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Halifax Explosion
December 6th 1917

The following is a listing of Newfoundland victims of the Halifax explosion of December 6th 1917.
Several sources were used, but primarily Church Records and Vital Statistics.

Catherine Anne (Coady) Arnold 34 Bay Bulls, Nfld. James Robert Arnold   R.C.
Fred Bailey 25 Port Rexton, Nfld. wife Minnie Randall Peter & Mary Bailey labourer Anglican
George Bedgood 58 Fortune, Nfld. Joseph Bedgood & Elizabeth Ayres stone mason Methodist
James Arthur Bennett 34 Carbonear, Nfld. Samuel Bennett & Laura Day motorman Anglican
George H. Brushett 76 Burin, Nfld. wife Martha carpenter Anglican
Parmenas Brushett 53 Burin, Nfld. son of George Brushett fireman Methodist
Alfreda Cook 49 St. John's, Nfld. Henry & Elizabeth Whitten   Methodist
Elizabeth Croucher 1 St. John's, Nfld. Thomas & Annie Croucher   Anglican
Joseph Dibbon 72 Burin, Nfld. widowed carpenter Methodist
Mary (Walsh) Elliott 44 Nfld. widow of James J. Elliott
Michael Walsh & Ellen Grace
Thomas Fewer 42 Holyrood, Nfld. wife Mary Lee
Walter Fewer & Sarah Walsh
stevedore R.C.
Emily (Brenton) Hann 65 Nfld. widow of William Hann   Anglican
John Thomas James 36 Burgeo, Nfld. Mary Catherine Power stevedore R.C.
Job William Keeping 26 Burnt Island, Nfld. Job & Annie Keeping stevedore Anglican
Walter Norman Kirby 39 Burin William Wagg Kirby and Elizabeth Sarah Abbott,
married Elizabeth Ellen Shave
watchman at the Sugar Refinery Methodist
Samuel Kirby 50 Burin wife's name was Annie [?] stevedore, Furness Withy  
Minnie Lillington 19 Isle au Mort, Nfld. Isreal Lillington & Sarah Currie bookbinder  
Goward Lomond 23 Port aux Basques married Charlotte Jewell
Solomon & Jane Lomond
S.S. Stella Maris R.C.
William Marshall 48 Carl's Cove, Labrador married Annie McDonald
William Marshall & Catherine Lynch
stevedore R.C.
Robert Edward Mercer 43 Bay Roberts, Nfld. married Susie Paul machinist Methodist
Maitland Mercer 21 Bay Roberts, Nfld. single car conductor Anglican
Nellie Nickerson 60 Nfld. married Joshua Nickerson   Presbyterian
William O’Toole 55 Nfld. wife Elizabeth Finn stevedore R.C.
Robert Percy 38 Brigus, Nfld.   S.S. Stella Maris  
Mary Ann (Hartnell) Prendergast 80 Nfld. widow of Patrick Prendergast   R.C.
Edward Pieroway 16 St. George's, Nfld. Alfred & Josephine Pieroway steward Anglican
Bertha Gladys Poole 17 Burnt Island, Nfld. James Poole & Elizabeth Keeping maid Anglican
William Power 48 Nfld. wife Annie Malloy
James & Mary Power
stevedore R.C.
Ernest Pike 30 Burin, Nfld. wife Annie Farwell
John & Jane Pike
labourer Anglican
William N. Quinton 35 Nfld. wife Minnie in Nfld. wife Jane in N.S. stevedore  
Annie (Duff) Redmond 53 St. John's, Nfld. husband John Redmond   R.C.
Matilda (Banfield) Ridgley 29 Nfld. husband George Ridgley   Methodist
Richard Squires 35 Nfld. mother Ellen (Mallard) Redmond checker R.C.
Sam Tibbo 35 Nfld. single    
Monica Tobin 3 Nfld. Peter Tobin & Margaret Burke   R.C.
Patrick Tobin 48 Nfld. wife Mary Ryan cooper R.C.
Thomas Walsh 56 Torbay, Nfld. mother Elizabeth Doyle cooper R.C.
Bessie (Reid) Wasson 46 Nfld. married John Wasson   Presbyterian
Levi West 28 Fogo, Nfld. married Margaret Blackler stevedore Anglican
Lizzie (Paul) Westhaver 42 Bonavista, Nfld. married Albert Westhaver
William & Julia Paul
Thomas Patrick Whiteway 52 Nfld. married Ann Hiscock plasterer R.C.
Mary (Bradbury) Zwicker 25 St. John's, Nfld. married Hanford Zwicker
John & Ann Bradbury

Contributed and Transcribed by Edward-Vincent Chafe (2015 12)
Kirby names contributed by Jacqueline Coulson Clements (2018 01)

Page last updated January 20, 2018 (Craig Peterman)

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