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Seamen's Memorial
Grand Bank, Newfoundland

The Seamen's Memorial, located on the grounds of the George C. Harris House
is dedicated to "Seamen who Lost their Lives at Sea".  The pool, that is a part
of this memorial, contains the names of such individuals engraved
on underwater brass plaques.

Transcribed below are about 275 of the names that could be identified
from photos taken by Ron Bygott. It is believed that some 350 names
are actually contained in the Seaman's Memorial pool.

Check this View of the Memorial.

A - B C - E F - G H J - M N - R S - W
Amos Anstey Edward Cheeke Michael Farrell John T. Handrigan George Janes George Newport Joseph Jr. Savoui??
Charles Anstey Charles Chislett Philip Fitzpatrick Peter Handrigan Thomas Jensen Robert Normore Arch Scott
Charlie Anstey Stanley Clarke James Fizzard John Hanrahan John Johnston Frederick Osbourne Sylvester Shea
James Anstey Abraham Thomas Cluett Philip Fizzard Marshall Hardiman Arthur Kearley James Pardy George Simms
John Bon Anstey Joseph Cluett Charles Follett Clayton Harris Harvey Keating Matthew Pardy William Simms
Thomas Anstey Thomas Cluett Clarence Follett Fred Harris Albert Keeping Ron Pardy William Skinner
Clarence James Ash Charles Daley Edward Follett George Harris Michael Kelley Thomas Pardy Albert Smith
Arthur Baker Joseph Daley Walter Follett Robert Hatcher Jasper Lake William Parsons Clifford Smith
Felix Baker Joseph Day George Foote Samuel Hatcher Benjamin Lawrence George R. Patten Charles Snook
Reginald Baker Victor Day Aaron Forsey George Haynes Garfield Jr. Lawrence John Patten George J. Snook
Roy Baker Charles Deveaux Aaron Jr. Forsey William Henne?? James Lawrence Samuel Patten Leonard Snook
Frank Banfield Absalom Dodge Chesley Forsey Gabriel John Hennebury Ottiwell Ledrew Walter Patten Levi Snook
George Banfield Otto Dodge George Forsey Arthur Herridge Edward Lee John Perry William A. Snook
Abe John Barnes Samuel Dodge Philip N. Forsey John Herritt Robert Lee Joseph Piercey George Spencer
John S. Barnes Charles ? Dodman Robert Forsey Philip Herritt Steve Mallay Gregory Pike J. Spencer
William Barnes Isaac Douglas Ambrose Forward Charles Hickman Arthur Martin Kenneth Pike John Spencer
James Barton Philip Downey Robert Forward Chester Hickman Cecil Martin Clarence Power Frank Stoodley
Benjamin Belben William Drake Alexander Fox George A. Hickman J R Matthews Michael Power Max Strickland
John Ben???s Thomas Ducey John Fra??? Jacob Hickman Joshua Matthews Allan Price George Thornhill
George Bennett Richard Dunford Charles P. Francis Lionel Hickman Robert Matthews Burt Price Harry Thornhill
Philip Blagdon Robert Dunford Absalom Freeborn Lionel Hickman James May(e) Herburt Price Benjamin Buffett Tibbo
Thomas Bolt Samuel Dunford Edward George Morgan Hickman George Mayo James Price Thomas Tibbo
George Bond William Dunford Robert Gillard Randell Hickman Randall Mayo John Samuel Price Archie Trimm
George Robert Bond Alfred Eavis Samuel Good Wilson Hickman Walter Miles Stewart Price Walter Trowbridge
Robert Bond James Elms George Gould Alex Hiclman George T. Miller William Price Noah Vallis
Henry Bradley Arch Emberley Charles Grandy Isaac Hiscock Maxwell Miller Garfield Prior Clyde Vincent
George Wesley Brent[?] Edward Evans Chesley Grandy Samson Hiscock Thomas Miller John Ralph Edwin Walters
Brekley Breon James Evans Ernest Grandy Samuel Hiscock James Moore Reuben Ralph John Walters
Willis Brinson John Evans Ralph Grandy William Hodder John Moore Henry Philip Rideout Albert Warren
William Brooks John Evans Robert Grandy Albert Hollett Isaac Moores Philip Rideout George Warren
Horatio Brown Joseph Evans William Grandy Herbert Hollett Berkley Morris Joseph W. Ridgely William Watts
Joseph Brown Thomas Evans Charles Henry Grant Leroy C. Hollett Samuel Morris Clyde Riggs Amiel Welsh
Norman ? Brown Thomas E. Evans Edward Green Robert Hollett Bertram Moulton Morgan Riggs Clayton Welsh
Frederick Broyde?? William Evans Wilson Green Samuel Hollett Willoughby Mullins Richards Riggs Clyde Welsh
George Buffett William Sr. ? Evans   John Hooper Joe Myles Willoughby Riggs Edwin Welsh
Charles Bungay     Henry House John Henry Myles Thomas Roff George Sam Welsh
John Bungay     Stephen House Percival Myles Berkley Rogers George T. Welsh
Norman Burt     Thomas Hudson[?] William Myles Graham Rogers Sidney Weymouth
Stanley Burt     Roger Hyde   James Rogers Aaron White
George Butler     Alexander Hynes   Leslie Rogers J??? White
          Robert Rogers James Whiteway
          William Rogers Bernard ????
          Arch Rose Ambrose ?????t
          Ernest Rose  
          Robert Rose  

Transcribed and Contributed by Craig Peterman (November 2008)
from Photographs Contributed by Ron Bygott (November 2008)

Page Last Modified March 06 2013 (Craig Peterman)

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