reads Rest In Peace but I'm not sure.

COLE /John T. (Jack)/Cole/1924-1998/Rest In Peace

COLE /Leonard J. (Len)/Cole/1927-1999/Rest In Peace (John and Leonard's headstone are identical)

COLE /James L./19??-1969 on same headstone Anne F./1904-1987 and below both names part of the inscription reads ??????? Enshrined In Our Hearts/Erected By The Family



CONNORS /L.A.C./James Connors/62533 R.C.A.F.Unit/Camp Borden/Died April 13th 1962/Aged 22 Years/Compassionate Lord Jesus/Grant Him Eternal Rest/Erected By His Family



CONWAY /In Loving Memory/Of/Bride A. Conway/1900-1976/Rest In Peace

CONWAY /R.I.P./CONWAY/James/Jan. 20, 1937/Dec. 29, 1990/Never Will Your/Memory Fade (across from the name James is a picture of him holding a large round heavy object)

CONWAY /In Loving Memory/Of/Thomas A. Conway/Died Aug. 10th, 1961/Aged 85 Years/Rest In Peace



CRANE /Elizabeth Jane/October 13, 1910-November 14, 1992/Loves Last Gift Remembrance/Erected By Her Family

CRANE /Henry F./1931-1990/Loving Memories    on same headstone Norma/1932     /Last Forever     between both inscriptions is a design of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the letters R.I.P. beneath her.



CUMMINGS /I.H.S./Erected By Her Mother/Mary J. Cummings/In Loving Memory Of/Annie M/Died Jan 1st 1914/Aged 22 Years and ? months.



DALTON /Catherine Carroll/1910-1982/Ever Remembered Ever Loved/Erected By The Carroll Family

DALTON /Jackie/Dearest Daughter Of/Richard & Ida Dalton/April 20, 1964-July 7, 1978/God Has Her In His Keeping/We Have Her In Our Hearts.

DALTON /Jeremiah/Jan. 4, 1897-July 4, 1985/Loved And Remembered/By The Family

DALTON /In Memory Of/Mary/Beloved Wife OF/Jeremiah Dalton/Died July 2, 1938/Aged 33 Years/Sacred Heart Of Jesus/Have Mercy On Her Soul/Also Their Infant Son/Jerry/Died Oct. 1934/Aged 3 Months.

DALTON /Husband/Richard J./1925-1996 on same headstone Wife/Ida P./1927-  and below both names Married 27 Sept. 1947

DALTON /Richard Dalton/Rescue Tug Service WW2/1925-1996/Lest We Forget

DALTON /Blair Vincent/Son Of/Alice And Vincent/Born Aug. 18, 1954/Died Nov. 20, 1987



DAVID /Jennie/Feb. 11, 1944/Oct. 2, 1991/Those Who Have Passed From This World/Die Only When We Forget Them/Erected By Husband Julian &/Children Lori-Lynn & Mark.



DOBBIN /In Memory Of/John H. Dobbin/Died Jan. 6th 1953/Aged 50 Years/May His Soul Rest In Peace.

DOBBIN /Andrew/Sept. 24, 1902/Mar. 4, 1971  on same headstone
DOBBIN /Mary/Dec. 25, 1909/Nov. 24, 1988    below both names Ever Remembered Ever Loved (Mary's maiden name was Cole, she was the sister of Martha Cahill my grandmother)

DOBBIN /1913 Philomena M. 1991/Brother/1920 Joseph D. 1998/Rest In Peace (This headstone and the following 4 were all in the same plot.)

DOBBIN /David Dobbin/1914-1982/R.I.P.
(At the foot of this headstone there's another headstone with the following inscription)
DOBBIN /David I. Dobbin/Royal Navy WW2/Died 25 July 1982/Lest We Forget

DOBBIN /Vincent Patrick/1917-1964

DOBBIN /FATHER MOTHER/In Loving Memory Of/Dennis Dobbin/June 3rd 1882/Feb. 1st 1958 across from Dennis this inscription Mary Dobbin/May 22nd 1893/Oct. 19th 1930/Most Sacred Heart Of Jesus Have Mercy On Their Souls



DWYER /William J./July 13, 1925-Apr. 29, 1993/Ever Remembered Ever Loved



EVANS /Annie Evans/1919-1993/Joseph Myers/1922-2000



EZEKIEL /In Loving Memory/Of/Gerald Ezekiel/1925-196? (looks like 3)/Eternal Rest
Grant/Unto Him O Lord/Erected By Niece Leona.

EZEKIEL /In Loving Memory/Of/Ellen Ezekiel/Died Nov. 24, 1966/Aged 85 Years 10 Mons./Most Sacred Heart Of Jesus/Have Mercy On Her Soul/EZEKIEL

EZEKIEL /In Loving Memory/Of/Michael Ezekiel/Died April 18, 1965/Aged 92 Years/Merciful Jesus Grant/Him Eternal Rest



FITZGERALD /In Loving Memory/Of/Peter J. Fitzgerald/Died Feb. 9th 1963/Aged 47 Years/Eternal Rest Grant Unto Him/O Lord/Erected By His Wife Theresa/& 11 Children.

FITZGERALD /In Loving Memory Of/Michael/Died Dec. 17, 1968/Age 84 Yrs.   On same headstone Helen/Died Jan. 19, 1961/Age 80 Yrs. beneath both names the letters R.I.P.

FITZGERALD /James E./17 Oct. 1914/2 Aug. 1994   on same headstone Gertrude E./21 Jan. 1916/17 Nov. 1994 beneath both names At Home In Heaven

FITZGERALD /Rosalie Cecilia/17 Feb. 1915/21 Feb. 1982 on same headstone Patrick J./6 Sept. 1911/7 Oct. 1987

FITZGERALD /Margaret Fitzgerald/Died Sept. 11, 1963/Age 5 Months/Rest For The Little Sleeper/Erected By The Family

FITZGERALD /In Loving Memory of/Mary/Died Feb 24, 1973/Aged 85 Years
John F./Died April 15, 1955/Aged 70 Years



FITZPATRICK /Treasured Memory Of/Our Baby Daughter/And Sister/Siobhan Joann/Oct. 13, 1967/Feb. 28, 1968/A Delicate Rose Lent/Not Given, To Bud On/Earth And Bloom/In Heaven/Sleep Gently

FITZPATRICK /Brother/Matthew L./Fitzpatrick/1903-1976   on same headstone Sister/Elizabeth/Peters/1912-1997   below both names Ever Remembered Ever Loved

FITZPATRICK /In Loving/Memory Of/Our Dear/Mother/Sarah/Fitzpatrick/Born/Sept. 3, 1884/Died/June 29, 1969/Eternal Rest Grant/Unto Her O Lord/And Let Perpetual/Light Shine/Upon Her/Rest In Peace.

FITZPATRICK /Frances M./July 29, 1918/Died 2?, 1994 on same headstone Robert J./Jan. 9, 1909/July 24, 1987/FITZPATRICK/Ever Remembered Ever Loved

The writing on this next headstone is very hard to read.
FITZPATRICK /Mary F./May 10, 1938-May 11, 193? (I believe it's a 8 but it could also be a 9)/Sarah M./Mar. 6, 1952-Mar. 7, 1952/May Their Souls Rest In Peace

FITZPATRICK /In/Loving Memory/Of Our/Dear Son/A.B. Bernard/Joseph//Fitzpatrick/Who Lost His Life/While In Battle/Against The/Japanese Fleet/Somewhere In The/Indian Ocean/April 9th, 1942/Aged 25 Years/Died On The Ocean Of/Battle ????? (there's another 3 or 4 lines but I can't make it out.)

FITZPATRICK /William J./Jan. 1, 1915/Jan. 24, 1995/Married Sept. 22, 1938/Though Death Divides Fond Memories Cling

FITZPATRICK /O. William/1913-1987 on same headstone Alice/1912-1974 and below both names On That ????? Eternal Shore/We Shall Meet To Part No More.

FITZPATRICK /Erected By/Peter/And Son/Gussie Fitzpatrick/In Loving/Memory Of/His Darling Wife/Annie/Died/Aug. 19th 1945/Aged 28 Years/Dearest Annie You/Have Left Me/And Your Loss We/Deeply Feel/No One Knows The Grief/And Sorrow/That Lies In My Heart/Concealed/Rest In Peace



FLEMING /Michael P. Fleming/Seaman/Merchant Navy WW2/29 March 1978/Age 60



FITZPATRICK /O. William/1913-1987 on same headstone Alice/1912-1974 and below both names On That ????? Eternal Shore/We Shall Meet To Part No More.



FORD /In/Loving Memory/Of/Mary Dianne Ford/Born Aug. 22nd 1951/Died May 12th 1959

FORD /In/Loving Memory/Of/William J. Ford/1914-1965/Erected By His Wife/And Family



GALWAY /In Loving Memory/Of/Our Dear Father/William Galway
(I'm sorry but I can't make out the rest because of the reflection of the sun on the headstone but I believe the year of death was was 1968)

GALWAY /In Loving Memory/William F. Galway/1923-1999/Rest In Peace.

GALWAY /1889 John 1966/His Wife/1901 Mary 1968/Daughter/1918 Elizabeth 1933.

GALWAY /In Loving Memory Of/Thomas M./1919-1983/May There Be No Mourning/When I Put Out To Sea.

GALWAY /Andrew/Jan. 10, 1925/May 3, 1990/Gone But Not Forgotten.

GALWAY /In Loving Memory/Of/A Dear Wife And Mother/Bridget Galway/Born Aug. ??, 1895/Died Sept. 3, 1965/Most Sacred Heart Of Jesus/Have Mercy On Her Soul.



These next headstones were made of round pipe and only had the name on them.

GEAR /Ruben

GEAR /James

GEAR /Hannah 1/9/41

GEAR /Reuben/Jan. 10, 1919-Dec. 19, 1998/Royal Navy WWll/Asleep In The Arms Of Jesus/Until We Meet Again.

GEAR /Thomas A./Oct. 1918-Feb. 1993/Rest In Peace.



GOOBIE /Patrick Walter Goobie/Gunner/Nfld. Regiment/16 March 1973/Age 72



HAMMOND /Elizabeth/1901-1993/Rest In Peace.

HAMMOND /Thomas/Died 1889/across on same headstone Mary/1849-1944/below both names Rest In Peace/Erected By Their Son Stephen.



HYNES /Bartholomew Hynes/Seaman/Royal Navy WW2. 20 October 1981/Age 69



JACKMAN /Albert/1949-1990/To Live In Hearts We Leave Behind/Is Not To Die.

JACKMAN /Karen/Jackman/May ??, 1967/Nov. 11, 1968/Aged 18 Months.

JACKMAN /At the top of the headstone We Shall Meet Again./In Memory/Of/Margaret/Beloved Wife OF/Matthew Jackman/Who Died/July 25th 1912/Aged 34 Years.

JACKMAN /In Loving Memory Of/Daniel J./Died May 2, 1971/Aged 59 Years/My Jesus Mercy

JACKMAN /In Loving Memory/Of Ambrose Jackman/Born Aug. 10, 1947/Died May 30, 1975/He Lives With Us In Memory Still/And Will For Evermore.

JACKMAN /Edward J. Jackman/Died/May/25, 1973

JACKMAN /In Loving Memory/Agnes Jackman Parsons/Jan. 11, 1938/Nov. 14, 1990/She Lives With Us In Memory And Will For Evermore.

JACKMAN /MOTHER   FATHER/In Loving Memory Of/Florence Jackman/Born Aug. 20, 1914/Died Sept. 6, 1988 across on the same headstone Peter Jackman/Born May 7, 1905/Died Jan. 26, 1978/For All Of Us They Did Their Best/May God Grant Them Eternal Rest.

JACKMAN /In Memory Of/Cyril Jackman/Beloved Husband Of/Mary B. Jackman/Born March 3, 1917/Died Jan. 28, 1969/Eternal Rest Grant Unto Him O Lord/JACKMAN

JACKMAN /In Loving Memory Of/My Husband/James P. Jackman/Oct. 9, 1901-May 22, 1984/May He Rest In Peace/Erected By His Wife Ellen And Family.

JACKMAN /Kevin-Aged 9 Years/Oct. 7, 1944-Oct. 12, 1953/Terry -Aged 19 Months/May 10, 1958-Dec. 23, 1959/William-Aged 21 Months/Sept. 27, 1962-June 13, 1964

JACKMAN /In Loving Memory/Of/Minnie Jackman/Died Sept. 24, 1963/Aged 67 Years/Rest In Peace/Erected By Her Husband/James J. Jackman

JACKMAN /In Loving Memory Of/Mary J. Jackman/Died June 20th 1948/Aged 23 Years/May The Sacred Heart Of Jesus/Have Mercy On Her Soul/Erected By Her Parents/James And Minnie Jackman

JACKMAN /Loving Memory/Of/Robert Jackman/Oct. 4th 1922

JACKMAN /In/Loving Memory/Of/Patrick Jackman/Died/Oct. 31, 1920/Aged 21 Years/Also His Sister Fannie/Died July 5, 1921/Aged 26 Years/May Their Souls Rest In Peace.

JACKMAN /William J./1901-1955/His Wife/Ellen M./1904-1947

JACKMAN /In Loving Memory Of/Arthur Jackman/1909-1968/The Call Was Sudden/The Shock Severe/To Part With One We/Love So Dear/Erected By His Wife And Family.

JACKMAN /In Loving Memory Of/Margaret Shea/1893-1988/Sacred Heart Of Jesus/Have Mercy On Her Soul.

JACKMAN /Michael J. Jackman/Gunner/Royal Artillery/? March 1973/Aged ??



JANES /Allan J. Janes/Gunner/Royal Artillery/24 April 1975/Aged 54



Kennedy /Agnes/June 25, 1902/June 01, 1999/He Will Raise You Up/On Eagles Wings.

KENNEDY /Aiden J. Kennedy/Sept/1967/Oct. /1967

KENNEDY /In Loving Memory Of/David/Nov. 15, 1911/Jan. 13, 1986/He Is Beautiful ????? Sees Beyond It.

KENNEDY /Genevieve/1920-1999/Into Your Hands/Her Gentle Spirit.

KENNEDY /James J./Oct. 4, 1887/June 25, 1950 across on the same headstone
KENNEDY/Mary G./Nov. 24, 1897/Oct. 6, 1980/Ever Remembered Ever Loved.

KENNEDY /Leo Frances/Kennedy/Able Seaman/Royal Navy WW l/1894-1968/Lest We Forget.

KENNEDY /Robert J./(BoB)/Nov. 22, 1928/Dec. 17, 1987/Ever Remembered Ever Loved

KENNEDY /Rudolph/Gunner/Royal Artillery/14 April 1979/Age 66

KENNEDY /Terrence (Ted)/Born Dec. 29, 1921/Died Aug. 1, 1974/Rest In Peace/Erected By Wife And Children.



This headstone has 4 sides to it and on one side was written
KING /In Love/Of A/Dear/Mother/Angnes/King/1898/1975
on another side was written
KING /In Loving/Memory Of/John ?(could be J) King/Died/June ??, 1960/Aged/68 Years/He Is Gone But/Not Forgotten (there's more after this but I can't read it)/

KING /In Loving Memory/Of/A Dear Father/Arthur J. King/Died Oct. 18, 1968/May He Rest In Peace/Erected By His Son.

KING /In/Loving Memory Of/Henry G. King/Who Was Killed By/Enemy Action/Nov. 2nd, 1942/Aged 26 Years/Beloved Son Of/ (can't read the rest)

KING /In/Loving Memory/Of/Matilda/Beloved/Wife Of/B. King/Died/Feb. 21, 1920/Aged 38 Yrs./On That Happy Easter/Morning/All The Graves Their/Dead Restor/Father Sister Child/And Mother/Meet Once More.

KING / In/M/E/M/O/R/Y/Of/Peter King/1874/1953



This page Contributed by Patricia Byrne

Transcribed by Barbara McGrath (January 2000)

Page Last Modified: Friday March 22, 2013 (Don Tate)

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