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To all Persons to whom these Presents Shall Come Greeting We the present Sergeants and private Centinells belonging to the Company of Souldiers in her Majestyes Garison Fort William in St. John's Harbor in Newfound-Land, do to the best of our knowlidge, freely attest that the Reverend Mr. John Jackson our present Chaplaine for whom we have a Sincere love and Venerable Esteem, is a person of known integrity of an honest Principle according to the Church of England, of a good behaviour of a sober peaceable life and Conversation and hath Ever since he came here amongst us, Considering the great distance he some-times is obliged to live from us, and the great care and paines he taketh in his duty at the Church and over all the Harbor, we do highly approve of his performance, and where as for severall weighty & good reasons set forth in our Petition to Comodore Bridge we did revolt from Capt. Thomas Lloyd our late Commander In Chief, with full Resolution never to serve or Obey his comande any more, we do sincerly attest that if the said Capt. Thomas Lloyd, or any other, should accuse our Chaplaine the Reverend Mr. John Jackson to be an aletter or any wayes an encourager of this our Revolt from the Commande of the said Capt. Thomas Lloyd (untill our full Resolution was made known to the Comodore that we woald all desert from the fort and service) if the said Capt. Thomas Lloyd must continue to Commande. Therefore if any such accusation should be put up Against him we do solemly protest that it is altogether false and of malitious intent against our Chaplaine Mr. John Jackson, being our owne Voluntary Act. and deed. In wittness where of we have freely set our hands. Sept. ye sixeenth in the year of our Lord 1704 A true Copy wittness our hands
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