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Newfoundld: Octobr. 22: 1705. May it Please your In Obedience to your Lordships Commands the Substance of ye Letters dated 5th. of September last from Newfoundland is as followeth. The Fless? which went hither From England in May Last arrived Safe here in six weeks and found that Country under ye miserable Circumstances formerly represented. The French & Indians have Twice Carried off Some of the English Inhabitants of Trinity and Conception Bays, plundered others, and laid others under Contribution and Burnt a new England Brigantine in the formerof the said Bays. In the begining of August Last they tooke and Plundered Porto Grave and Carried away the Inhabitants thereof. The Inhabitantswho remain at St. Johns & other parts being dispirited by their Fate and misfortunes and the want of intelligence of Succours From England were Generally resolved to leave ye Country. The two men of Warr which were there was determined to part from thence on the 24th. of Sep.r Last ye one for Lisbon the otherfor England unless new Instructions prevent them. I shall presume only to Suggest that a frequent Correspondence to these parts by way of pacyuest? Boat or otherways would in all probability very much Condace to ye publick Service. May it Please your Your most Obed.t & most humble Serv.s London Ja. Campbells October the 18th:1705
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