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Journal of the House of Assembly
of Prince Edward Island
Miscellaneous entries
in the Journals of Assembly for Prince Edward Island making reference to Newfoundland 15th to 21stGeneral Assemblies Printed 1840-1862 |
4th Session of 15th General Assembly for Prince Edward Island, Printed in 1841 | |||||||
1840 | PEI | First reading of "An Act to prevent the bringing persons convicted of Felonies and Misdemeanours to this Island, from the Island of Newfoundland, or elsewhere in America" (transcriber's note: this act was read a second time, committed and reported, and agreed to and returned to Council in 1840) | |||||
1840 | PEI | Mary CLUNY | Presented "by Mr. W. Dingwell- A Petition of Mary Cluny, of Birch Hill, Bay Fortune Road, setting forth- that she has been deserted by her husband, and, praying an aid to enable her to return with her childlren to Newfoundland, where her friends reside." a subsequent entry for the Petition of Mary Cluny, "praying pecuniary aid to enable her and her children to return to Newfoundland". Sum granted. and thridly, a Resolution of money paid to Rev. Robert Douglas, for relief of the following persons - "to Mary Cluny, to pay her passage to Newfoundland, Five Pounds" | ||||
1st Session of 17th General Assembly for Prince Edward Island, Printed in 1847 | |||||||
1846 | April | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Catherine | 56 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | May | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Fly | 31 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | May | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Willing Lass | 49 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | May | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Barbara Ann | 72 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | May | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Rob Roy | 37 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | June | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Hannah Gray | 68 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | June | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Lively | 39 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | June | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Francis | 64 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | July | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Willing Lass | 49 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | July | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Elizabeth | 55 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | July | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Barbara Ann | 72 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | July | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Jane | 111 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | July | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Ring Dove | 48 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | July | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Spray | 29 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | July | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Mary Ann | 63 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | July | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Brothers | 28 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | July | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Hannah Gray | 68 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | July | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Crusader | 111 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | July | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Petrel | 60 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | August | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Euphemis | 56 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | August | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Rob Roy | 37 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | August | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Lively | 39 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | August | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Barbara Ann | 72 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | August | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Venus | 67 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | August | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Willing Lass | 49 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | August | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Orion | 110 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | September | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Robert | 44 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | October | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Brothers | 107 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | October | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Madonna | 52 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | October | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Willing Lass | 49 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | November | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Pandora | 135 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | November | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Catherine | 56 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | November | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Terra Nova | 110 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | November | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Zealous | 53 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | November | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Flirt | 97 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | December | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Dove | 98 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
1846 | December | Charlottetown | Newfoundland | Maria | 100 | Customs House report re Light Duty Collected at the Port of Charlottetown for year ended 31st December, 1846 | |
3rd Session of 17th General Assembly for Prince Edward Island, Printed in 1849 | |||||||
1849 | Murray Harbor, PEI | Thomas BOYLE | "Resolved, That the sum of Five Pounds Four Shillings be granted and paid to the Chairman of the Board of Health at Murray Harbour, to defray the expenses incurred for the relief of and medical attendance on Thomas Boyle, a sick and destitute immigrant from Newfoundland, last December." | ||||
5th Session of 18th General Assembly for Prince Edward Island, Printed in 1853 | |||||||
1853 | PEI | HMS Sappho | Commander COCHRANE | Report that "Early in the summer, and afterwards in the autumn, Her Majesty's Ship Sappho was here. Commander Cochrane was desired to communicate with me, and authorised to shew me his instructions; their object was the protection of the fisheries, - the duty is a delicate and difficult one. His cruize embraced the Gut of Canso, Labrador, Newfoundland, Gaspe and to the westward. The sloop of war, I imagine, traversed not less than 6,000 or 7,000 miles, and the idea therefore of protecting the Fisheries in this vacinity was quite absurd; and futher, it is impossible to protect them without a steamer being stationed here for five months..." | |||
1853 | PEI | Michael REARDON | Listed under "Lunatics" for the Asylum Annual Report : age 23; place of birth Newfoundland; single; 21 yrs insane; probable cause of Disease was listed as "Terror" | ||||
1853 | Colville Bay | Newfoundland | Mary | 150 | Master FLYNN | included in "An Account of Light Duty collected at Colville Bay during the half year ended 31st December, 1852" as submitted by W.S. MacGowan, Collector: Mary, 150 Tons, Flynn Master, bound for Newfoundland, and remark "new vessel going to market" | |
3rd Session of 20th General Assembly for Prince Edward Island, Printed in 1857 | |||||||
1857 | Cape Race, Newfoundland | report that " a Lighthouse is, by and with the consent of the Legislative authority of the Colony of Newfoundland, now being erected on Cape Race, in the said Colony:" | |||||
4th Session of 21th General Assembly for Prince Edward Island, Printed in 1862 | |||||||
1862 | Lot 39, PEI | Report by John Jardine " The land on this Township appears to be, about one-third first quality, and nearly two thirds second quality. The Township possesses the advantage of good roads - with the exception of the new settlements. The markets mostly resorted to by the inhabitants are Charlottetown city, Mount Stewart Bridge, and country traders who export to Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and St. Pierre. The Township is upwards of twenty miles distant from Charlottletown, and six to twelve miles from Mount Stewart Bridge:" | |||||
1862 | Newfoundland | Imported articles from Newfoundland (in Birish Vessels) to PEI for 1861: Cod, Herrings, Cod and Seal Oil and 2 casks of other kind of oil, and wine | |||||
1862 | Newfoundland | Ports where duty were paid on articles coming from Newfoundland: Georgetown (Herrings); St. Peter's (Olive Oil-2 kegs, Molasses -15 gal, Tea and Sugar) | |||||
1862 | PEI | Exported to Newfoundland in British Vessels from PEI for year 1861: Cattle, Horses, Boards and Lumber, Butter, Corn (barley, oats), Eggs, Hams and Bacon, Leather (upper), Oysters, Oatmeal, Pork, Potatoes, Turnips | |||||
1862 | Georgetown, PEI | Exported to Newfoundland in British Vessels from Port of Georgetown, Prince Edward Island, for year 1861: Beef, Butter, Corn (Oats, Oatmeal, Flour), Eggs, Potatoes, Turnips, Pork, Wood (Boards, Plank, Shingles, Timber), Sheep | |||||
1862 | Malpeque, PEI | Exported to Newfoundland in British Vessels from Port of Malpeque, Prince Edward Island, for year 1861: Oats, Potatoes, Animals (Cattle), Lumber (Birch Plank) | |||||
1862 | Cascumpee, PEI | Exported to Newfoundland in British Vessels from Port of Cascumpee, Prince Edward Island, for year 1861: Beef, Butter, Eggs, Geese, Oysters, Oats, Potatoes, Pork, Socks (24 pairs), Turnips | |||||
1862 | Crapaud, PEI | Exported to Newfoundland in British Vessels from Port of Crapaud, Prince Edward Island, for year 1861: Animals (Cattle, Sheep), Corn (Oats), Potatoes, Wood (Plank, Scantling, Shingles) | |||||
1862 | Pinnette, PEI | Exported to Newfoundland in British Vessels from Port of Pinnette, Prince Edward Island, for year 1861: Oats, Potatoes, Turnips | |||||
1862 | Murray Harbor, PEI | Exported to Newfoundland in British Vessels from Port of Murray Harbor, Prince Edward Island, for year 1861: Wood (Plank, Boards, Shingles) | |||||
1862 | Grand River, PEI | Exported to Newfoundland in British Vessels from Port of Grand River, Prince Edward Island, for year 1861: Oats, Potatoes, Turnips, Pork, Beef, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Hardwood Planks, Hardwood Staves, Scantling, Boards, Firewood, Geese, Timber | |||||
1862 | St. Peter's, PEI | Exported to Newfoundland in British Vessels from Port of St. Peter's, Prince Edward Island, for year 1861: Animals (Calves, Cattle, Sheep), Eggs, Barley, Oats, Potatoes, Turnips, Pork, Beef, Mutton |
Page Transcribed and Contributed by Linda Elkins-Schmitt (2005 11)
Page Last Modified March 06, 2013 (Craig Peterman)
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