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Journal of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland
Fourth session of the Fourth General Assembly
St. John's,
E.D. Shea, 1852
Colonial Government Journals


A Detailed Report of all Inquests held by Joseph Shea, Coroner for the Central District, during the year ended 31st Dec, 1851

My short forms...Ver. = verdict, this means what the coroner had determined was the cause of death. Where it says "held" means where the coroner held his inquest/autopsy. Vis = visitation. This is in the context of "visitation by God", which basically means, natural causes. Gov. = government. The report gives dates for each person, but I'm unsure if these were the dates of the autopsy, or the date of when he submitted his report, or both? All dates are for 1851. - Ann (may be contacted through the contributor's page)

William Purcell
date: Jan 6
Ver. - Vis. of God
Held - Kings Road

Patrick Hayes
date : Jan. 9
Ver. - Accidental burning
Held - Freshwater

Michael Doyle
date; Jan. 9
Ver. - Accidental death
Held - Pokeham Patch

James Ivaney
date: Jan. 17
Ver.- Accidental death
Held - Kings Beach

John Furlong
date: Jan. 20
Ver - Vis. of God
Held - Goulds

Peter Bulger
date: Feb. 6
Ver.- Vis. of God
Held - Queen St.

Joanna Power
date: Feb. 11
Ver - Vis. of God
Held - James St.

William Hurley
date: Feb. 17
Ver. - Accidental death
Held - Near Gov. House

Catherine Marshall
date: Feb 21
Ver. - Vis. of God
Held - King's Rd.

Edward King
date: Feb. 28
Ver. - Suicide
Held - Blackhead

Child found Dead
date: April 7
Ver. - Stillborn
Held - King's Bridge

Child found Dead
date: April 9
Ver.- Natural death
Held - Duckworth St.

Mary Byrne
date: April 10
Ver. - Accidental burning
Held - Torbay

Child found Dead
date: April 11
Ver. - Found dead
Held - Flower Hill

Child found - Duder's Farm
date: April 11
Ver. - Wilful murder against some person or persons unknown.
Held - Duckworth St.

James Ryan
date: April 26
Ver. - Hung himself - insanity
Held - Georges-town

James Curran
date: April 30
Ver. - Accidental death - drowning
Held - Cribbies

James Chudleigh
date: May 24
Ver. - Death from cold & intemperance
Held - Gov. sheds

James Piccott
date: May 26
Ver. - Vis. of God
Held - Potugal Cove

Joanna Paterson
date: June 9
Ver. - Vis. of God
Held - Water St.

Margaret Kinsman
date: June 14
Ver. - Vis. of God
Held - Lime Kiln Hill

Margaret Kelly
date: June 17
Ver. - Accidental, by burning
Held - Tarahan's- town

Edward Danhany
date: June 20
Ver. - Vis. of God
Held - Portugal Cove

Richard Mayne
date: July 5
Ver. - Accidental explosion of Gas
Held - Gas-house

Eliza Stancombe
date: July 16
Ver. - Accidental burning
Held - Portugal Cove

Patrick Ryan
date: July 24
Ver. - Found drowned
Held - Kings Beach

John Squires
date: Sept. 6
Ver. - Accidental drowning
Held - Prescott St.

Joseph Ryan
date: Sept. 7
Ver. - Vis. of God
Held - Cove Rd.

Child found dead
date: Sept. 13
Ver. - Stillborn
Held - Duckworth St.

Child found dead
date: Sept. 17
Ver. - Stillborn
Held - Duckworth St.

Patrick Hayes
date: Sept. 18
Ver. - Accidental burning
Held - Casey's lane

James Crotty
date: Oct. 29
Ver. - Accidental burning
Held - Crocker's Lane

Martin Murray
date: Nov. 10
Ver. - Found drowned
Held - Maggotty Cove

Eli Butler
date: Nov. 21
Ver. - vis. of God
Held - Foxtrap, S.S.

Patrick Kennedy
date: Dec. 4
Ver. - Found drowned in Clift's Cove
Held - Gov. sheds



Page Contributed by Ann (MacDonald) Batten

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (February 23, 2004)

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