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Colonial Office Records

Letter in favour of Mr. John Jackson, Minister St. John's

Transcribed letter-by-letter from the Colonial Office
194 Series, volume 3, page 164 - 165, reel B-206



Certificate of the Soldiers at Newfoundland in favour of Mr. Jackson the Minister there.

Recd. with Mr. Jackson's Lre.

Recd 23d Decembr. 1704
Read 9 Janry. 1704


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To all Persons to whom these Presents Shall Come Greeting & ca.

Wee the Comanders of Ships, and Inhabitants of St. Johns harber now Residing whose names are underwritten, do to The best of our knowlidge, freely attest that the Reverend Mr. John Jackson our present Minister of St. Johns Harber AForesaid Is a Person of An Honest Principle. Of a sober, ? ?able life and Conversation Eversince he came Amongst us

And in what relates to his saned function, we do very well Aprove of his performances. and of his conduct in all his affaires pertaining to his hely office: In wittness where of we have set our hands.

The twenty first Day of July
In the year of our Lord 1704



x Dabrd Roberts Adm.
x Henry Hayman Vice Adm.
Samll. Hayman Rear Adm.
Henry Hayman Jun.
Abram. Passmore
Jno. Heyes
Thomas Smith
Abraham Fillmore
James Huxtable
Jno. Lobering
Robt. Delbrydge
Geo. Hayles
Jno. Bickford
x Thomas Cowly?
William Bickforde
Jno Rowes
Jno. Pounce?
Pt. Jno. Smith
Peter Crapp
Bartho. Browne
William Pickering

Thomas Gruchy x
Mathew Antheny? (Marke)
Jno. Burne (Marke)
Joseph. Pemberton
William Roberts x
Richd. Cole
Jno. Marshall
Simon Drew (Marke)
Henry Bownay?
Jno. Cock x
Jno. Tucker (Marke)
Peter. ?ittoe (Marke)
Robt. Benger
William Chinnick? (Marke)
James Benger
William Farse
Jno. Prin (Marke)
Geo. Carvley
Halls Fellipe?
Gilbert Jane x (Marke)
Christopher Archer x
Next Page

William Baker
Robt. Chase
Thomas Jackson
Jno. Puck
William Smirke
Jno. Holman
James Crispin
Richd. Dabie
Adam Southmayd
Edmund Clarke
William Charteris?
Michll. Gillv Wm. Kelly

Griffith Rusell (Marke)
Jn. Fletcher (Marke)
Thomas Hawkins x
Jno. Collin x
William Ware
Jno. Brownwell
Sampson Job (Marke)
Thomas Hore
William Legazick (Marke)
Geo. Legazick (Marke)
Nicholas Moone (Marke)
Jno. Drew (Marke)
William Smith
Gilbert Beardon
Henry Harris (Marke)
William Cleft
James Smyth (Marke)
Amas Hewett (Marke)
Jno. Rodes (Marke)
Geo. Robins (Marke)
Thomas Barnell? (Marke)
Jno. Torrin (Marke)
Obediah Hatch (Marke)
Thomas Abraham (Marke)
William Gammul (Marke)
Charles Coaker (Marke)
John Adams (Marke)
This is a true copy of A Testimony sent to the Right Revd. Hather in God Henry Lord Bishop of London
John Jackson

Contributed by Steve Nicklen (January 2003)

Page Revised by Craig Peterman (January 2003)

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