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Journal of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland
Third Session of the Third General Assembly

Letter dated April 5th 1845, from the Magistrates
Danson, Pinsent and Power of Harbor Grace,
listing persons who had made applications to be
placed on the Permanent Pauper List

DAWLEY Anne Harbor Grace   Widow, has an idiot son, aged 18 years, say 10s currency per calender month
CONNELL Mary Spaniards Bay   Widow, has an idiot son, aged 19 years, say 10s currency per calender month
TOOLE Patrick Harbor Grace 86 years Single man, very destitute, say 7s currency per calendar month
McDONALD Mary Carbonear 53 years Single woman, a criple [sic], very poor, say 7s currency per calendar month
CLARK Adam Croker's (sic) Cove   And wife, both very aged and very destitute, say 10s per calendar month
PAGE Stephen Carbonear About 70 years single man, asthmatic, quite destitute, has no relatives, say 10s currency per calendar month
DUNN Andrew Carbonear 67 years Single man, cripple, poor, say 7s currency per calendar month
LANDRIGAN William Western Bay About 80 years And wife, both about 80 years of age and very destitute, say 10s per calendar month
WHITEWAY Rachael Western Bay 87 years Widow, aged 87 years, very infirm and destitute. say 7s currency per calender month
SIMMONS James Musquitto Harbour   Disabled from a gun shot wound, he has a wife and four young children, say 10s currency per calender month
QUINN John Carbonear 20 months old An infant and illegitimate child, abandoned by both parents who have left Newfoundland. The Magistrates have been obliged to take the responsibility on themselves for placing out this child on an allowance of 7 pounds cy. per annum, commencing on the 1st

We transmit the Memorial of James Simmons for the consideration of His Excellency, as he appears to wish to lay it before the Governor.

With reference to the Causal Poor, we beg, to acknowledge the receipt of the £20 currency recently granted by his excellency, which sum we have distributed to persons who were in very distressed circumstances: we under the necessity of stating for his Excellencey`s information, that we have many pressing calls on us for relief.

[signed] Thomas Danson, J.P; R. J. Pinsent, J.P.; James Power, J.P.

Page Transcribed and Contributed by Linda Elkins-Schmitt

Page Last Modified October 23, 2013 (Craig Peterman)

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