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For the Lands surveyed for Persons who were in possession prior to the passing of the Crown Lands Bill. For the year ending 1st October, 1848 I will post names and where they were situated with "wh" = where the land was. Anything in these brackets { } are my own. There was a cost for the title for the applicant, so if anyone would like to contact me for the cost which a particular person paid, please drop a line. - Ann (may be contacted through the contributor's page) Joshua Green was the Land Surveyor, Brigus. "The amount for the Deputy Surveyor includes the charge of surveying, plotting, expense of chainmen, and travelling" All the lands surveyed below were done by Joshua Green. BRIGUS
Moses Russell wh - Bay Roberts Wm. Parsley wh - Harbor Main J. & B. Parsons wh - Bay Roberts Wm. Littlejohn wh - Bay Roberts George Badcock wh - Bay Roberts E. St.John wh - Cat's Cove P. O'Neil wh - Cat's Cove D. Kennedy wh -North'n Gut, Port de Grave B. Kavanagh wh - North'n Gut, Port de Grave Wm. Tippett wh - Bay Roberts P. Fling & D. Bryan wh - Frog Marsh, Brigus Stephen Sheehan wh - North Pond, Brigus James Brophy wh - North Pond, Brigus A. Murphy wh - North Pond, Brigus James Finn wh - North Pond, Brigus Malcolm Leslie wh - bay Roberts J. Duke Buckingham wh - Long Beach Pond, Port de Grave John Dawe wh - Long Beach Pond, Port de Grave John Kent wh - Southern Gut, Port de Grave R. Tillier wh - Long Beach Pond, Port de Grave Wm. Dawe wh - Long Beach Pond, Port de Grave Patrick Brien wh - Cupids Thomas Keefe wh - Harbor Main E. Flaherty wh - Gasters John Mullowney wh - Harbor Main Ed. Nugent wh - Cat's Cove W. Smith Mills wh - Brigus Francis Grey wh - Bay Roberts Wm. Delaney wh - Bay Roberts Mark Delaney wh - Bay Roberts John Robinson wh - Long Beach Pond, Port de Grave George Thompson wh - Long Beach Pond, Port de Grave William Callanan wh - Bay Roberts W. Anthony wh - Burnt Head, Port de Grave Michael Hartrey wh - Burnt Head, Port de Grave Edward Terry wh - Harbor Main John Ryall wh - Southern Gut John Shea wh - Brigus Peter Ezekial wh - Harbor Main John Terry wh - Harbor Main William Hodge wh - Salmon Cove Catherine Lahey wh - Southern Gut Thomas McGrath wh - Colliers John Bishop Jr. wh - Burnt Head John Bishop Sr. wh - Burnt Head Patrick Dalton wh - Harbor Main Thomas Curtis wh - Brigus Grace Antle wh - Brigus NFLD Board School wh - Burnt Head, Port de Grave Noah Roberts wh - Brigus Church England S.S. wh - Burnt Head Lord Bishop of NFLD W. Dowding wh - Cupids William Phalen wh - Brigus Ambrose Murphy wh - Brigus Patrick Croak wh - Cupids Thomas McGuire wh - Cupids John Murphy wh - Chapells Cove James Dawson wh - Bay Roberts Statement of Lands sold at Public Auction by the Deputy Surveyor, Joshua Green, Brigus, under the Crown Lands Bill for the year ending 1st Oct. 1848 The amounts quoted on this paper would be what the purchase price was for that particular land, not the cost of surveying. Thomas Foley wh - Brigus John Kennedy wh - Harbor Main Rev. E. O'Keefe wh - Harbor Main Patrick Carroll wh - Brigus John Britt wh - Brigus Lawerence Fardy wh -Harbor Main Abraham Morgan wh - Cooly's Point, Bay Roberts Charles Bishop wh - Long Beach Pond, Joseph Delaney wh - North Side of {either LongBeach Pond, or Bay Roberts...It's confusing how it's written} Francis J. Delaney wh - Cooly's Point, Bay Roberts Edward Russell wh - Bay Roberts John Russell wh - Cooly's Point, Bay Roberts John Murphy wh - N. Arm Holyrood The next one was surveyed by W. Sweetland, Deputy Surveyor, Bonaviata. G.T. Brooking wh - Gambo, Bonavista The next one was surveyed by B. Sweetland, Deputy Surveyor, Trinity. James Wiseman wh - Smiths Sound, Trinity William Murch wh - Smiths Sound, Trinity The next few were done by T. Mokeler, it doesn't state whether he was an actual surveyor, however it says "For surveying &c, cutting boundrylines. Posting notices sales." Edmund Power wh - E. of road to St. John's Andrew Armstrong wh - Johanna Hill Michael Brine wh - Walkers Road
Page Contributed by Ann (MacDonald) Batten
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (February 22, 2004)
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