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Journal of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland
First Session of the fourth General Assembly
St. John's,
E.D. Shea, 1848
Colonial Government Journals


For the Lands surveyed for Persons who were in possession prior to the passing of the Crown Lands Bill. For the year ending 1st October, 1847

I will post names and where they were situated with "wh" = where the land was. Anything in these brackets { } are my own. There was a cost for the title for the applicant, so if anyone would like to contact me for the cost which a particular person paid, please drop a line. - Ann (may be contacted through the contributor's page)

Edmund Hanrahan was the Land Surveyor, Carbonear.

"The amount for the Deputy Surveyor includes the charge of surveying, plotting, expense of chainmen, and travelling."

All the lands surveyed below were done by Edmund Hanrahan.


Wm. Forward wh - Carbonear - South side

George Snow wh - Carbonear - North side

Patrick Walsh wh - Harbor Grace - South side

William Mulcahy wh - Harbor Grace - South side

Edward Keefe wh - Harbor Grace - North side

Robert Walsh wh - Harbor Grace - North side

John Cushin wh - Harbor Grace - North side

Patrick Locklin wh - Harbor Grace - River Head

William Bowman wh - Carbonear - North side

William Pike wh - Carbonear - South side

G. & J. Mills wh - Carbonear - North side

Ennis Smart wh - Harbor Grace - South side

Catherine Butler wh - Harbor Grace - Ship's Head

Lawrence Doyle wh - Carbonear - North side

John Walsh wh - Carbonear - North side

Bartholemew White wh - Carbonear - South side

John Sheridan wh - Harbor Grace -South side

John Gotsell wh - Spaniard's Bay - North side

George French wh - Harbor Grace - North side

Thomas Venson wh - Carbonear - North side

W. & D. Marks wh - Carbonear - North side

Henry Hunt wh -Carbonear - South side

Thomas Hayse wh - Harbor Grace - south side

Patrick Merrigan wh - Carbonear -North side

Mary Ann Furlong wh - Carbonear - North side

Henry Wiseman wh - Harbor Grace - South side

Thomas Frayse wh - Carbonear - South side

James Lee wh - Carbonear - North side

J. & N. Jones wh - Harbor Grace - South side

William Cumby wh - Heart's Content - South side

Nicholas Young wh - Heart's Content - South side

Richard Howley wh - New Perlican

William Brennan wh - Harbor Grace - North side

John Mayne wh - Harbor Grace - North side

Thomas Carhan wh - Harbor Grace - North side

John Munn wh - Harbor Grace - North side

George French wh - ?

P. Mullowney wh - Harbor Grace - Harbor, head of

P. Fitzpatrick wh - Carbonear - North side

Daniel Ryan wh - Carbonear - North side

Wm. Hannon wh - Carbonear - West end

Cleophus Marshall wh - Spaniard's Bay - North side

Wm. Peddle wh - Spaniard's Bay - North side

Jeremiah Hartery wh - Harbor Grace

Race Course wh - Harbor Grace

Mary Neil wh - Spaniard's Bay - North side

Jeremiah Lee wh - Harbor Grace

Patrick Foley wh - Harbor Grace - North side

Eleanor Cashin wh - Carbonear - West end

Michael Tobin wh - Harbor Grace - Ship's Head

Phillip Grace wh - Harbor Grace - North side

Stephen Maddock wh - Carbonear - West end

James Quinn wh - Carbonear - West end

Patrick Kelly wh - Carbonear - Valley road

Edward Walsh wh - Carbonear - Coomb's road

David Hearn wh - Carbonear - North side

George Mourley wh - Carbonear -North side

Joseph Tyer {?} wh - Carbonear -North side

John Butt wh - Freshwater

Patrick Dunphy wh - Carbonear - West end

Jamea Butler wh - Harbor Grace - River Head

Patrick Coady wh - Spaniards Bay - North side

Elleanor O'Brien wh - Carbonear - West end

Patrick Hartrey wh - Harbor Grace - North side

Patrick Russell wh - Harbor Grace, River Head

Wiliam Fitzgibbon wh - Harbor Grace, River Head

William Quinn wh - Carbonear, South side

John Cusack wh - Carbonear, South side

Patrick Russell wh - Harbor Grace, River Head

Alice Elson wh - Carbonear, North side

Patrick Reynolds wh - Carbonear, North side

William Ryan wh - Harbor Grace, River Head

Edward Summers wh - Harbor Grace, River Head

John Stevens wh - Harbor Grace, Ships head

William Cowley wh - Harbor Grace, Ships Head

David Curren wh - Carbonear, South side

John Doolan wh - Carbonear, South side

M. Ryan, heirs of wh - Harbor Grace, Ships head

William Hunt wh - Harbor Grace, North side

Gerald Fitzgibbon wh - Harbor Grace, North side

Richard Costin wh - Harbor Grace, South side

James Redmond wh - Carbonear, West side

W. McCarthy wh - Harbor Grace, River Grace

William Power wh - Harbor Grace, North side

Martin Murphy wh - Carbonear, North side

Joseph Power wh - Harbor Grace, River head

Thomas Butler wh - Harbor Grace, North side

Michael Crowley wh - Carbonear, South side

Judith Fitzgerald wh - Carbonear, West end

Michael O'Brien wh - Carbonear, West end

M. & M. Keough wh - Harbor Grace, River head



Page Contributed by Ann (MacDonald) Batten

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (February 22, 2004)

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