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Forest Road Anglican Cemetery Land Grant
St. John's, Newfoundland




J. G. LeMarchant

VICTORIA by the Grace of God of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen
Defender of the Faith.



KNOW ye that We of our special grace certain knowledge and mere motion have given
and granted and by these Presents do for Us our Heirs and Successors Give and Grant unto
the Right Rev Father in GOD Edward Lord Bishop of Newfoundland and his Successors in
our Island of Newfoundland all that piece and parcel of Land situate and being about one
quarter of a mile North-easterly from Fort William and upon the Soutb-side of the river
running into Quidi Vidi Lake abutted and bounded as follows That is to say by a line com-
mencing at a point on the Eastern side of a Lane or Road communicating with the Quidi
Vidi Road and from whence the centre of a bridge on the said last-named Road bears South
twelve degrees thirty minutes West distant two chains and forty-nine links thence running in
an irrigular line North-westerly six chains and ninety-two links more or less thence bounded by land
in the possession of Benjamin Greer Garrett running North-easterly eight chains and
seventy-four links more or less to the River aforesaid thence following the windings of the
same North-easterly and South-easterly nine chiins and thirty links more or less to land be-
longiug to the estate of the late Rev. John Harris, thence South thirty-one degrees West seven
chains and thirty links thence in a straight line, South-westerly two chains and ninety-four
links more or less to the place of commencement and being of the dimensions specified in the
diagram delineated on the other side hereof and containing Six Acres Three Roods and Ten
Perches more or less with the appurtenances except and reserved nevertheless out of this pre-
sent Grant to Us our Heirs and successors all Gold and Silver and all Coals and other
Mines and Minerals in or under the said piece or parcel of Land.

To Have and to Hold (except as before excepted) unto the said Edward Lord Bishop
of Newfoundland and his Successors in Trust for the purpose of a Burial Ground for the mem-
bers of the Church of England for ever subject nevertheless to such privilege of interment
therein by Her Majesty's Subjects not being members of the Church of England as they now
have in the Burying Ground adjoining the site of the old Chruch of St. John the Baptist in
the Tomn of St. John's he the said Lord Bishop paying unto Us as the price and consideration
of the said land the Sum of One Shilling Sterling at the time of the ensealing and de-
livery hereof

Provided always and this present Grant is upon condition that the same Grant re-
gistered in the Office of Registry of our Supreme Court of Newfoundland within six months
next after the day of the date hereof or otherwise that the same shall be void and of non effect

Provided also and this present Grant is upon further condition that the said Lands shall be
holden upon under and subject to such regulations as are now in force or which may at any time
hereafter be made by Law for the improvement and cultivation of Lands within our said
Island and subject to all such regulation as are now in force or which may at any time here-
after be made by Law for making Roads Sewwers Drains Canals Bridges or other Public Works
or Improvements within our said Island or any part thereof and for subjecting any Lands
therein situate or the owners or occupiers of such Lands to rates and assessments or other
duties or services for the purposes aforesaid or for any of them. And that the said Lord
Bishop of Newfoundland and his successors shall at all times peaceably quit and deliver up
possession to Us our Heirs and Successors of all such parts of the Lands aforesaid as may be
required for the purposes aforesaid or any of them upon receiving such compensation (if any) as by
any Law now in force or hereafter to be made in that respect may be providcd

Given under the Great Seal of our aforesaid Island of Newfoundland at St. John's in our said
Island this twenty-seventh day of June in the Years of our Lord One thousand Eight Hundred and
Forty-eight and in the Twelfth Years of our Reign.

Witness our trusty and well-beloved Sir John Gaspard LeMarchant Knight and
Knight Commander of the Orders of St. Ferdinand and of Charles the Third of Spain
our Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over our said Island and its Depend-
encics &c.

By His Excellency's Command


Received the day and year above-written from the within-named Grantee the Sum of One
Shilling being the full amount of the Consideration Money of the Land herein granted

JAMES CROWDY Secretary    

£0 1 0 Sterling
Examined June 27th 1948

W. B. ROW Acting Solicitor General    

I certify that the annexed paper contains in print and in writing a true and faithful copy
of the Original Grant as Registered in this Office.

Registrar's Office, Supreme Court, 14th Feb., 1849

CHARLES SIMMS, Chief Clerk and Registrar Supreme Court    


Page Contributed by Linda Elkins Schmitt February 2012
Page Last Updated May 10, 2012 (Craig Peterman)

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