Newfoundland's Grand Banks Message Board

James White's Close Call
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Author:  Phen [ Tue Aug 08, 2017 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  James White's Close Call

Hi Everyone,
I thought I'd share a story about my 3x great-grandfather, as reported in the Twillingate Sun, 20 Sep, 1884. He was 58 years old at the time of the incident, which was a near-drowning in Harry's Harbor. Here is a transcription of the article:

Accident at Harry’s Harbor,
Green Bay

The friends of Mr. James White, formerly a resident of Twillingate, but now at Harry’s Harbor, will regret to learn that he has recently had a narrow escape from drowning. He left his home as usual for the fishing ground on Monday morning, August 25th. About 3 p.m. he had hauled up his grapnel, preparatory to returning, and had just put up the two sails of his boat, but before he could get to the sculling oar, a sudden squall came on, throwing the boat on her side, and partly precipitating him into the water; he manged however to hold on to the gunwale with both hands. He was now some distance from his home. His shouts for help could be heard a long way off, but no notice was taken for some time as the lads are frequently in the habit of calling one to the other. At length two inhabitants of Three Arms, W. Budgett and W. Strong, who were fishing off the Pinacle, more than a mile away, finding the cries still continued, made in the direction from whence they came. They succeeded in rescuing the unfortunate man from his perilous position, somewhat exhausted after an hour’s immersion. Had there been any more ballast in the boat it is thought she must have sunk. Mr. White, with his boat, however, safely reached shore, none the worse for the mishap with the exception of the loss of fish and line.

Author:  Phen [ Tue Aug 08, 2017 9:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: James White's Close Call

Correction, James White was 68 years old when the accident happened. He was born in 1816, Sixpenny Handley, Dorset.

Author:  Phen [ Sat May 05, 2018 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: James White's Close Call

As if that was not unfortunate enough, 14 years later, his house burned down! From The Twillingate Sun, Sep, 1898:

Fire at Harry's Harbor
By a fire which happened at Harry's Harbor, Green Bay, some time ago, the house of James White was destroyed. Very little furniture was saved; a large pot of provisions was also destroyed.

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