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1857 Newfoundland Census
Listed by District


This information was transcribed from a non-nominal census taken in 1857. It was published under the title "Abstract Census and Return Of the Population, &c. of Newfoundland, 1857; as printed in the Journal of the Legislative Council of the Island of Newfoundland: being the fourth session of the sixth General Assembly, 1858." This census puts the Newfoundland population at 122, 638.

Some of the transcribed material has been split into two parts by some transcribers to mimic the original document, which is usually printed on a minimum of four interfacing pages per district.



Conception Bay (South) Ferryland - Part 1
Ferryland - Part 2
Fortune Bay St. John's East - Part 1
St. John's East - Part 2


Page Last Modified: Friday June 06, 2014 (Kevin Reddigan)

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