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Journal of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland
Fourth Session of the Fourth General Assembly
St. John's,
E.D. Shea, 1852
Colonial Government Journals


Report in Detail for the Office of Coroner for District of Brigus, ending 31st Dec. 1851

My short forms...Ver. = verdict, this means what the coroner had determined was the cause of death. Where it says "held" means where the coroner held his inquest/autopsy. Vis = visitation. This is in the context of "visitation by God", which basically means, natural causes. Gov. = government. The report gives dates for each person, but I'm unsure if these were the dates of the autopsy, or the date of when he submitted his report, or both? All dates are for 1851. - Ann (may be contacted through the contributor's page)

O. Chitman
date: May 8, 1851
Ver. - Accidently burned to death
Held - Spaniards Bay

S. Curlew
date: May 19, 1851
Ver. - Found drowned
Held - Clarke's Beach, Port de Grave

P. Dawe
date: Sept. 6, 1851
Ver. - Accidently burned to death
Held - Long Beach, Port de Grave

W. McCarthy Sr.
date: Jan. 11, 1851
Ver. - Accidently drowned
Held - Bird Island Cove

A Boy, name unknown
date: Jan. 15, 1851
Ver. - Accidently drowned
Held - Bird Island Cove

John Chant
date: June 30, 1851
Ver. - Destroyed himself by hanging in a fit of temporary insanity
Held - Bird Island Cove



Page Contributed by Ann (MacDonald) Batten

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (February 23, 2004)

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