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Journal of the House of Assembly of Nova Scotia
Miscellaneous Sessions 1790 to 1865

Miscellaneous entries found in various
Nova Scotia Journals of Assembly
mentioning Newfoundland

1790 “A Petition of Messrs. BRYMER and BELCHER was presented by Mr. Hill, setting forth, that in August 1788 they sold to William BROAD, Master of the Brig Apollo 1170 Gallons Rum, which was exported to Placentia Bay in Newfoundland, that from unavoidable Circumstances they did not receive the Certificates of the Landing of said Rum within the Time limited by Law to enable them to obtain a Drawback of the Sunk and Excise Duties on said Liquour, which they had paid…:”
1799 “The Petition of Robert BARRY, and Co. was read and considered, and thereupon, Resolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Petitioners Robert BARRY, and Co. should be allowed Six Months from the Publication hereof, to produce their Proofs to the Commissioners of the Revenue of their having exported from the District of Liverpool, and landed in the Island of Newfoundland, 1450 Gallons of Spirits agreeably to the Statement made in their Petition …”
1839 Petition from Mr. John Ferguson who manufactured Chocolate in Halfiax for upwards of thirty years … “and last year manufactured about 100,000 lbs. Weight, yielding upwards of 2000 pounds. A large proportion of this quantity was exported by the Petitioner to Canada, New-Brunswick, Newfoundland, and the West Indies; and the cheaper of the two sorts manufactured by him, which he can afford to see at 7d. a lb. Is used extensively by the Fishermen of our own Province.”
1839 Dr Account of the Receipts and Disbursements of the King’s Casual Revenue, in Nova-Scotia, for the year ending the 31st December, 1833 includes "1833 July 1st - To paid Mr. Noad’s Pension, as late Naval Officer of Cape-Breton, at 50 pounds per annum, from 1st July to 14th August, 1832, when the Pension ceased on his being appointed Surveyor-General of Newfoundland”
1846 Friday, January 23: “ A Petition of James WHITNEY, was presented by Mr. J.B. Uniacke, and read, praying aid by a Provincial Grant, towards the establishment of a superior Steam Boat, for the conveyance of the Mails and Passengars between Halifax and St. John’s, Newfoundland.”
1846 info about a Grant to Margaree includes “ Have exported to Newfoundland 440 head of cattle, 500 sheep, 400 firkins of butter, and a considerable quantity of pork.”
1847 info about a Grant to Margaree includes “ Exports, (chiefly to Newfoundland), 570 head of Cattle, 540 Sheep, 357 firkins of Butter, and a considerable quantity of Pork. The exporters complain of the low price of Produce.”
1847 “A copy of a Despatch from Sir John Harvey, late Govenor of Newfoundland to His Excellency Lord Falkland, dated June 11th, 1846, in reference to destruction of a great part of the Town of Saint John’s, in Newfoundland, by Fire; also a copy of a Reply thereto from Lord Falkland to Sir John Harvey, dated Halifax, 29th June, 1846, transmitting therewith the sum of 4,000 dollars for relief of the sufferers; …”
1847 Thursday, 11th February, 1847 “A Petition of six Seamen, the crew of the Ship Affghanistan, wrecked on Sable Island, praying assistance to enable them to return to Newfoundland”
1848 info about a Grant to St. Mary’s includes: “They have sent a small cargo of cattle to Newfoundland, which paid tolerably well, and may prove the commencement of a trade that will be continued.”
1848 info about a Grant to Margaree includes “ They have exported (chiefly to Newfoundland) 340 head of cattle, 400 sheep, 520 firkins of butter, and a larger quantity than usual of beef and pork in barrels.”
1848 info about a Grant to Middle River includes “ They have exported, chiefly to Newfoundland, 300 head of cattle, 500 sheep, and 400 firkins of butter, besides a considerable quantity of pork sent to Newfoundland and Halifax.”
1848 report of A. Gesner, Actg Com for Indian Affairs “In my General Report I shall feel myself bound to make an earnest appeal on behalf of the Aboriginal Micmacs, who are at present fast fading away; for unless the progress of their annihilation is soon arrested, the time is close at hand, when, like the natives of Newfoundland, the last of their race, to use their own idea, will sleep with the bones of their Fathers.” The report adds that “Micmac Indians of St. Pierre's and Miquelon, Newfoundland” total 200 Souls.
1848 report entitled “Report on Indian Affairs” …” The Micmacs have descended from the Iriquois (originally Algonkins) and speak a dialect of that once powerful nation. The Marachites, or Melicetes who still occupy the banks of the St. John, and the Norridgewoaks of Penobscot River are from the Delaware stock, and speak a dialect scarcely understood by the Iriquois, or Micmacs. The Micmac Tribe are now scattered along the South side of the District of Gaspe, the Northern side of New Brunswick, over the whold of Nova-Scotia, Prince Edward’s Island, Capre-Breton and a part of Newfoundland. This latter place they seldom visited until the ferocious natives of that Island had disappeared…”
1860 report of 29th July, 1859 “ Petition of the Micmac Indians of the island of Cape Breton, in council assembled, on the festival of St. Anne, at Chapel Island, in the Lake Bras d’Or, humbly sheweth:That an enumeration of the Indians of this island as this day been completed by Mr. Perley, of New Brunswick, shewing a total of five hundred and seventy-six souls. That this number your petitioners believe to be much below the actual number of Indians belonging to the Micmac tribe in Cape Breton, very many being absent in Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island….. “
1865 re Shipwrecks on Sable Island: "A brigantine and two schooners were wrecked on this Island during the past season. The former was the "Dash" of St John's, Newfoundland, from Cienfuegos to that port with a cargo of molasses. She went on shore on the north side of the north-east bar, on the night of 12th of April. The crew were all saved and conveyed to Halifax in the "Daring"...One of the schooners was the "Weathergauge", from Boston to Fortune Bay, Newfoundland, laden with supplies for the fishery. She was wrecked on the north side on the night of the 27th February. The crew were all saved.... The other schooner was the "Langdon Gillmore" of New York, from St John's Newfoundland, to that port, with a cargo of fish and oil, wrecked on the south side of the Island on the night of the 8th of March. The captain and two of the crew were drowned, in endeavouring to reach shore by swimming..."

Page Transcribed and Contributed by Linda Elkins-Schmitt

Page Last Modified March 06, 2013 (Craig Peterman)

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