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Adam's Cove | Bay-de-Verds | John Evans |
Amherst Cove | Bonavista | Thomas Ford |
Anchor Point | St. Barbe | William Genge |
Anderson's Cove | Fortune | James Thornhill |
Aquaforte | Ferryland | Peter Winsor |
Baine Harbor | Placentia and St. Mary's | Eli Gardner |
Bald Nap | Trinity | William Gulliford |
Bareneed | Port-de-Grave | George F. Payne |
Barons Island | Placentia and St. Mary's | Eliza Shea |
Bauline | St. John's | Jemima King |
Bay Bulls | Ferryland | Martin Burke |
Bay-de-Verds | Bay-de-Verds | Stephen Blundon |
Bay L'Argent | Fortune | Harriet Grandy |
Bay of Islands | St. George | William H. Bagg |
Bay Roberts | Harbor Grace | Hector Fraser |
Beau Bois | Burin | George Dober |
Belle Isle | St. John's | Matthew Jackman |
Belleoram | Fortune | Julia Cluett |
Benoit's Cove | St. George | James S. Evitt |
Birchy Head | St. Barbe | Henry Halfyard |
Bird Island Cove | Bonavista | Arthur Tilley |
Bishop's Cove | Harbor Grace | Herbert Barrett |
Blackhead | Bay-de-Verds | John C. Moores |
Black River | Placentia and St. Mary's | A.M. Blackadar |
Bonaventure | Trinity | William Field |
Bonavista | Bonavista | .... |
Bonne Bay | St. Barbe | John R. Roberts |
Boot Harbor | Twillingate | Frederick Thistle |
Boxey | Fortune | Clara N. Vallis |
Branch | Placentia and St. Mary's | John W. English |
Brent's Cove | St. Barbe | John Carroll |
Brigus | Port-de-Grave | Sarah Steutaford |
Britannia Cove | Trinity | Pierce Currie |
British Harbor | Trinity | Arthur Gardener |
Broad Cove | Bay-de-Verds | Jabez LeGrow |
Broad Cove | Bonavista | Patrick Lawton |
Broad Cove | St. John's | David Tucker |
Broad Cove, Smith's Sd. | Trinity | James Pilley |
Brooklyn | Bonavista | M.D. Stares |
Brunnette | Fortune | Ambrose Thornhill |
Burgeo | Burgeo and La Poile | John C. Cunningham |
Burgeo | Placentia and St. Mary's | James Chambers |
Burin | Burin | Thomas Winter |
Burnt Bay | Twillingate | Nathaniel Turner |
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Burnt Island | Bonavista | Garret Kelly |
Burnt Islands | Burgeo and La Poile | Philip H. Brock |
Burnt Point | Bay-de-Verds | Thomas Tucker |
Cape Broyle | Ferryland | Martin Cashin |
Cape Freels | Bonavista | William Hann |
Cape La Hune | Burgeo and La Poile | Robert Keeping |
Cape Norman | St. Barbe | John Brewer |
Caplin Bay | Ferryland | William Johnson |
Caplin Cove | Bay-de-Verds | Caroline Garland |
Carbonear | Carbonear | Tryphena Nicholl |
Catalina | Trinity | Cecilia Martin |
Cat Harbor | Fogo | Henry Robins |
Cat's Cove | Harbor Main | Thomas O'Brien |
Change Islands | Fogo | Justinian Dowell |
Channel | Burgeo and La Poile | Nathan Smith |
Clarke's Beach | Port-de-Grave | William Newell |
Clode Sound | Bonavista | Weston Spracklin |
Coachman's Cove | St. Barbe | William Breen |
Codroy | St. George | John Gillis |
Coley's Point | Harbor Grace | Mary A. French |
Colliers | Harbor Main | John Cole |
Collier's Bay Cove | Trinity | Uriah Thorne |
Conception Harbor | Harbor Main | Johanna Toole |
Conche | St. Barbe | Kate Dower |
Connaigre | Fortune | Sarah Harris |
Coomb's Cove | Fortune | Margaret Fiander |
Cottell's Island | Bonavista | Daniel Turner |
Cow Head | St. Barbe | John Payn, jr. |
Crabb's Brook | St. George | Mrs. J. Pike |
Cupid's | Port-de-Grave | Moses LeDrew |
Dildo | Trinity | Albert Smith |
Elliott's Cove | Trinity | Aaron Smith |
Englee | St. Barbe | Charles Hopkins |
English Harbor West | Fortune | William Evans |
English Harbor | Trinity | Henry G. Batston |
Exploits | Twillingate | Thomas Winsor |
Fair Islands | Bonavista | James Brown |
Fermeuse, North Side | Ferryland | William Trainor |
Fermeuse, South Side | Ferryland | John O'Shaughnessy |
Ferryland | Ferryland | John Morry |
Flat Islands | Bonavista | Mrs. Han. Sampson |
Flat Islands | Burin | Henry W. Crann |
Flat Rock | St. John's | James Burke |
Flower's Cove | St. Barbe | Richard Norman |
Fogo | Fogo | James Fitzgerald |
Fortune | Burin | John E. Lake |
Fortune Harbor | Twillingate | Richard Hamilton |
Fox Cove | Fortune | Miss Alice Hearne |
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Fox Harbor | Trinity | Eliza Seward |
Fox Harbor | Placentia and St. Mary's | Mrs. Bridget Duke |
Freshwater Road | St. John's | A. Du Bordieu |
Freshwater | Bay-de-Verds | William S. Davis |
Gambo | Bonavista | Simeon Osmond |
Gander Bay | Fogo | John Bursey |
Gargamelle | St. Barbe | William Langdon |
Garnish | Fortune | Sabina Grandy |
Gaultois | Fortune | Richard Bradshaw |
George's Brook | Trinity | Charles Pelley |
Georgetown, C.B. | Port-de-Grave | George Chalker |
Glover Town | Bonavista | Elijah Burry |
Gooseberry Island | Bonavista | Ambrose Jeans |
Goulds | St. John's West | Eml. Chafe |
Grand Bank | Burin | George R. Forsey |
Grand River Gut | St. George | John Rolls |
Grate's Cove | Bay-de-Verds | William Meadus |
Gravels | St. George | Mrs. Julia McDonald |
Great Burin | Burin | Benjamin Hollett |
Great Codroy | St. George | James Downey |
Green's Harbor | Trinity | Hezekiah Burt |
Greenspond | Bonavista | William Lang |
Grey Island | St. Barbe | James Breen |
Griguet | St. Barbe | William Alcock |
Grole | Fortune | John T. Jackman |
Hall's Bay | Twillingate | M. Curtis |
Hant's Harbor | Trinity | Jane A. Sealey |
Happy Adventure | Bonavista | James Handcock |
Harbor Britain | Fortune | Tryphena Birkett |
Harbor Buffett | Placentia and St. Mary's | Thomas E. Collett |
Harbor Grace | Harbor Grace | A. T. Drysdale |
Harbor Grace Junction | Harbor Grace | Miss Spracklin |
Harbor Main | Harbor Main | Johanna Ezekiel |
Harbor Mille | Fortune | Edwin G. Collis |
Harry's Harbor | Twillingate | Robert Upward |
Hatchet Cove | Trinity | Eliab Robbins |
Hauling Point | St. Barbe | James Y. Sparks |
Haystack | Placentia and St. Mary's | William Coffin |
Head of Fortune Bay | Fortune | Abigail Miles |
Heart's Content | Trinity | George Moore |
Heart's Delight | Trinity | Samuel Humphries |
Heart's Desire | Trinity | Miss Fanny Clark |
Hermitage Cove | Fortune | Martha Francis |
Herring Neck | Twillingate | Emily Miles |
Hickman's Harbor | Trinity | Joseph Pilley |
Hodge's Cove | Trinity | James Drover |
Holyrood | Harbor Main | Ellen Veitch |
Holyrood, St. Mary's | Placentia and St. Mary's | Daniel St. Croix |
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Indian Arm | Bonavista | Edward Humby |
Indian Islands | Fogo | Mrs. Elizabeth Collins |
Inner Island | Bonavista | Moses Davis |
Ireland's Eye | Trinity | Thomas Cooper |
Island Cove | Harbor Grace | John Crane |
Transcribed by: Devon Griffin (2011)
Page Last Modified: Saturday July 09, 2011 (Don Tate)