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Disbursements by the High Sheriff under the authority of His Excellancy the Govenor, the Hon., the Judges and Magistrates, for the quarter ending the 31st March, 1835. Anything in these brackets { } are my own. Any question marks, are also my own, meaning it's unreadable. Any & signs ..are mine. As always, everything I transcribe is subject to error. If I appear to have erred, & you have a question, don't hesitate to ask. - Ann (may be contacted through the contributor's page) Goal Expenses To Richard Perchard, prisoners diet......£62/4/10 To Richard Perchard, prisoners, Gaol contingencies....£13/13/5 To Elizabeth Sinnott, Gaol washing.......£6/18/8 To John Phalen, Gaol Barber..................£3/0/0 To Samuel Prowse, Diet of prisoners......£10/14/8 To Nicholas Stabb, Deputy Sheriff N.D.....£47/5/0 To Benjamin Sweetland, Deputy Sheriff S. D....£7/3/10 Civil & Criminal Prosecutions March 31 - To David Buchan, Sheriff............£4/19/0 June 16 - To William Davidson, services performed....£1/14/8 To William Davidson, services performed............17/4/17 To Richard Sullivan, services performed .......£5/14/10 To Nicholas Stabb, Deputy Sheriff, N.D...........£5/5/0 To Benjamin Sweetland, services performed, S.D..........£14/19/6 Fuel & Light March 31, To Benjamin E. Garrett, Clerk Southern district.....£4/10/0 June 16, To Perchard & Boag, candles & c....................£18/9/2 To Nicholas Stabb, Deputy Sheriff, N.D..........£6/10/0 To Benjamon Sweetland, services performed, S. D........£1/7/6 Repairs of Courthouse June 16 - To Nicholas Stabb, Deputy Sheriff, N.D...........£6/4/2 Stationary & Printing To Henry Winton, Stationer.......................£16/5/1 To John Ryan, Printer..............................£3/5/0 Postages of Public Dispatches To Andrew Drysdale, postages,................£3/1/10 To Perchard & Boag, postages ................£2/2/0 To Nicholas Stabb, Deputy Sheriff, N.D....£2/6/4 To Benjamin Sweetland, Deputy Sheriff, S.D..../18/10
Page Contributed by Ann (MacDonald) Batten
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (February 22, 2004)
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