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Jackson's Cove | Twillingate | Henry Knight |
Jersey Side | Placentia | John Bradshaw |
Joe Bat's Arm | Fogo | Thomas Deady |
Keels | Bonavista | Edward Penny |
Kelligrews | Harbor Main | William Tilley |
Kilbride | St. John's | Edward Norris |
King's Cove | Bonavista | Patrick Murphy |
Ladle Cove | Fogo | Abraham Tulk |
Lally Cove | Fortune | Stephen Gould |
Lamaline | Burin | James Pitman |
Lance Cove | Trinity | A.J. Brown |
Lance Cove, Belle Isle | St. John's East | William Clements |
La Poile | Burgeo | Thomas Mauger |
La Poile, Great Harbor | Burgeo and La Poile | Francis Read |
Lark Harbor | St. George | Isaac Sheppard |
La Scie | St. Barbe | D.P. Duggan |
Lawn | Burin | Mrs. Susan Fitzpatrick |
Leading Tickles | Twillingate | Phoebe Alcock |
Lee Bight | Trinity | Isaac Adey |
Little Bay | Twillingate | Richard D. Walsh |
Little Bay East | Fortune | Susan Thornhill |
Little Bay Island | Twillingate | John Campbell |
Little Beaver Cove | Fogo | Thomas Elliott |
Little Codroy River | St. George | Alexander McIsaacs |
Little Placentia | Placentia and St. Mary's | Alexnader Burke |
Lord's Cove | Burin | Thomas Isaac |
Lower English Harbor | Fortune | Miss A. Hackett |
Lower Island Cove | Bay-de-Verds | George Cooper |
Manuel's | Harbor Main | Mrs. Sarah Kearney |
Marystown | Burin | James Gover |
Merasheen | Placentia and St. Mary's | Mary Hennessey |
Mobile | Ferryland | Daniel Fitzgerald |
Morton's Harbor | Twillingate | Mark Osmond |
Mose Ambrose | Fortune | Bessie Yarn |
Mosquito | Carbonear | Widow Walsh |
Musgrave Harbor | Fogo | John B. Wheeler |
Musgrave Town | Bonavista | Amy Brown |
New Bay | Twillingate | Peter Moore |
New Harbor | Trinity | Thomas Newhook |
Newman's Cove | Bonavista | Gilbert Tilley |
New Perlican | Trinity | Francis Howell |
Nipper's Harbor | Twillingate | S.J. Blackler |
Northern Arm | Harbor Main | Catherine Woodford |
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Northern Bay | Bay-de-Verds | Mary Hogan |
Northern Bight | Trinity | Edward Benson |
North River | Port-de-Grave | John Brian |
North West Arm | Twillingate | Frederick Martin |
Ochre Pit Cove | Bay-de-Verds | Bridget Perfect |
Oderin | Placentia and St. Mary's | Mary Maddocks |
Old Perlican | Bay-de-Verds | George Tuff |
Open Hall | Bonavista | George Shears |
Paradise | Placentia and St. Mary's | Patrick Haley |
Pass Island | Fortune | William Strickland |
Peddleton | Harbor Grace | Francis Peddle |
Perry's Cove | Bay-de-Verds | Rachael Kellaway |
Petites | Burgeo and La Poile | Jas. M. Arnold |
Petty Harbor | St. John's West | Jacob Bishop |
Pilley's Island | Twillingate | F.W. Andrews |
Placentia | Placentia and St. Mary's | Emma Bradshaw |
Plate Cove | Bonavista | John Cheevers |
Pool's Cove | Fortune | Henrietta Cross |
Pool's Island | Bonavista | .... |
Port-de-Grave | Port-de-Grave | James B. Butler |
Portugal Cove | St. John's East | Martin Bolger |
Pouch Cove | St. John's East | John Easterbrook |
Presque | Placentia and St. Mary's | S.L. Sullivan |
Pushthrough | Fortune | Henry Camp |
Rameo(sic) | Burgeo and La Poile | William Collins |
Ram's Island | Placentia and St. Mary's | David Fitzpatrick |
Red Island | Placentia and St. Mary's | Elizabeth Dunphy |
Rencontre | Fortune | Catherine Giovanni |
Rencontre | Burgeo and La Poile | Joseph Earle |
Renews | Ferryland | Margaret Jackman |
Riverhead | Harbor Grace | John Coady |
Riverhead, St. Mary's | Placentia and St. Mary's | Edward Lee |
Robinson's Bight | Trinity | Job Pilley |
Robinson's Head | St. George | Thomas W. Evans |
Rose Blanche | Burgeo and La Poile | Richard Furneaux |
Russell's Cove | Trinity | Stephen Durdell |
Sagona | Fortune | Stephen Snooks |
Saint Ann's | Harbor Main | Ann Denief |
St. Anthony | St. Barbe | Joseph Moore |
St. Bride's | Placentia and St. Mary's | James E. Conway |
St. George's | St. George | Charles R. Bishop |
St. Jacques | Fortune | Mrs. Julia Snelgrove |
St. John's City | St. John's | J.O. Fraser, P.M.G. |
St. John's City Central | St. John's | Mrs. Rouse |
St. John's City Garrison Hill | St. John's | Miss Delaney |
St. John's City King's Bridge | St. John's | Richard Hayes |
St. John's City Riverhead | St. John's | Henry Collis |
St. John's City South Side | St. John's | Leah Taylor |
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St. Lawrence | Fortune | M. Vavasseur |
St. Mary's | Placentia and St. Mary's | Patrick Walsh |
Salmon Cove, Gaster's | Harbor Main | Edward Kennedy |
Salmon Cove | Port-de-Grave | William Hussey |
Salmon Cove | Trinity | Frederick Gabriel |
Salmonier | Placentia and St. Mary's | Mrs. Carew |
Salmonier South | Placentia and St. Mary's | Bridget Cormack |
Salvage | Bonavista | James Burden |
Scilly Cove | Trinity | Jacob Hiscock |
Seal Cove | Bonavista | George Prince |
Seal Cove | Harbor Main | .... Morgan |
Seal Cove | Trinity | Jesse Buckler |
Seldom-Come-Bye | Fogo | P. Newell |
Ship Cove | Trinity | Mrs. Randall |
Shoal Bay | Trinity | Elias Jerritt |
Shoal Harbor | Trinity | James S. Butler |
Shoe Cove | Twillingate | George Morgan |
Sound Island | Placentia and St. Mary's | Philip Brown |
South Side, Har. Grace | Harbor Grace | Arch. Noseworthy |
S. Side, Bay St. George | St. George | Annie Morris |
Snook's Harbor | Trinity | William Smith |
Spaniard's Bay | Harbor Grace | Leah Earle |
Spoon Cove | Burin | George M. Goddard |
Stephenville | St. George | Joseph McLellan |
Stock Cove | Bonavista | Catherine Hynes |
Summerside | St. George | Thomas Carter |
Swain's Island | Bonavista | George Hann |
Sweet Bay | Bonavista | Mark Walker |
Thoroughfare | Trinity | Thomas Mills |
Three Arms | Twillingate | J.B. Wells |
Tickle Cove | Bonavista | Adam Skiffington |
Tilt Cove | Twillingate | William Cunningham |
Tilton | Harbor Grace | Stephen Gosse |
Tilton Harbor | Fogo | Martha Dwyer |
Tizzard's Harbor | Twillingate | Joseph Osmond |
Toad's Cove | Ferryland | Catherine Driscoll |
Topsail | Harbor Main | Joseph Moyse |
Torbay | St. John's East | Margaret Goss |
Trepassey | Placentia and St. Mary's | James L. Murphy |
Trinity | Trinity | Mary R. Buchanan |
Trinity East | Trinity | Reginald Mills |
Trouty | Trinity | Frederick Gover |
Troytown | Bonavista | .... |
Twillingate | Twillingate | Josiah Colborne |
Twillingate South | Twillingate | .... |
Upper Small Point | Bay-de-Verds | Grace Hayden |
Valen Island | Placentia and St. Mary's | Lucretia Lockyer |
Victoria Village | Carbonear | Sarah Powell |
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West'n Arm, Rocky Bay | Fogo | Matilda Parsons |
Western Bay | Bay-de-Verds | Jane Kennedy |
Western Cove | St. Barbe | William Rice |
West Point, La Poile | Burgeo and La Poile | Peter McDermot |
Whitbourne | Harbor Grace | Miss Spracklin |
White Rocks | Trinity | Aaron Stone |
Witless Bay | Ferryland | James Shanahan |
Woody Island | Placentia and St. Mary's | James B. Williams |
Transcribed by: Devon Griffin (2011)
Page Last Modified: Saturday July 09, 2011 (Don Tate)