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WW2 Honour Roll |
List of the former pupils who paid the 'Supreme Sacrifice for Victory
and Peace' Transcribed by Linda Elkins-Schmitt from the "Public School Review 1947" |
Surname | Given Names |
BABSTOCK | Charles |
BUGDEN | Eric |
COOK | Keith |
CULL | John |
FIFIELD | Chesley |
GABRIEL | Albert |
GALLIOTT | Howard |
GRANT | Douglas |
GULLAGE | Frederick |
HOUSE | Edwin |
HUTCHINGS | Samuel |
KING | Fowlow |
LAWRENCE | Everett |
LAWRENCE | George |
LODER | Derek |
OSMOND | Ingwald |
POOLE | Wilfred |
RANDELL | George |
SHARPE | John |
SIMMONDS | Gordon |
TULK | Selby |
WHEELER | Reginald |
WHEELER | Willis |
WHITEWAY | John William |
The Canadian Virtual War Memorial Site (a service of the Canadian Federal Government) |
Contributed and Transcribed by Linda Elkins-Schmitt (November 2003)
Page Revised by Craig Peterman (Wednesday March 06, 2013 AST)
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