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Report of the Magistrate at Harbour Grace, on the Petition of Daniel M'Carthy Magistrates Office 1st April, 1834 Anything in these brackets { } are my own. Any question marks, are also my own, meaning it's unreadable. Any & signs ..are mine. As always, everything I transcribe is subject to error. If I appear to have erred, & you have a question, don't hesitate to ask. - Ann (may be contacted through the contributor's page) We have to report that he was committed to His Majesty's Gaol here on the 26th July, 1833, being unable to give sureties for keeping the Peace to MARY BARNES, widow of the late JAMES BARNES, of Harbour Grace, Fisherman, who charged him, the said McCARTHY on oath with having assaulted and put her in bodily fear, by which she was compelled to quit her dwelling and fly for protection to the House of her son in law, JAMES WATCHER, where she remained with her children until McCARTHY was committed to Gaol, when she returned to her dwelling. On the said McCARTHY being brought before us, he refused to give any surety and used the most violent language, and threatened the life of THOMAS DANSON Esq.; at this time he was committed for further examination. On his being again brought up, he was required to give the securities, but could not obtain them at the time, he has been brought up three times, but in every instance, he has been unable to procure anyone to go security for him. On the application of BRIDGET EGAN, at whose House Petitioner lodged, we issued to him a supply of provision on account of the District, and on the child being subsequently placed under the care of JOHANNA SHEHAN, a supply of clothing and a further supply of provision for the support of Petitioners son. MR. CURRIE denies ever having read to McCARTHY any other paper than his committment, but only informed him that unless he, McCARTHY, could obtain some friends to give their security for his good behavior, he must remain in gaol. That McCARTHY was committed about 12 o'clock, in the day, and was in his perfect senses when he went to bed. No order was made by the Honorable JUDGE BENTON, but McCARTHY's petition to him was handed to the Magistrates for their consideration. We beg leave to remark that on the 21st ult. McCARTHY was liberated on his own security, giving a solemn assurance of his further good behaviour, and that we did not know of his having petitioned the Honorable the House of Assembly, as we should in that case have felt it our duty to have detained him in custody until his Petition had been disposed of, or until the parties, at whose instigation, he had such Petition, had given the necessary securities for him. We have to add, that the said McCARTHY has been in two former instances committed to gaol for the most violent and aggravated breaches of the Peace; and that board and lodging have been afforded to his son from 31st November last, to the time of his, McCARTHY's discharge, on account of District. signed
Page Contributed by Ann (MacDonald) Batten
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (February 23, 2004)
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