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 Post subject: How many Kehoe families
 Post Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 10:09 am 
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In the late 1700s and early 1800s, in Broad Cove, Kings Cove and Keels, how many Kehoe (Keough) familys were there? I read of Andrew Keough and Patrick Keough around 1816 being there. Are they brothers? There is also a Mary Keough that married Michael Harty in 1830 in Broad Cove, was she related to Andrew or Patrick Keough? I know Andrew and Patrick Keough have many descendants so I am just looking at the early years before 1825 of how many Keough family lines were there back at that time period when the population was very low ? Is Mary Keough related to Andrew Keough or Patrick Keough? The population of Broad cove in the late 1800s was only 176 so I can imagine in the early 1800s it had to be even smaller. That is a tiny community to have many different family lines with the same name, I am thinking. But I don't know. Keel and King Cove, although larger, still never had more than a 400 or 500 in population and I am thinking in the early 1800s, the populations must have been even smaller than that. I know there are Keoughs in the St Johns area, but would some who just across the Atlantic then migrate up to a tiny outpost north of Trinity? Any ideas or facts would be appreciated

 Post subject: Re: How many Kehoe families
 Post Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 1:51 pm 
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For Tintern
More information on Samuel Lewis' Topographical Dictionary of Ireland (1837)
Accompanying Lewis map for Wexford



SALT MILLS, a village, in the parish of TINTERN, barony of SHELBURNE, county of WEXFORD, and province of LEINSTER, 2? miles (N.) from Fethard ; containing 206 inhabitants. The village of Tintern, which was contiguous to the abbey of that name, the property of Caesar Colclough, Esq., was taken down within the last 20 years, and rebuilt upon the townland of Salt Mills, by which name it is now more generally known. It is situated on the western side of an inlet of the sea, called Bannow bay, and in 1831 contained 29 houses and cottages, all neatly white-washed, and several of them painted and ornamented in front with small gardens. The female inhabitants are mostly employed in straw-platting and bonnet-making, which are carried on to some extent ; and some of the males are employed in fishing. A school for boys and a dispensary are entirely supported by Mr. Colclough.

TINTERN, or KINNEAGH, a parish, in the barony of SHELBURNE, county of WEXFORD, and province of LEINSTER, 3 miles (N.) from Fethard, on the road from Wexford to Duncannon Fort ; containing 2602 inhabitants. This place derives its name from a monastery founded here by William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, after his escape from shipwreck off this coast in the year 1200, in fulfilment of a vow made during his peril, in which, after its endowment and dedication to the Blessed Virgin, he placed monks from the Cistertian abbey of Tintern, in the county of Monmouth, whence it obtained the appellation of Tintern-Minor. In 1447 the monastery had suffered such dilapidation that the abbot rebuilt the house at his own expense, and on that occasion obtained an act exempting him from all compulsory attendance in parliament. The parish is bounded on the south-east by the bay of Bannow, and on the north-east by the river Blackwater : it comprises 6528 statute acres ; about one-half consists of arable land, and the remainder of meadow and pasture, with a considerable portion of bog ; the soil is fertile, and the system of agriculture is much improved, green crops for winter feeding having been introduced with success ; and the cottages of the farmers and peasantry exhibit a considerable degree of neatness and comfort. The village of Tintern, which was contiguous to the abbey, was taken down some years since and rebuilt on the townland of Saltmills, by which name it is now more generally known, and it is described under that head. An inlet from Bannow bay is navigable to the old bridge near the abbey for lighters bringing limestone and coal ; and there is a small fishery. Fairs are held at Tintern on May 12th, Sept. 21st, and Nov. 11th, and at Nash on June 24th, Aug. 15th, and Nov. 20th : it is a station of the constabulary police. Tintern, the property of Caesar Colelough, Esq., and now the residence of his agent, J. W. Goff, Esq., is beautifully situated in a sequestered spot near the margin of the bay, and in the midst of a richly wooded demesne ; the family mansion has been formed principally from the chancel of the ancient conventual church, of which the tower and part of the walls form a picturesque feature in the grounds ; but from the frequent alterations which the abbey has undergone, these ruins have lost much of their original character. Subsequently to the formation of the present mansion, the ancient domestic buildings were removed, and the materials were used in the erection of the old chapel of ease near the abbey, and in that of the bridge before mentioned. About half way between Tintern and Clonmines is Thorla, or Tallough, the pleasantly situated residence of Mr. Geo. Hughes, supposed to occupy the site of an ancient religious house called Midway, from its position between the monasteries of Tintern and Clonmines.

The living is an impropriate curacy, in the diocese of Ferns, united in 1785 to those of Owenduffe and Clonmines, and in the patronage of Caesar Colclough , Esq., in whom the rectories are impropriate, and who allows the officiating minister a stipend of #32. 6. 1?., augmented by #60 from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners ; the tithes, amounting to #300, have merged into the rental of the land. The impropriate cures of Clongeen and Kilcowanmore are also attached to this union for the performance of clerical duties. The church, a neat edifice in the later English style, with a square tower crowned with pinnacles, was erected in 1818, at an expense of about #1000, of which #600 was a loan from the late Board of First Fruits ; the remainder was assessed on the parishes of the union. In the R. C. divisions the parish is the head of a union or district, comprising also the parishes of Ballylennon (or Rosegarland), Clonmines, Clongeen, Owenduff, Inch, and Newbawn. The chapel at Ballycallane is an ancient and spacious building, near which a residence for the priest has been lately erected ; and at Rathnagusseran is a handsome modern chapel, adjoining which also is a residence for the priest : the chapels of Clongeen and St. Leonard also belong to this district. A school at Saltmills is supported by Mr. Colclough, and a school-house has been lately erected at Ballycullane : in these and in the private schools of the parish about l60 children are educated. On digging the foundations for the present mansion at Thorla, a piscina and a great number of bones were discovered ; the latter were interred under a tumulus in the grounds, and the former removed to the R. C. chapel. In the old chapel adjoining the abbey is a large table monument to Sir Anthony Colclough, Knt., who is recorded to have first arrived in Ireland im the 34th of Hen. VIII., as captain of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, in which and other offices of state he continued during the reigns of Edw. VI., Mary, and Elizabeth, and died in 1584.

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Copyright © John Grenham 2019 who are researching the early Keough or Kehoe of the king's Cove Broad Cove area, you might be interested in this: Mary Kehoe who married Michael harty in 1830 was from Tintern,Wexford Ireland.

 Post subject: Re: How many Kehoe families
 Post Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 8:28 pm 
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Looking at Griffith's valuation for 1847, even though that is about a half century after Mary Keough, from Duntara, left Tintern, Wexford Ireland and married Michael Harty in 1830. It shows in the townland of Ballycullane in Tintern, two Keoughs, a Mary Keough and a Parick Keough. Are they related, I don;t know. Does anyone know if the Patrick and Andrew Keough in the early King;s Cove records of 1816 are also from Tintern?

 Post subject: Re: How many Kehoe families
 Post Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 3:38 pm 
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There is a One-Name Study being done on the Keough Family by Tessa Keough and this is here site. Could be a good source.

 Post subject: Re: How many Kehoe families
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:41 pm 
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I am new here, so maybe you already have this information by now. I am a direct descendant of this family. Andrew Keough (1784-) was from St. Mullins, County Carlow, Ireland. He had a brother, Patrick (1795-1876) but I don't have any record of a sister, Mary. The two brothers came to NL around 1810).

Andrew Keough (1832-1904) had a brother Patrick (1816-) and a sister Mary (1821-1878).

Andrew Keough (1847-) married Charlotte Keats (1858-). If you have any information on their children, I would appreciate hearing from you. I know about Susanna, Bridget and Mary as well as two illegitimate children of Charlotte's (Albert and Amelia). It is Albert and Amelia that I am looking for information about.

Thank you

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