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Petition from Ships and Chief Inhabitants
in St. John's, September 1704

Transcribed letter-by-letter from the Colonial Office
194 Series, volume 3, page 162b, reel B-206


The humble Petition of the Minister and Comanders of Ships and Chief Inhabitants of St. Johns Harbor to ye Honourable Capt. Bridges Comodore and Comander in Chief of her Majestys Ship ye Looe and of all her forces in Newfoundland.

Humbly Serveth.

Whereas we are credibly informed that the Company of Souldiers belonging to Fort William our Ritious Queen Ann's Garison in this Harbor of St. Johns have presented a Petition of late to your Honour where in amongst many Other Expressions they Threaten A Total desertion from the said fort and garison which if they Should perpetiate, we Comanders of Ships now residing in this Harbor Shall Suffer much in our Trade and Commerce and we the present Inhabitants and in deed the whole Country in Trade. In all likelyhood, will be inevitably lost and undone.

Therefore in Cidor finely to prevent Such Iminent danger and mind to fall upon us and our familys and on all our depending Circomstances; we most humbly Implore your Honour to use your uttmost care and prudence in this our dishessed Condition, by finding out wayes and meanes to detain and keep ye Souldiers in their Service in ye Fort, on whose Valour and Conduct all our wellfare Safegard and protection and all that is near and dear to us (under God) doth Immediately depend, and we Shall as in duty Oblig'd, pray for your Honours Long life and happiness and good Success in all your affairs; Subscribing our Selves in all humility.

Your Honours
Most Obedient and Dishessed Servants.

St. John's Harbor.
In Newfoundland, Sept 2d. 1704

the following signatures appear in the left margin of the letterthe following signatures appear in the right margin of the letter
Comanders of ShipsChief Inhabitants
David Roberts Adm.llJohn Jackson Minister
Henry Hayman Vice Adm.llThomas Grucky
James CrispinJohn Collin
Thomas SmithRichard Colewoorthy
Abraham StillmoreJoseph Pemberton
Peter CrappJohn Cock
John Bickford & c.Gilbert Jane
 James Benger
 Thomas Hawkins
 Robert Benger

This ye true copy delivered to Comodore Bridges wittness my hand
John Jackson



Page transcribed by: Steve Nicklen, December, 2002

Page Revised by Ivy Benoit (December 30, 2002)

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