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Account of monies expended by the Central Board of Road Commissioners [appointed in 1836] since the furnishing their last account in June 1837. {my short forms....pd = paid, @ = at, curr. = currency, amt.= amount, £ = Pound, s = sterling, d = pence, Anything in these { } are my own comments. - Ann (may be contacted through the contributor's page) Bay Bulls Road
July 10, 1837 Cash pd Phillip Stamp & Richard Roach, viz. for opening 272 perches of road, near Bay Bulls Long Pond @ £15/10s per mile. amt. £13/3/6. Also... Widening [from 12 to 24] 4 miles &30 perches of road from the Goulds River towards Bay Bulls @ £13 per mile as per account. amt. £55/8/8 Cash pd, James Cuddihy, viz for 3 large bridges, say 1 over Goulds River, and 2 over streams near above. amt. £ 128/0/0. Allowance for additional work. amt. £4/00 Building 9 smaller bridges @ 55 s. amt. £24/15/0 Filling up a brook. amt. £2/15/0 Draining 33 perches of road, of 7 ft. wide, & 2½ ft. wide, @ 7s. 6d amt. £12/7/6. Draining 68 perches of road, 4 ft. wide amt. £ 14/12/6. Removing all combustible materials from 50 ft. of any part of the 3 large bridges amt. £20/0/0. Oct. 10, 1837
Deduct £60 paid Cuddihy, and charged by the commissioners in their last account, & also the sum of £5 stop to remedy a defect in the King Post of the Goulds River Bridge. amt. £63/00 Cash pd. Michael Darsey, viz for widening [from 12 to 24 ft] 3¾ miles of the Bay Bulls road from Sweeny's Marsh to the Goulds River, @£14 per mile, amt. £ 54/7/6. Allowance for clearing the first part opened of wind - falls, amt. £2/0/0 Cash pd. Edward Gorman, viz for draining 171 perches of road from Sweeny's Marsh towards the Gold River @ 2s, 3d per perch. amt. £19/4/9 Cash pd. James Toole & M. Reilley, viz. for opening 1¾ miles of road next the Bay Bulls, 24 ft. wide, @ £31 per mile. amt. £ 54/5/0 Cash pd. William Sinnott, viz., for carrying off a bog from the road, and for draining 112 perches {can't read the rest} amt. £15/0/0 Cash pd. Martin Williams, viz., for building 13 bridges &clearing the stream @ 5 £. amt. £65/0/0 Cash pd. to Roger Flahaven & John Savage for opening 7 miles & 184 perches of road, 12 ft. wide @ £15 per mile. amt. £129/6/1 Jan 9, 1838
Cash pd. John Ennis &Pat, Rielly, viz., for draining 342 perches road between the end of Gorman's work & the 1st bridge @ 1 s, 10d per perch, amt. £ 31/7/0 Cash pd. John Savage & Richard Roach, viz., for building 8 temporary bridges @ 5s each. amt. £2/0/0 Cash pd. Phillip Stamp, viz., for examining &measuring work on Bay Bulls road, amt. £4/13/0 Petty Harbour Road
1837 Sept. 12
Cash pd. Richard Gladney, viz., for opening roads, building bridges, draining &c. {?}, amt. £103/6/4 Cash pd. J.A. Wheeler, viz., for 15 cross drains 10s each, draining 35 perches @ 3s, amt. £12/15/0, less 55s deducted for bad work, amt. £2/15/0 Road from Topsail to Holyrood
Aug 18 1837 Cash pd. Bryan O'Brien, balance due him for bridges built on the road from Holyrood to Kellygrews as per account. amt. £27/5/6 1838
July 16
Cash pd. N. Rourke & R. Gladney, for draining, covering cross drains, & opening 7 perches road, amt. £19/10/3 1838
Jan. 9
Pd. R. Walsh for keeping the road from Emanuel's River to the Butter Pots clear of windfalls, amt. £2/10/0 Feb 6
Pd. John Roach, viz., 30 covered cross drains, 11s each, built on the road between Topsail & Kellygrews, amt. £16/10/0 Feb. 20
Pd. John Rendall for notice boards put on road. amt. 10/6 Pd. M. Rielley & W. Walsh for keeping the Topsail road clear of windfalls in the winter of '36 &'37. amt. £2/0/0 1837
May 1
Pd. George Winter for quick Match. amt. £1/6/4 July 21
C.F. Bennett as per account for powder, canvas, tar &c. amt. £15/10/1 Aug. 7
Robert Dunn{?}, 47 lbs powder @ 10d. amt. £1/18/4 Sept 23
N. Kennedy, gratuity for 3 yrs sevice in superintending the work, preparing tubes, bags &c. amt. £20/0/0 Road from Holyrood to Placentia, by Salmanier, &Salmanier to St. Mary's
1837 Nov. 25 Cash pd. 4 men, 63 dys work each @ 4s 4d, assissting Mr. Byrne, surveyor, to explore, examine and mark a line of road from Holyrood to Salamonier & thence to St. Mary's. amt. £56/14/0 1838
Pd. Phillip Stamp, assisstant surveyor, 13 dys @ 5s. amt. £3/5/0 1837
George Cooke for making a roadway to Boden's Cove by Maggotty Cove. amt. £15/0/0 Aug 2
Pd. Patrick Whelan, shoring the railway @ Kings Bridge. amt. £1/0/0 Sep 12
Pd James Grey, for building an additional wall at the stone bridge, Maggotty Cove. amt. £3/4/6 1838
Phillip Stamp superintending road work on various roads, measuring the same, etc. 23 dys as per acct. amt. £6/9/0 Jan 3
Thomas Ryrne, 7mths salary as superintending surveyor, to 31st Dec. 1837, @ £100 per annum. amt. £67/6/1 Pd. C.P. Bennett, for 1 gal. tar, for work @ Quiddy Viddy, see his account. amt. 2/0 N. Kennedy & 2 men, 1 dys work each, @ Quiddy Viddy, removing fragments of rock from channel. amt. 17/0 Oct 3
Pd. C.P. Bennett, for bunting, canvas, etc, used by surveyor in laying out roads as per account. amt. £1/18/8
Page Contributed by Ann (MacDonald) Batten
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (February 25, 2004)
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