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Return of the names and ages of all the persons on the permanent Pauper list on the 1st January 1849 [kept at Harbour Grace] Shewing [exact spelling] the date of admission, the annual allowance of Her Majesty's Government to each person, the names of the commisioners appointed to conduct and manage the admissions of paupers, and paying the same. The said annual allowance, with statement of the expenses attending thereon. Names of the said Commisioners - Thomas Danson, Robert John Pinsent, Joseph Ryan...{This is at the end of the list with a Date of Feb 20, 1849 at Harbour Grace} Res = residence, Doa = date of Admission, Amt = amount of allowance, abt. = about, Carb = Carbonear, Sal. C. = Salmon Cove, Och. C = Ochrepit Cove, Wes. B = Western Bay, Low P. = Low Point, Bl. Me Dw = Blow Me Down, H.G. = Harbour Grace, S. B = Spaniards Bay, Mos = Mosquito, Sad. H = Saddle Hill, Up. Is. C. = Upper Island Cove, B. de V. = Bay de Verds, H.M. = Harbour Main Something to note......You'll see the annual allowences allotted and I wonder how they came up with the amounts?? You'll notice they gave a widow with 5 children £3/0/0 and another widow by herself £4 +.......go figure? of admissions are always on the 1st of a month. - Ann (may be contacted through the contributor's page) Stephen Page, abt. 72 yrs Andrew Dunn, abt.70 yrs Mary McDonald, abt. 60yrs Bridget Connors, abt.70 yrs Thomas Kennett, abt. 63 yrs Widow Mary Skeehan with 5 children, abt. 42 yrs Michael Kirby, abt. 65 yrs Widow Mary Hurley, abt. 65 yrs Res - Carb. Doa - 1st July, 1843 Amt. - £4/4/0 Widow Mary Quigley, abt. 60 yrs Res - Carb Doa - 1st January, 1847 Amt - £4/16/0 Morgan Walsh, abt. 63 yrs Nancy Courage - a leg amputated, abt.62 yrs Mary Beckett - orphan, abt. 4 yrs Joana Ward, with 5 children, abt. 45 yrs, husband 70 yrs William Beckett - orphan, abt.6 yrs Rose Comerford, abt. 36 yrs Richard Brennan, abt. 64 yrs Mary Burke, abt. 70 yrs John Power - Indian Bay, abt. 13 yrs Maurice Cullen - lame, abt. 62 yrs William Callaghan - both infirm, abt.68 yrs, wife-66 yrs Catherine Dunphy & idiot son Peter, abt. 63 yrs, son -36 yrs Ann Noel [widow] with 5 children, abt. 30 yrs Thomas Stone, abt. 55 yrs Elizabeth Edgecomb, abt. 75 yrs Phillip Harty - cripple, abt. 30 yrs Mary Croak, abt. 62 yrs Adam Butt, abt. 80 yrs Widow Johana Cummins with 5 children, abt. 45 yrs William Adams, abt. 40 yrs Widow Susan Parsons, for her son Jonathan, a lunatic, abt. 43 yrs Widow Jane French, abt. 82 yrs John Cushion, abt. 69 yrs John Besson, abt. 77 yrs Widow Mary Juer, abt. 82 yrs Widow Bridget Lahey, for self & simple daughter Bridget, Abt. 74 yrs, dau. 33yrs Widow Isabella Richards for self & lunatic son Francis, abt. 80yrs, son- 46yrs Widow Jane Nicholas, abt. 75 yrs Widow Nichly, abt. 70 yrs John Reynolds - a cripple in both legs, abt. 49 yrs Ellen Crowly, abt. 69 yrs Patrick Brennan, - a leg amputated, abt. 58 yrs Widow Maria T. Dunegan, abt. 70 yrs John Ryan, - a cripple, ill health, abt. 55 yrs Henry Martin, - cripple on crutches, abt. 72 yrs Widow Joanna Morrisey, abt. 71 yrs John Nolan, abt 55 yrs Widow Catherine Walsh, abt. 75 yrs Ann Redmond, abt. 68 yrs Widow Fanny Butt, abt. 71 yrs Virtue Tippy's female bastard child Mary, abt. 7 yrs Widow John Hunt, abt. 70 yrs Widow Henry Garland, abt. 58 yrs Widow Mary Barnes, abt. 71 yrs Elizabeth Hussey - her face disfigured by fire, abt.45 yrs John Farrell's 2 idiot brothers, David & Peter, abt. Dav. 32 yrs
abt. Pet. 24 yrs Michael Fitzgerald - on crutches, paralyzed, abt. 48 yrs Catherine Connel - for her idiot brother Charles, abt. 18 yrs William Maguire - cripple, abt. 58 yrs Widow Catherine Murphy, abt. 77 yrs James Simmons - gunshot wounds, abt. 43 yrs Absalom Martin - a cripple on crutches, abt. 42 yrs Widow Mary Mahony, - lame, abt. 46 yrs Miles Summers, abt. 82 yrs John Cadwell sen - abt 82 yrs Widow Mary Connors, abt. 65 yrs Thomas Riddy, abt. 71 yrs Susan Snow's bastard child John, abt. 4 yrs nearly Catherine Hearn - maimed, abt. 52 yrs John Lahey - paralyzed, abt. 58 yrs Res - H.G. Doa - 1st Oct, 1848 Amt - 3/0 Widow Anne Parsons for 2 imbecile daughters, abt. 19 yrs & 16 yrs
Page Contributed by Ann (MacDonald) Batten
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (February 23, 2004)
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