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Journal of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland
Second Session of the Second General Assembly
St. John's,
J. Shea, 1838
Colonial Government Journals


These are basically what the government paid for those services.
List of Temporary warrents Issued in 1837-1838

Anything in these brackets { } are my own. Any question marks, are also my own, meaning it's unreadable. Any & signs ..are mine. As always, everything I transcribe is subject to error. If I appear to have erred, & you have a question, don't hesitate to ask. - Ann (may be contacted through the contributor's page)

Dec. 6, 1837
G. Webber, expense of bringing to St. John's, Geo. Avery, a prisoner accused of Murder.

Jan. 9, 1838 T. Coyall, expense of bringing witnesses from Bonavista in the case of Avery.

Feb. 8, 1838
Nicholas Stabb, repairs of Harbour Grace Gaol.

April 20, 1838
Undermentioned persons on account of expenses of Gaols

Richard Perchard, Gaoler
John Whelan, Barber
Elizabeth Sinnott, Washerwoman
David Rogers, constable watching Prisoners
Nicholas Stabb, Deputy Sheriff of Harbour Grace
Charles Granger, Gaoler, Trinity

June 14, 1838
Benjamin Sweetland, repairs of courthouse



Page Contributed by Ann (MacDonald) Batten

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (February 25, 2004)

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