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Avalanches, Landslides and Tsunami

The following is a list of deaths through geologically related disasters in Newfoundland and Labrador compiled
by researchers at the provincial Geological Survey. Much of the information is fragmentary,
and we would appreciate learing more about these incidents, or any other disasters,
whether fatal or not. Information on these and other non-fatal disasters can be found at:-

Note that this list excludes drowning, the most common cause of accidental death in the Province,
apart from in the case of the Burin Peninsula tsunami.

DateVictim's nameAgePlaceCause of deathNotes
178122 unknown Inuitunknown12 miles from Nainavalancheknown from postscript of letter from Moravian missionaries, location, victims ages and names uncertain. Earliest known avalanche in Canadian history, worst avalanche disaster in eastern Canada
182342 unknown fishermenunknownDead Man's Gulch, Ferryland rockfallDescribed by John White in Newfoundland Quarterly, 1902; roof of sea cliff collapsed onto 15 boats sheltering from storm/td>
24 May 1833Richard Penney20Carbonearavalanche 
around 18617 unknown fishermenunknownCape Cove south of St Brideslandslideburied 7 men whilst camping, reported in account of later Cape Cove landslide; date, age, names of victims unknown
12 Mar 1863William Doyle Distress Coveavalanche 
12 Mar 1863William Foley Distress Coveavalanchebrothers wre duck hunting; ages, exact location unknown
9-Feb-18776 unknown5 childrenBetts Coveavalanchenames and ages of victims unknown
27-Jan-1884J Fennesey Betts Coveavalancheage of victim unknown
around 18903 unknown people Woody Pointavalancheknown through oral accounts only, thought to involve house swept out onto ice - "In the spring of 1887 or 1888 a single house with three adults and a baby was pushed onto the ice by an avalanche. The adults were killed but the baby boy survived sheltered in his mother's arms"
late 19th century3 people? Ireland's Eyeavalancheknown though single oral account- date unknown, no details of victims/ age etc.
late 19th centuryTom Davis?Cartwrightavalanche no details of victims age, exact date
late 19th centurySolomon Morgan?Cartwrightavalanche no details of victims age, exact date
late 19th centuryAndrew Reeves?Cartwrightavalanche no details of victims age, exact date
23-Jan-1895Thomas Holden Bluff Head Brook, Chromite Mineavalancheages full names of victims unknown- were working in chromite mines
23-Jan-1895Patric Byrne  avalanche 
23-Jan-1895Laughlin  avalanche 
23-Jan-1895McKinnon  avalanche 
13 Nov 1901Sheehan?Broad Cove/ Capahaydenrockfall 
around 1910Joeseph Strickland?Bugeo - Baie de lieuavalancheknown only from Small's diary of Burgeo -
5-Jun-11Richard Taylor45Cape Cove landslideTaylor from Placentia, camping under Lord's Rock, exact location unknown
11-Mar-12Francis Williams51Tilt Cove, Baie Verte Peninsulaavalanchemine manager
11-Mar-12James Shamock Williams13 avalancheson of mine manager
11-Mar-12Peter Sage  avalancheservants in William's household- ages unknown
11-Mar-12Francis Sage  avalanche 
11-Mar-12Emily ?  avalancheservant in Cunningham house- next door to Williams, last name/ age unknown
31-Dec-17Joshua Peddle53Seal Island, Humber River (likely Shellbird Island)avalanche 
17-Feb-21Albert Delahunty Signal Hill, St. John'savalanche 
18-Nov-2928 people Burin Peninsulatsunami 
1-Mar-35Ida Kohlmeister Okakavalanche 
1-Mar-35Karoline Uvloiak  avalanche 
4-Mar-35Mrs L Diamond Corner Brook, Curling Roadavalancheages and names of all victims not known
4-Mar-35Blanche Diamond2 avalanche 
4-Mar-35? Diamond5 avalanche 
25-Aug-35Dorothy Summerton6Portugal Coverockfallcrushed by rock whilst picking flowers for grandmother's grave. Exact location unknown.
23-Feb-36Theresa Byrne4St John'slandslideon Southside Road
20-Apr-40Stanley Penney?Humbermouthlandslideage uknown
15-Sep-48 Maureen Windsor 3St John'slandslideon Southside Road
31-Oct-49Aloysius Gatheral Bay Bullslandslideages unknown - Gatherall? - brothers
31-Oct-49Clarence Gatheral Bay Bullslandslide 
12-Jul-52Edward Maxwell Davis5Meadowsrockfallexact location unknown
27-Mar-53Arthur Perrier Buchansrockfallworking in Rothermere mine
23-Oct-53Carl Goulding14Gambolandslidecollapse of wall of gravel pit
16-Feb-59Isiah Dawe100The Battery, St. John'savalanche5 killed
16-Feb-59Mrs A Vincent76 avalanche 
16-Feb-59James Piercey42 avalanche 
16-Feb-59Mrs Piercey38 avalanche 
16-Feb-59Theodore (Ted) Wells19 avalanche 
6-Feb-62Ruby Hillier10Griquet, Northern Peninsulaavalanche 
1-Aug-73Pauline Hickey8Harbour Bretonlandslide4 killed in single landslide
1-Aug-73Edward Hickey7Harbour Bretonlandslide 
1-Aug-73Timonthy Hickey5Harbour Bretonlandslide 
1-Aug-73Julia Hickey4Harbour Bretonlandslide 
28-Apr-84Jeffrey James Cull16Springdalerockfallclimbing on rocky slope when boulder toppled
7-Feb-86David E Pike15Curlingavalanche 

Contributed by Dave Liverman and Martin Batterson (November 2001)

Please consult the Contributors' List for email addresses
if you wish to contact these individuals.

Page Revised by Craig Peterman (August 2003)

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