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Journal of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland
Second Session of the Third General Assembly
St. John's,
W.R. Shea, 1844
Colonial Government Journals


Admit. = admitted; Dis. = disease, Disch. = discharged, * = addition info., &c = I believe this means "etc.", ? = means I can't read it, or not there. { } = my own comments - Ann (may be contacted through the contributor's page)

"Of all Pauper Patients which have been placed in St. John's Hospital [at the expense of the Colony] and attended by the Surgeon of the said Hospital, between the 1st July, 1843 and 30th March, 1844, distinguishing Lunatics."

Mary Mooney, age 49 yrs
Admit - Nov. 18, 1833
From - St. John's
Dis. - Idiocy
* Confined to her bed over the last 10 yrs, having no control over her person in any way.

Stephen Brazil, age 33 yrs
Admit - Sept. 1, 1837
From - St. John's
Dis. - Lunacy

Francis Paeton, age 68 yrs
Admit - Sept. 1, 1837
From - St. John's
Dis - Hemiplegia
* Produced from fatigue & cold.

Charles Lush, age ?
Admit - Oct. 17, 1837
From - Greenspond
Dis - Lunacy
* Labored under his Mental affection several years before admission into Hospital, he is occasionally violent.

Charity Bickford, age 61 yrs
Admit - Nov. 28, 1832
From - St. John's
Dis - Mania
* For the last 30 yrs very eccentric & harmless.

William Fitzgerald, age 45 yrs
Admit - Dec. 18, 1836
From - St. John's Gaol
Dis - Mental Derangement
* Produced by excessive use of ardent spirits, and under which excitement he committed infanticide, for the last 5 yrs he has been perfectly correct.

Mary McDonald, age 29 yrs
Admit - Dec. 27, 1839
From - Harbour Grace
Dis - Idiocy
Disch - Nov 1, 1843
* She has lately been so quiet I have placed her as an outdoor patient at Six Shillings per week.

Mary Foley, age 40 yrs
Admit - Jan. 20, 1840
From - St. John's Gaol
Dis - Lunacy
* Periodically violent & mischievous. She was pregnant when admitted and soon after delivered of a fine son.

Thomas Ingram, age 31 yrs
Admit - July 8, 1841
From - St. John's
Dis - Asthma & dropsy

Susan Bickham, age 30 yrs
Admit - Oct. 27, 1841
From - St. John's
Dis - Idiocy
* Confined to her bed & having no control over her limbs &c.

Catherine Connolly, age 52 yrs
Admit - June 12, 1842
From - St. John's Gaol
Dis - Total blindness & debility
* She has been a Soldiers wife & unfortunate in her habits

James Donovan, age 3? {can't make out 2nd #}
Admit - July 23, 1842
From - St. John's
Dis - Manalgia
* Laboured under Hypochondriasis for a long time before admitted into Hospital.

Bridget Grace, age ?
Admit - ?
From - St. John's
Dis - Lunacy
Disch. Dec. 15
* On her admission she was violent & destructive, lately very much improved, and is now living with her sister at Logy Bay on an allowance of 6s per week.

Mary Caroline, age ?
Admit - June 2, 1843
From - St. John's
Dis - Lunacy
Disch. - Nov. 14
* On allowance of 6s per week.

Betsy Keel, age ?
Admit - ?
From - St. John's
Dis - Distorted Spine
* She had no use of her limbs when admitted, now on an allowance of 6s per week.

Sarah Bartlett, age ?
Admit - Jan. 4, 1843
>From - ?
Dis - Mental Affection
Disch. - Jan. 6

Dianna Bussey, age ?
Admit - Jan. 7, 1843
From - St. John's
Dis - Temporay Insanity

William Quigley
Admit - April 14, 1843
From - St. John's
Dis - Lunacy
Disch. - May 30
* Frequently attacked with Epilepsy & very Violent.

*****No ages were given for this list*****

Susan Oxford
Admit - May 3, 1843
From - ?
Disch. - 1843

Patrick Hastings
Admit - June 21, 1843
From - Harbor Grace
Dis - Cancer of Pylorus {this is of the stomach}
Disch. -Aug. 29
* Died a perfect Skeleton.

Henry Gillard
Admit - July 6, 1843
From - Harbor Grace
Dis - Delerium Tremens
Disch. - Sept. 9, 1843
* From intemperance

Thomas Costigan
Admit - Aug. 2, 1843
From - Harbor Grace Gaol
Dis - Delerium Tremens
Disch - Sept . 8, 1843
* From Intemperance

James Abbott
Admit - Aug. 16, 1843
From - ?
Dis - Paraphlegia
* Distorted Spine

Jonathan Parsons
Admit - Aug. 28, 1843
From - Harbor Grace
Dis - Idiocy
Disch - Oct. 25
* From his Infancy

James Anderson
Admit - Oct. 25, 1843
From - St. John's
Dis - Hypochondriasis
Disch - Nov. 1
* From Organic Disease

George White
Admit - Nov. 2, 1843
From - St. John's
Dis - Temporary Insanity
Disch - Nov. 28
* Dyspepsia & Intemperance

Robert Hillier
Admit - Nov. 20, 1843
From - St. John's
Dis - Lunacy
* Improving

Henry Aitkins
Admit - Nov. 25, 1843
From - ?
Dis - Hypochondriasis
* From General Organic Derangement

Boliney Borno
Admit - Nov. 27, 1843
From - Bay of Exploits
Dis - Melancholia
* She's very harmless & quiet

Robert Thompson
Admit - Jan. 13, 1844
From - Carbonear
Dis - Atraphy
* From Chronic Disease of the Liver

Emily Wix
Amit - Jan. 16, 1844
From - St. John's Gaol
Dis - Syphilis
* An unfortunate young creature that would be glad to be removed from St. John's

Christi Jerrard
Admit - Jan. 31, 1844
From - Nova Scotia
Dis - Mental Affection
Disch - 1844
* Heredity

Richard Murray
Admit - Feb. 3, 1844
From - St. John's Gaol
Dis - Manalgia
Disch - March 3
* Committed self destruction by hanging

John Picco
Admit - Mar. 8, 1844
From - Portugal Cove
Dis - Mania

Paul Foley
* The child of Mary Foley is living with Mrs. Stoneman from 31st Dec. 1843 at 5s per week
***** {Note Mary Foley was mentioned in the previously}



Page Contributed by Ann (MacDonald) Batten

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (February 25, 2004)

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