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Journal of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland
First Session of the fourth General Assembly
St. John's,
E.D. Shea, 1848
Colonial Government Journals


These appear to be monies issued for various reasons.

Anything in these brackets { } are my own. Any question marks, are also my own, meaning it's unreadable. Any & signs ..are mine. As always, everything I transcribe is subject to error. If I appear to have erred, & you have a question, don't hesitate to ask. - Ann


May 3 -
- To Sarah Dooley for board & lodging of two passengers wrecked in the "Barbara".

May 10
- To Edward Painter, a poor man of Harbor Buffett.
- George Garrett, for attendance on fever & smallpox cases.

May 18
- To Patrick Hogan, balance due to him for advances to poor at Placentia. {looks like they applied to the two ladies below..}
- To Jane Jordan & Catherine Righthead - poor persons
- To Thomas Glen for Nugent, Mrs. Jacob & Mrs. Brophy, poor persons in Bay Bulls.

May 26
- To William Minchinton, for support of a pauper.
- To Elizabeth White, allowance for one year as a pauper.

May 29
- To Elizabeth Murphy, from grant for poor.

May 30
- To Richard Falle & Co. for supplies to crew of wrecked schr. Lady Mary.

June 14
- To George Aspy, for his services to relief Commissioners at Carbonear.
- To Rev. J. Snowball, for advances to the poor at Carbonear.

June 24
- To Baine Johnson & Co. for supplies to William Sullivan.
- To James Finlay for the relief of John Tobin.
- To Mary Ann Boland, a poor woman.

July 5
- To John L. McKie , for borad &c., of crew of brig "Jane"; wrecked off Cape Race.
- To Richard Anderson for his services superintending labourers, Harbor Grace District.
- To Bridget Comerford, whose house was burnt at Logy Bay
- To Charles Cozens, half a years allowance from grant for Outport Permanent Poor to four families at Brigus.
- To Mary Howlett, for support of Patrick Kelly, of Toads Cove.
- To The Rev. T. O'Connor for T. Scott of Portugal Cove, Patrick Kennary & Dennis Meagher - whose houses have been burnt.

July 21
- To William Tucker, from grant for Outport Permanent Poor.

Aug 4
- To George Garrett, for attendance on sick Paupers, quarter ending 31st July.
- To F. L. Bradshaw for poor widows at Placentia.

Sept. 1
- To Josiah Blackburne, for the relief of two poor families.

Sept. 5
- To The Rev. James Walsh, for the relief of the family of W. Gardner of Merasheen.

Sept. 12
- To Robert Prowse, advanced by Rev. Mr. Lind to Wm. Pitcher of Heart's Content.
- To John Pittman, for relief to crew of wrecked brig "Brilliant"

Sept. 25
- To Robert Carter for board & clothing, crew of wrecked brig "Jane".

Oct. 11
- To Robert Prowse for relief of several poor families at Heart's Content.
- To Ridley, Harrison & Co. for molasses supplied last spring to poor at Heart's Content.
- To Patrick Hogan for supplies to poor widows in Placentia Bay.
- To John Skelton attendance on sick paupers in Bonavista.
- To Charles Langer attendance on a family with small pox.
- To George Bell
- Henry Nichole
- George to ship wrecked crew brigt. "Anne".
- To Baine, Johnson & Co., for provisions to Widow Sullivan, a poor woman.
- To Elizabeth Meade, a poor widow of Little Placentia.
- To Murphy & Burke, relief to poor families at Little Placentia.

Nov. 3
- To Robert Carter, for advances made by him to poor persons.
- To Thomas Martin, for supplies furnished last winter to the destitude poor of Seldom- Come - by.
- To P. Rogerson & Son, for molasses to poor of Old Perlican.

Nov. 4
- To George Garrett for attendance on sick paupers.
- To Rev. Henry Lind for Edward Seward, a very aged pauper.
- To Catherine Hyde, for Mrs. Jacob of Bay Bulls, year ending Dec. 31st.
- To William Grady, to assist him in replacing a Net, destroyed.
- To Jane Jordan, a half years allowance to Dec. 31st.
- To J. & W. Stewart, for one Barrel Indian Meal for W. Lee of Witless Bay.

Nov. 15
- To John Jennings for support of an aged Pauper at Twillingate.
- To Joseph Ryan for advances made by him to a poor family having small pox at Carbonear.

Nov. 21
- To Job Brothers & Co. for support of a child at Old Perlican.

Dec. 2
-To Anastasia Murphy, a poor widow.
- To Patrick McCarthy of Chance Cove.
- To C.F. Bennett & Co. for Indian Meal furnished for the poor.
- To James Douglas, for Indian Meal furnished for the poor.

Dec. 9
- To Samuel Champion, for attendance on, and provision to poor families on south side of Trinity Bay, suffering from small pox.
- To Stabb, Row & Holmwood, for Indian Meal for the poor.
- To W. & H. Thomas & Co., for Indian Meal for the poor.
- To Eugenius Harvey, for Indian Meal for the poor.

Dec. 13
- To P. & L. Tessier, for Indian Meal for the poor of the Outports.
- To Rev. P. Cleary, half a years allowance each for Patrick Kelly & Thomas Nugent, of Bay Bulls District, from Grant for Outport poor.
- To W. Grieve & Co., for Indian Meal for the poor of the Outports.
- To C. F. Bennett & Co., same amount.

Dec. 23
- To C. F. Bennett & Co., for Indian Meal for the poor.

Dec. 31
- To W. Grieve & Co. for Indian Meal.
- To P. & L. Tessier, for Indian Meal.



Page Contributed by Ann (MacDonald) Batten

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (February 21, 2004)

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