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Journal of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland
Fifth session of the First General Assembly
St. John's,
J. Shea 1835


Anything in these brackets { } are my own. Any question marks, are also my own, meaning it's unreadable. Any & signs ..are mine. As always, everything I transcribe is subject to error. If I appear to have erred, & you have a question, don't hesitate to ask. - Ann (may be contacted through the contributor's page)

{The currency is read.....1st number is pounds, 2nd number is shillings, & 3rd number is pence.}

Statement of the extraordinary accounts claimed in Sir Thomas Cochrane's accounts as Govenor of Newfoundland, from the 1st of January, to the 31st of March 1833

Legislative Council:
J. Templeton, Usher of the Black Rod.......50 {pounds?}
V. Borne, Doorkeeper & Messenger........25

House of Assembly:
E.M. Archibald, Clerk...................................150
E. Rendell, Sergeant at Arms...........................50
J. Canning, Doorkeeper...................................35
W. Kelly, Messenger.......................................25
C. Simms, Solicitor........................................100

Other Incidental expenses:
Mrs. Traverse....allowance for use of Furniture, coals, wood, candles, services, and attendance of servants..........86......13......4
J. Lang, furnishing..............................22....7......8
J. Shea, printing...................................34....1......6
H. Winton, stationary............................9......9......5
A. M'Iver, stationary...............................5.....3.......1
Ryan & Withers, printing....................109...17....0
Thos. M'Grath, Smith's work..............25......2.....6
William Freeman, Carpenter...............17......5.....9

Claimed in the High Sherrif's Account 1833
Aug. 2 - Mary Traverse, hire of house for Legislature 108........6..........8

License Money 1833
Jan. 10 - Paid A. Beyers, for furnishing a band of Music on occasion of opening first Session.....8......6.....5



Page Contributed by Ann (MacDonald) Batten

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (February 21, 2004)

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