Hi, I have recently started building my family tree and I am stuck on my 2nd great grandparents, Henrietta Benson b1853 and William James Avery b1849. From the 1901, 1911 and 1921 Canadian Census it says they are both from Newfoundland. I found the birth Registry for their children and they were all born in Grates Cove except the youngest, William George Avery, he was born in St Johns. I can't figure out who Henrietta's or Williams parents are. My DNA is suggesting a Sarah Unknown and a Joseph Benson b1806 are Henrietta's parents, but when I look over other trees, and sources it looks like their Henrietta married a John Blundell.
This couple ended up coming to Toronto , Ontario in 1893. I branch from their son William George Avery.
Thanks for all help, Victoria